=========================================================== EASYNET Custom Control for Visual Basic Version 1.61 Copyright © Patrick Lassalle, 1994, 1995. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Patrick Lassalle 247, Avenue du Marechal Juin 92100 Boulogne France Tel.: 33 1 46 03 42 20 Compuserve ID: 100325,725 April 12, 1995 =========================================================== -------- Contents -------- Part Description ---- ----------- 1 What is EasyNet Custom Control? 2 New version enhancements 3 Technical info 4 Notes on running the demo program 5 How to register? -------------------------------------------- Part 1 - What is EasyNet Custom Control? -------------------------------------------- EasyNet is a "vbx" (Visual basic Custom Control) which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram: * workflow * data base diagram * organigrams * communication networks * state transition diagrams * etc... INTERACTIVITY ------------- An EasyNet diagram contains nodes and those nodes can be linked. Drawings can be made interactively or programmaticaly: * Network items (nodes or links) may have attributes which can be easily modified (shape, colors, pen width or style, etc) * Pictures (icon, bitmap or metafile) may be displayed inside nodes. * You can move, resize, stretch each item. * Multiselection allowed * Transparent items, sleeping items, hided items etc... * Links can be oriented or not. * Links can be composed of several segments. * 4 link arrowhead shapes OPEN ---- * You can associate data (text, picture, integer, reference to other data like a database record) to each item. * METAFILE copy: you can copy an EasyNet diagram onto the clipboard and paste it in Window Write, in PaintBrush, Excel, Winword, WordPerfect, in a VB picture, etc... And the result can be resized. For instance, you may paste the metafile in a Winword document, double-click on the picture, adjust the margins so that there's room for other drawing objects, use the drawing tools to draw some lines, circles, etc, close the picture, select it, copy it to the clipboard, etc... Try this with Welcome demo. * METAFILE saving. You may save an image of your EasyNet diagram on disk as a metafile. NAVIGATION ---------- You can navigate in the EasyNet diagram (for instance, get every nodes linked to one given node). CUSTOMIZABLE ------------ Many properties and events allow you to "customize" your diagramming application (CanDrawNode, CanSizeNode, CanStretchLink, ReadOnly, ScrollBars, etc...). -------------------------------------------- Part 2 - New version enhancements -------------------------------------------- Minor enhancements this time! * PointedItem property that allows to see which item the mouse is over. * DisplayHandles property. If set to False, the selecting handles are not displayed. + change of address! + new: Corporate Site Licensing! ----------------------------------------- Part 3 - Technical info ----------------------------------------- Interface --------- EasyNet programmatic interface contains: * 85 properties (26 standards) * 17 events (12 standards) * 0 method All those properties and events are described in EASYNET.HLP file. Compatibility ------------- EasyNet can work in every versions of Visual Basic. Therefore, it can also be used with every host environment that is "VB 1 level" compatible (Visual C++, Borland C++ 4.0, SQL Windows, DBase for Windows, Delphi, etc...). Misc ---- * EasyNet is a container for other controls. * Limits for one EasyNet control: - 1000 nodes. - 1000 links. - 15 segments for each link. - the total amount of memory available for all the displayed text in one EasyNet control is 64 K. - the total amount of memory available for all the tag text (see ItemTag property) in one EasyNet control is 64 K. ------------------------------------------ Part 4 - Notes on running demo programs ------------------------------------------ This ZIP file contains the following files: WELCOME.EXE A demo without source files. PROJECT1.MAK (First Demo source files) FORM1.FRM ABOUT1.FRM MODULE1.BAS PROJECT2.MAK (Second Demo source files) FORM2.FRM ABOUT2.FRM PROJECT3.MAK (Third Demo source files) FORM3.FRM ABOUT3.FRM MDI3.FRM PROJECT4.MAK (Fourth Demo source files) FORM4.FRM ABOUT4.FRM PROJECT5.MAK (Fifth Demo source files) FORM5.FRM ABOUT5.FRM EASYNET.VBX EasyNet Custom Control EASYNET.HLP EasyNet help file. README.TXT This text file. Remarks: -------- * EASYNET.VBX and EASYNET.HLP should be copied in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. * If you don't know EasyNet, you should run first WELCOME.EXE. * First demo allows to draw diagrams, save them in files and print them. It shows also how to add a keyboard interface and how to change cursor shape using "PointedArea" property. Note that the saving procedure used in this program is just an example. You should adapt it to your needs or rewrite a better procedure. * Second demo focuses on EasyNet capabilities. * Third shows how to use EasyNet in the case of a network application. It is a MDI sample application. The following properties are illustrated: Picture, Transparent, DrawStyle. * Fourth demo shows how to combine node and link adds into a single step: you bring the mouse cursor into the handle at the center of the selected node, press the left button, move the mouse towards the other node. When you release the left button, a node is created at this place and a link between the origin node and this one is created also. This demo needs xScroll and yScroll properties. * Fifth demo illustrates node text Alignment property. ------------------------------------------ Part 5 - How to register? ------------------------------------------ The demonstration version of the EasyNet control is FULLY FUNCTIONAL but may only be used in the development environment. If you generate an EXE file with this version of the EasyNet control but without an EasyNet license file, then any attempt to use this EXE file will display a dialog box explaining that it has been generated without license file and the control will not work correctly. If you like EasyNet control then you can receive EasyNet license file by registering as follows: 1) EITHER in the SWREG forum on Compuserve: LICENSE TYPE | SWREG ID | Price | -----------------------|----------|---------| Single User | 2547 | $ 119 | -----------------------|----------|---------| 3-5 Users | 5487 | $ 350 | -----------------------|----------|---------| Unlimited User License | 5488 | $ 650 | -----------------------|----------|---------| Then you will receive the EasyNet license file by Compuserve E-Mail and the registration fee will be billed to your Compuserve Account. This is a quick and easy way to register EasyNet. 2) EITHER by completing and sending the Order Form (see help file), along with a check for: License Type | Price (US) | Price (French) | -----------------------|-------------|----------------| Single User | $ 125 | FF 625 | -----------------------|-------------|----------------| 3-5 Users | $ 356 | FF 1780 | -----------------------|-------------|----------------| Unlimited User License | $ 656 | FF 3280 | -----------------------|-------------|----------------| (Those prices include s&h) to: Patrick Lassalle 247, Avenue du Marechal Juin 92100, Boulogne FRANCE Then, you will receive the EasyNet license file on diskette. In return for your registration you receive these benefits: - a license file giving a royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the control file EasyNet.vbx with any application that you develop and distribute. THIS LICENSE FILE IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION. - full product support (via the MSBASIC forum on Compuserve) for a period of 12 months. - the right to use EasyNet in your design environment. NOTES: All registered users of EasyNet are entitled to a free upgrade to version 1.61 and have just to use the new version together with their current license file. I hope you will appreciate EasyNet. Thanks for your feedbacks or questions!