HYPERVB NEEDED TO RUN: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL DISTRIBUTION: May be freely distributed in its entirety KEYWORDS: HyperVB, hypertext, format, multimedia, kiosk, font, text, VB, Visual Basic DESCRIPTION: HyperVB v1.2, developed by Data Preference, will enable you to create multi-font formatted text boxes and hypertext links within your own Visual Basic applications. HyperVB is an ideal choice for multimedia, kiosk, and database applications that require formatted text and/or hypertext. HyperVB is built from standard Visual Basic controls and code modules - no 3rd-party VBXs or DLLs are needed. Here are some of HyperVB's features: Standard Font Styles - Type Face, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Size, and Color. Text Shadowing - Gives the appearance of raised, inset, or shadowed text. Select Formatting - Font attributes can be directly applied to text by the developer, or by the user using the standard mouse selection method. Search Formatting - HyperVB will also accept a list of key search words or phrases; all occurrences of these key items in any text document opened by HyperVB will automatically be highlighted. Hypertext Links - Each formatted item can be a hypertext link to other documents, code, or applications. A different mouse cursor of your choice can be displayed as the mouse is moved over hypertext items. Store Documents in Files or Database - All formatted documents can be stored in either files or an Access database. formatted documents can also be created on-the-fly entirely in code. ********* This ZIP file contains a hypertext file viewer/formatter built using HyperVB; run HYPERVB.EXE. For further information on HyperVB, read the document that first loads with this viewer. For ordering information read the ORDER.WRI or ORDER.TXT file. The ORDER.WRI file can be accessed via a hypertext link from within the HyperVB document. You can also register HyperVB via CompuServe by typing GO SWREG (ID# 5201) You can reach us by e-mail at 70162.1037@Compuserve.com