>>>>> Modified DARK FORCES Mission 10 - Jabba's Ship <<<<< Revenge THIS IS NOT A NEW MISSION !!! IT IS A MODIFIED MISSION 10. All difficulty levels are the same - BRUTAL !! - If you can beat this mission without being laimlame, then you truly are - << THE KING OF ALL BOUNTY HUNTERS >> This zipfile consists of 4 files < JABSHIP.O > < READ_ME.TXT > and 2 PCX images. Only the first file (jabship.o) is neccessary to run this mission. Copy this file to your Dark Forces directory < c:\dark >, then start the game as you normally would. Load Mission 10 < Jabba's Ship >, and the modified mission will begin. To restore the original mission 10, just delete the above file from the DF directory. It will not damage the original mission in any way. _____________________________________________________________________ Briefing: During an attempt to bring Jabba the Hutt to justice, Jan, all your gear, and the Nava Card from your ship were captured. Now it's up to you to get your gear back, find the Nava Card and Rescue Jan. Be prepared for anything. Jabba is aware of your abilities and will be expecting a rescue attempt. Our intelligence sources report that Jabba may have acquired advanced Imperial weapons technology, in return for smuggling supplies to the Empire's secret research and development facilities, under the direct command of General Mohc. Extreme caution is advised. Unconfirmed sources report that one or more Mandalorian Mercenaries may be working for Jabba at the present time. You are hereby authorized to terminate any Mercenaries that may be encountered, with extreme prejudice. ( ......I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds cool ). ____________________________________________________________________ You'll need to find ALL the secrets to get through this mission. Good Luck! (better download the FAQ List). Check out the PCX images. Use PAINTBRUSH or any PCX viewer. E-Mail to << cmdrkrud@aol.com >> << 72734,2553@compuserve.com >> Upload this mission anywhere, anytime, anyway - as long as it's free. Use at your own risk. Thanks to Don Sielke - Jedi Master - for the editing tips. Thanks to Karsten Loepelmann for an excellent FAQ. Thanks to LucasArts for a GREAT game. WE WANT MORE!! ____________________________________________________________________