VSUMX 9507 Copyright (c) 1990-95 by Patricia M. Hoffman. All rights reserved. Patricia M. Hoffman Telephone: (408) 988-3773 3333 Bowers Avenue Suite 130 Fax: (408) 988-2438 Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA BBS: (408) 244-0813 aVTK/N above action activates activation added additional after aliases alias allocation altered anti-Pascal anti-viral anything appear approximately april attempting attempts august available based becomes become beginning being below besides boundary bulgaria bytes cHKDSK cOMMAND.COM cPAV/N certification changed changes change characters command common contains contain corruption current dark Avenger date/time december decreased decrease delete described detection Method directory direct discovered discovery diskettes diskette displayed display drive eff Length encrypted errors error europe executed execute execution experience f-Prot family february file's files first following found functionally general Comments growth hangs hooked iBMAV/N iBMAV including increase indicated infected infecting infection infector infects infect information innoc install interrupts interrupt isolated isolation itself january jerusalem keyboard known lProt length listing located master memory messages message nShld naughty Hacker nAV/N netherlands non-Resident non-resident november nProt occassionally occurred occur october opened originally original origin other overwrite overwriting overwritten parasitic partition point previously program's programs program properly pS-MPC received removal Instructions replicate resident result return screen sectors sector september similar stealth stoned strings string submitted sweep/N sweep symptoms systems system table their there these though total uTScan uninfected united States unknown updated v Status vBuster vi-Spy variant(s) variants variant version vienna violator viral virexPC viron viruScan virus Name virus visible which COLORS=1f,1e,0f,1b,1e,1d,0f,,1f,1f,1f,1f,1f,1f,1e,11,1f,1e,11,18,0f,,,, DISABLECOPY=1 (C)=HyperText VSUM Copyright (c) 1990-95 by Patricia M. Hoffman (408)988-3773 THINSCROLLBAR=1 _CA=Copyright (c) 1990-95 by Patricia M. Hoffman. _CB=All rights reserved. _CD=Patricia M. Hoffman Telephone: (408) 988-3773 _CE=3333 Bowers Avenue Suite 130 Fax: (408) 988-2438 _CF=Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA BBS: (408) 244-0813 _BA=fff5,ffee,45,05, F1:Help _BB=0002,ffc4,00,00,F2:Menu _BC=ffec,ffe1,53,03,F4:Srch _BD=ffed,ffe7,50,03,F5:Print _BE=ffe5,ffe8,4f,04,F7:Color _BF=ffee,ffef,57,06,F8:Viewed _BG=fffb,002d,2d,02,<<- _BH=fffa,002b,2b,00,+>> _BI=fffe,ffd3,58,05,F10:Exit _BJ=fffc,ffd0,42,06,ESC:GoBack _BK=ffe9,ffc0,00,00,F6:Credits _BL=ffef,ffbd,00,00,F9:Files _BM=fff9,ffc3,00,00,F3:Index _BN=ffea,ffa9,00,00,SearchAgain _MA=0000,0000,56,00,VSUM Sections _MB=0585,0000,57,02,A Word From Patricia... _MC=0620,0000,55,0c,Licensing VSUM _MD=0623,0000,41,00,Authorized VSUM Agents _ME=058c,0000,43,00,Certification Data and Info _MF=0609,0000,52,05,VSUM Revision History _MG=ffff,0000,00,00,- _MH=0003,0000,49,06,Virus Index by VSUM Virus Name _MI=0588,0000,4e,07,Common Name Cross-Reference _MJ=05b9,0000,54,06,Viral Type Cross-Reference _MK=058a,0000,4c,00,Length Cross-Reference _ML=05c1,0000,4f,00,Origin Cross-Reference _MM=05f2,0000,50,0b,Relationship Charts _MN=05b5,0000,44,12,Virus Activiation Dates _MO=ffff,0000,00,00,- _MP=058b,0000,53,0b,Common Virus List _MQ=05ed,0000,45,06,Virus Entry Fields _MR=05b6,0000,4d,00,McAfee Scan-IDs FZPAPN Hyper Patricia M. Hoffman's zSummary List (tmi The Reference for all MS-DOS H y p e r T e x t may not be used in a business, corporation, organization, government, or agent en ment out a negotiated site license. Copyright (c) -95 by Patricia M. Hoffman. All rights reserved. 3 Bowers Ave Suite 130, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: (408)988-3773 PZPAPN Alpha Index PL* \ ! P \ 5 ` c Alphabetic Index 2KB 4-days 4Res 10 Past 3 99% 334 391 500 572 621 702 834 923 1008 1024 Print 1024 SBC 1067 1210 1226 1241 1244 1260 1308 1385 1392 1403 1452 1575 1605 1661 1689 1720 1784 1804 1835 1840 1963 2153 2559 2560 2623 3040 3445- 4096 5120 7808 A&A A-Bomb Abal ABC Abraxas 5 Accept.3619 AcidWarp Acvt Adolf Hitler Adolph African 109 Agena AIDS II AirCop Akuku Alabama Alameda Albania Albanian Alex-368 Alexander Alfa All Sys 9 Alpha-743 Ambulance Car Andre Andromeda 1.0 Andromeda 1.1 Angarsk Animus Anna Anthrax Antimon Anti-D Anti-DAF Anti-Tel AntiCMOS Anti Antipode Anto Appelscha Aragon Aragorn Arale Arara ARCV 330 ARCV Friends ARCV Xmas ARCV-670 ARCV-n Arf Argentina Armagedon Arriba Arusiek Ash Ashar ASP-472 Astra AT144 Atas Atas II AtomAnt 3.0 Atomic 1 Atomic 2 Attack Attention! Attention-629 Aurea Aussie Dir Aussie Parasite Australian Australian 403 Australian Avispa AVV-2300 Axe-1024 Azusa B&B Baba Back BackFont-896 Bad Boy Bad-389 Badsec Bad Bandit Baobab Barcelona Baron Barrotes Basilisk Beast-N-Black Bebe Beeper Beer Belgium-320 Benoit Berlusca Best Wishes Beta Beware Big Bang Big Joke Big-2000 Bios Bit Addict Bizarre Black Hawk Black Monday Black Wizard Blinker Blinky Bljec Blood Blood Rage Blood Sugar Bloody Warrior Bloody! Bobo Bomber Boojum (Killer Boys Brain Brainy Brazilian Bug Breaking Breeze Bryansk Bubonic Burghofer Burma.563 Butterflies Butt Stink ButtUgly Cacophony Cadkill Cannabis Cansu Capicua Capitall Cara Career Of Evil Carfield Carioca Cartuja Carzy Cascade Casino Casper Casteggio Catman Caz CB-1530 CCCP-510 CD Cerburus Chad Chang Changu Mangu Chaos Chaos Year Chaser CheckSum Cheeba Chemmy Chemnitz Chile Mediera Chill China CHR-869 Chris Christmas Tree Chromo 1.0 Cinderella Civil War CLME Clone 2.0 Clonewar Close CLS-853 CMagic Cmdr Bomber Cobra Cocaine Coffeeshop-1568 Collor de Mello 9wealth Commy Como Congrats Connie Consumed Cop-Com Copyright Cossiga Costeau Coyote CPSU-2535 Cpxk Cracker Jack Crash Crazy Eddie Crazy Imp Crazy Priest Creeper Crew-2480 Criminal Crucifix Cruncher Crusher CSL Curse IV Curse Cyber Cybercide CyberTech Cysta Dad Dada Damage DAME Dark End Dark Lord Darkray Datacrime DataLock Davis Day10 dBASE Dead-790 Deaf Death Dragon Deicide Dejmi Democracy Demolition Demon Viper Den Zuk Deranged Desperado Dest Destructor V4.00 Devil's Dance Devils & Evangels Dewdz Diamond Dichotomy Dicker Die Digger Dima Dinky Dir Dir-2 Dirty Discom MKiller Dismember Distrust DLSU DNR Do-Nothing Doctor Qumak 2 DoDo DoDo 2456 Doom II Doomsday DOS-1 DOS3 DOS7 DOSHunter Dostepu DOSVer Dot Killer Doubleheart Dreamer Drop Dutch 555 Dutch Dzino Ear Ebbelwoi ECU ECW-X Edcl Egg-1000 Eight Tunes Ein Volk Einstein Eliza Elvis-1250 Emmie Emo-899 End Of Enemy Enemy Enigma Enola Estepa EVCZ Evil Evil Empire Exebug Experiments Experiments-416 Explosion Exunt Faerie Fairz Father Father Christmas FeelBad Feist Fellowship Fich Fichv-896 Fifo @11-537 Filler Fingers Finnish-709 FireFly Fish Fish Fisher Fission Five Eights Flagyll Flash Flex Flip Flower Flue Fly 1.1 Foetus 1.1 FoneSex Forger FORM- Frajer-649 Freddy fw-692 Freak Frere Jacques Friday 13th Friends Frodo Soft Frogs Fu Manchu Funeral Fungus Fuse Box Dwarf FWord-383 G2 Geek Genc Genesis Geodesic 2.0 Gergana Ghostballs Gidra-469 Gingerbread Man Gippo Gipsy-304 Gliss Globe Gnose Godoy GoldGeld Golgi Gollum Gorlovka Gosia Got-You Gotcha Granada Grapje Graveyard-479 Green Caterpillar-1989 Green Joker Gremlin Grither Groen Links Grog 3.1 Groove Growing Block Groz-999 Grunt-1 Guillon Guppy Gusano Ha Hacktic Hafenstrass Hafenstrass 2 Haifa Hallo-496 Halloechen Halloween Hambone Hamster Handi-215 Happy Happy New Year lDays Harm-1082 Hary Anto Hates-213 Helicopter Hell Hellween Hero Hero-394 Hexametricx HH&H Hi HiDos Highlander Hiperion Hitchcock HLLS Hobbit Holiday Holocaust Hominy Honey Horror Horse Human Greed Hungarian Hungarian 482 Hybryd Hydra Hymn Ice 9 Icelandic Idle Ienez Ieronim Ignorant IKV 528 Ilja-1704 Imi Incest Incom y.736 Infinity Inky Interceptor Internal Intruder Invader Invol Ionkin Iper Iranian Iraqui Warrior Iron Umbrella Istanbul It Italian 803 Italian Boy Itavir Jack James Bond Japanese Christmas Jasmine Jason JD Jeff Jericho Jerk 11-30 -Haifa Joanna JoJo JoJo 2 Joker Joker 2 Joker-1602 Jos Joshi Joshua Julia-1000 Jump Junior Junkie Just.398 K-4B K-4C K-Hate Kalah Kali-4 Karin Karlik Kato Keeper Kemerovo Keydrop KeyKap Keypress Kiev 483 Kiev 2049 Kipa Kiwi-550 Klaeren Klepavka KLF-356 Kode4 Kohntark Kohn_6 Koko Kolumna Kommuna Korea Kremikovtzi Krivmous Kthulhu Kuku-448 Kuang Label Lancs Larry Late Night Laufwerk Lazy LCT Leech Legalize Lehigh Leningrad II Liberty Liberty-2 Liberty-1172 Lippi-286 Lisbon Literak Little Br Little Girl Little Pieces Little Red Little-139 Lo Tek Loa Duong LockUp Lockup 3.0 Loki Lokjaw Lord-933 Los-693 LoveChild-2710 LowerCase Lozinsky LPT Off Luca-309 Lucifer Lucky7 Lurve LV 1.2 Lycee Lythyum LZRQ M.I.R. Maaike Macedonia MacGyver Mad Magician Magnitogorsk 2048 Malaga Malaise Malign Malmsey Maltese Amoeba Mannequin Manola Manta Marauder March 25th Mardi Bros Mark II Marked-X Marl Marzia Matura Max.347 Mayak Mayberry Medical Meditation Lapse Mercenary Mercy Merry Xmas Meta-2048 Metallica II Mexican Mud MGTU Mich II Michelangelo Micro 128 Microbes Micropox Miky Milano Milena Ming MiniMax Minimite Ministry Minsk Ghost Mirage Mirror Mithrandir Mix1 Mix2 MMIR Moctezumas Revenge Mohova Monika-686 Monkey Mono Month 4-6 Monxla Monxla B Mordor.1110 More-649 Mosquito MPS 1.1 MPS 3.1 MPS 3.2 MPS 4.01 MPS II-754 Mr. D Mr. G MShark MSTU Mugshot Mule Multi 1.1 Multi Child Multi-123 Multi-Face Mummy Munich Murphy MusicBug Mutagen Mutant Mutation ~ MVF MX-335 My Child Mystic-377 Nanite Narcosis Natas Nazgul NaziPhobia NCU LI Necro Fear Necro Shadow Necrosoft Dementia NeverMind Newcom NGV Nina Nines Ninja Nipple No Frills No_Smoking NoBock NoInt Nomenklatura Not-586 NPox NR-481 NRLG NTit NTKC Null Set Null-178 Number 6 NYB Nygus Nympho 1.0 Offspring Ohio Oi Dudley OMud-512 OMT One Half Ontario Ontario 730 Ontario III Oropax Osiris Otto6 Outland Oxana Pa Panic Parasite Paris Parity Parity Particle Man Path Pathhunt Patient Paturuzu Pay Rise PC Flu PC Flu-2 PCBB Peace Man Pegg-833 Pentagon Penza Perfume Phalcon.894 Phantom Phoenix Phoenix 2000 PhoenixD Piazzolla Pila Ping Pong Pinky Pinworm Pirate 1344 Pisello Pitch Piter-1228 Pixel Pixie Plastique Plastique-B Platov Play Tetris Plovdiv 1.1 Plovdiv 1.3 Plumbum Plutto Poem Poet Pogue Poison Pojer Polifemo Polimer Polish 217 Polish 529 Polish 583 Polish Polish-376 Poor Man Porridge Positron Possessed PPSP Praying Predator Pregnant Press Prime Print PrintMonster Problem Protecto Protipus Proud Psychosis Puke-393 PV-81 Pysk Python QMU Quake Queens Quiet Quick Quirk R-10 R-11 Radyum Rael Rage Rajaat RAM Random Raptor Rasek Rattle RaubKopie Raver Reaper Red Diavolyata RefRef Reklama Relzfu Reset Revenge Attacker Revelation Reverse.A Rider Rigor Riihi RIP-699 Ripper RNA Rocko Roguey Rosen RPVS RSP-1876 RTL4 Rubbit Ryazan Rybka Sabbath Saddam Sadist Sandwich Satan.599 Satyricon Sayha Watpu Saturday The 14TH Schrunch-420 Scorpio Scott's Valley Scramble Scream Scroll Scythe SeaCat Search-1000 Seat Self Semtex Sentinel Serena Seventh Son Shadow Shake Shaker Shaman Shanghai Shield Shifter Shiny Happy Shirley Shizol Shizu Shock Therapy Sicilian Mob Signs Silence Silly SillyOR Silly Silly-365 Simple Simulati Sinep Siskin Sistor Skater Skew-469 Skid Row Skynet Skull Slayer Sleepwalker Slime Slovak Slow Slub Sluknov Small ARCV Small Small-115 Small-145 Small-178 Smaug Smiley SNA Socha Sofia Term Solano 2000 thing Sonik Youth Sorlec Sorry Soupy Spanish Spanish Fools Spanz Sparkle Sparse Split Split Second Spring Spyer Squawk Squeaker Squisher Staf Stahl Stanco StarDot 600 StarDot 789 StarDot 801 Stasi Sterculius Steryd Sticky StinkFoot Stone`90 Storm-1163 Storyteller Striker #1 Student-776 Stupid-1355 Suicidal Sunday Sunday-2 Sundevil Suriv 1.01 Suriv 2.01 Suriv 3.00 Suriv 4.02 Surrender Susan SVC 3.1 SVC 4.0 SVC 5.0 SVC 6.0 SVC-2936 SVC.3241 Sverdlov SVir Swap Swedish Boys Swedish Disaster Swiss 143 Swiss Phoenix Sword Sybille Sylvia Sylwia Synergy Syrian SysLock TBug-634 Tabulero Tack Tadpoles Tai-Pan Taiwan Taiwan 3 Taiwan 4 Taiwan_Over Tajfun Talentless Tamanna Tamper Tankard Tao Cheng Tatou Taurus Tchantches TechnoRat Telecom Ten Tequila Terminator Terminator-2294 Terminator-3549 Tester The Click Thimble Thirty Three Timid Timor Tiso TMTM Tobacco Todor Tokyo Tolbuhin Tomato Tony Tony Tormentor Tormentor-205 Totoro TPWorm Traceback Traceback 3029 Traceback II Trakia Traveller Tremor Trident Trigger Troi Tu-482 Tula Tumen Turbo Turn.557 Tver-308 Twin-351 Twister Typo Typo UFA-1201 Ugur Ultimation Under 7 UnExe Unhandled Unk Urfydus Uruguay Uruk-hai UVR V-160 V-3n V270x V351 V388 V483 V651 V800 V801 V82 V1024 V2000 V2100 V2P2 V2P6 Vacsina Vampire Varicell VCL VCM VComm Veronika VFSI VHP2 Vicious Vico Victor Viking Vinchuca Vindicator Violetta Violite Viperize VirDem VirDem-792 VirDem-1542 Vivaldi Vivat VLamix VMem Voice-1495 Voodoo Voronezh Voronezh-370 Voronezh-Chemist Vote Vriest VS-2790 VVF 3.4 VX-163 W13 Walker Wally Wanderer Warez-1341 Warning Warrior Warsaw-850 Wasp Wave Weak Were Here Western Ukraine Westwood Whale Wharps Wild Thing 2 istrover III Windmill WinVir Wisconsin Witch Wlasnie Wolfman Wonderful WordSwap World Peace Worm-16850 Worm-17690 Wrzod WW-658 WXYC X-2 Xandu Xpeh Xuxa Yafo YAM-3599 Yankee Doodle Yankee 2 YB.Old Scribe Year Youth Zaphod Zaragosa Zero Bug ZeroHunt Zherkov ZK900 ZMT Zoid Zombie Zp Zu1 s and Research 382 Recovery 422 4870 Acid AIDS Amstrad Argentina-102 Bad Brain Banana Blaze Blood Lust Budo Burger Busted Darth Vader Define DisDev Druid Explode Fat Fratricide Groove OW Green Peace Gyro Harakiri Hastings Hellraiser House Immolation Itti Kamikazi Leprosy Madismo Mindless MindRiot Mini-45 Naught-865 Nowhere Man Number One Ondra Over-4032 Pascal-4260 Pascal-5220 Pirate Polish-45 Possum Psychogenius Repent Seneca-B Shhs Silver Dollar Simple Minds Skism Small-38 T-1000 TalkingHeads Today Toxic Twin Peaks Tyst V-1n Viper Wonder WWT Yukon ZigZag PZPAPN MAIN MENU WEL /E TO A word gPatricia... Using Index Cross-Reference Relationship Chart Revision History Licensing Appendices Exit PZPAPN Index PZPAPN 10 Past 3 2KB 4-days 4Res 5Lo 99% 302 310 334 337 382 Recovery 391 405 408 422 439 500 512 557 572 595 604 621 646 66A 702 708 834 889 914 923 981 1008 1024 Print 1024 SBC 1067 1210 1226 1241 1244 1253 1260 1308 1385 1392 1403 1452 1575 1605 1661 1689 1720 1784 1804 1835 1840 1963 2153 2559 2560 2623 3040 3445- 4096 4870 5120 7808 PZPAPN A&A A-Bomb Abal ABC Abraxas 5 Accept.3619 Acid AcidWarp Acvt Ada Adolf Hitler Adolph AEP African 109 Agena AIDS AIDS II Aircop AIW Akuku Alabama Alameda Albania Albanian Alex-368 Alexander Alfa All Sys 9 Alpha-743 Ambulance Car Amstrad Andre Andromeda 1.0 Andromeda 1.1 Angarsk Animus Anna Ant Anthrax Anti-D Anti-DAF Anti-Tel AntiCMOS Anti Antimon Antipode Anto Appelscha Aragon Aragorn Arale Arara ARCV 330 ARCV Friends ARCV Xmas ARCV-670 ARCV-n Arf Argentina Argentina-102 Armagedon Arriba Arusiek Ash Ashar ASP-472 Astra AT144 Atas Atas II AtomAnt 3.0 Atomic 1 Atomic 2 Attack Attention! Attention-629 Aurea Aussie Dir Aussie Parasite Australian Australian 403 Australian Avispa AVV-2300 Axe-1024 Azusa PZPAPN B&B Baba BackFont-896 Back Bad Boy Bad Brain Bad Bad-389 Badsec Banana Bandit Baobab Barcelona Baron Barrotes Basilisk Beast-N-Black Bebe Beeper Beer Belgium-320 Benoit Berlusca Best Wishes Beta Beware BFD Big Bang Big Joke Big-2000 Billboard 1.0 Bios Bit Addict Bizarre Black Hawk Black Monday Black Wizard Blaze Blinker Bljec Blood Blood Lust Blood Rage Blood Sugar Bloody Warrior Bloody! Bob Bobo Bomber Boojum (Killer Bow Boys Brain Brainy Brazilian Bug Breaking Breeze Bryansk Bubonic Budo Burger Burghofer Burma.563 Busted Butterflies Butt Stink ButtUgly PZPAPN Cacophony Cadkill Cannabis Cansu Capicua Capitall Cara Career Of Evil Carfield Carioca Cartuja Carzy Cascade Casino Casper Casteggio Catman Caz CB-1530 CCCP-510 Cerburus Chad Chang Changu Mangu Chaos Chaos Year Chaser CHCC CheckSum Cheeba Chemmy Chemnitz Chile Mediera Chill China CHR-869 Chris Christmas Tree Chromo 1.0 Cinderella Civil War CLME Clone 2.0 Clonewar Close CLS-853 CMagic Cmdr Bomber Cobra Cocaine Coffeeshop-1568 Collor de Mello 9wealth Commy Como Congrats Connie Consumed Cop-Com Copyright Cossiga Costeau Coyote CPSU-2535 CPW Cpxk Cracker Jack Crash Crazy Eddie Crazy Imp Crazy Priest Creeper Crew-2480 CRF Criminal Crucifix Cruncher Crusher CSL Curse Curse IV CV4 Cyber Cybercide CyberTech Cysta PZPAPN Dad Dada Damage DAME Dark End Dark Lord Darkray Darth Vader Datacrime DataLock Davis Day10 dBASE Dead-790 Deaf Death Dragon Define Deicide Dejmi Democracy Demolition Demon Viper Den Zuk Deranged Desperado Dest Destructor V4.00 Devil's Dance Devils & Evangels Dewdz Diamond Dichotomy Dicker Die Digger Dima Dinky Dir Dir-2 Dirty Discom DisDev MKiller Dismember Distrust DLSU DNR Do-Nothing Doctor Qumak 2 DoDo DoDo 2456 Doom II Doomsday DOS-1 DOS3 DOS7 DOSHunter Dostepu DOSVer Dot Killer Doubleheart Dreamer Drop Druid DSME Dutch 555 Dutch DWI Dzino PZPAPN Ear Ebbelwoi ECU ECW-X Edcl EDV Egg-1000 Eight Tunes Ein Volk Einstein EkoT Eliza Elvis-1250 Emf Emmie Emo-899 End Of Enemy Enemy Enigma Enola Estepa ETC Exebug Experiments Experiments-416 Explode Explosion Exunt EVCZ Evil Evil Empire PZPAPN Faerie Fairz Fat Father Father Christmas FCB FeelBad Feist Fellowship FGT Fich Fichv-896 Fifo Fil @11-537 Filler Fingers Finnish-709 FireFly Fish Fish Fisher Fission Five Eights Flagyll Flash Flex Flip Flower Flue Fly 1.1 Foetus 1.1 FoneSex Forger FORM- Frajer-649 Fratricide Freak Freddy fw-692 Frere Jacques Friday 13th Friends Frodo Soft Frogs Fu Manchu Funeral Fungus Fuse Box Dwarf FWord-383 PZPAPN Geek Genc Generic Generic Genesis Geodesic 2.0 Gergana Ghostballs Gidra-469 Gingerbread Man Gippo Gipsy-304 Gliss Globe Gnose Godoy GoldGeld Golgi Gollum Gorlovka Gosia Got-You Gotcha Granada Grapje Graveyard-479 Green Caterpillar-1989 Green Joker Green Peace Gremlin Grither Groen Links Grog 3.1 Groove Groove OW Growing Block Groz-999 Grunt-1 Guillon Guppy Gusano Gyro PZPAPN Hacktic Hafenstrass Hafenstrass 2 Haifa Hallo-496 Halloechen Halloween Handi-215 Hambone Hamster Happy Happy New Year Harakiri lDays Harm-1082 Hary Anto Hastings Hates-213 Helicopter Hell Hellraiser Hellween Hero Hero-394 Hexametricx HH&H HiDos Highlander Hiperion Hitchcock HLLS Hobbit Holiday Holocaust Hominy Honey Horror Horse Hot House Human Greed Hungarian Hungarian 482 Hybryd Hydra Hymn PZPAPN I-B Ice 9 Icelandic Idle Ienez Ieronim Ignorant IKV 528 Ilja-1704 Ill Imi Immolation Incest Incom y.736 Infinity Interceptor Internal Intruder Invader Invol Ionkin Iper Iranian Iraqui Warrior Iron Umbrella Istanbul Italian 803 Italian Boy Itavir Itti IVP PZPAPN Jack James Bond Japanese Christmas Jasmine Jason Jeff Jericho Jerk 11-30 -Haifa Joanna JoJo JoJo 2 Joker Joker 2 Joker-1602 Jos Joshi Joshua Julia-1000 Jump Junior Junkie Just.398 JVW JW2 PZPAPN K-4B K-4C K-Hate Kalah Kali-4 Kamikazi Karin Karlik Kato Keeper Kemerovo Keydrop KeyKap Keypress Kiev 483 Kiev 2049 Kipa Kit Kiwi-550 Klaeren Klepavka KLF-356 Kode4 Kohntark Kohn_6 Koko Kolumna Kommuna Korea Kremikovtzi Krivmous Kthulhu Kuang Kuku-448 PZPAPN Label Lancs Larry Late Night Laufwerk Lazy LCT Leech Legalize Lehigh Leningrad II Leprosy Liberty Liberty-2 Liberty-1172 Lippi-286 Lisbon Literak Little Br Little Girl Little Pieces Little Red Little-139 Lo Tek Loa Duong LockUp LockUp 3.0 Loki Lokjaw Lord-933 Los-693 LoveChild-2710 LowerCase Lozinsky LPT Off Luca-309 Lucifer Lucky7 Lurve LV 1.2 Lycee Lythyum LZRQ PZPAPN 00l k PTl M.I.R. Maaike Macedonia MacGyver Madismo Mad Magician Magnitogorsk 2048 Malaga Malaise Malign Malmsey Maltese Amoeba Mannequin Manola Manta Marauder March 25th Mardi Bros Mark II Marked-X Marl Marzia Matura Max Max.347 Mayak Mayberry Medical Meditation Lapse Mercenary Mercy Merry Xmas Meta-2048 Metallica II Mexican Mud MGTU Mich II Michelangelo Micro 128 Microbes Micropox Miky Milano Milena Mindless MindRiot Ming Mini-45 MiniMax Minimite Ministry Minsk Ghost Mirage Mirror Mithrandir Mix1 Mix2 MMIR Moctezumas Revenge Mohova Monika-686 Monkey Mono Month 4-6 Monxla Monxla B Mordor.1110 More-649 Mosquito MPS 1.1 MPS 3.1 MPS 3.2 MPS 4.01 MPS II-754 Mr Mr. D Mr. G MShark MSJ MSTU Mugshot Mule Multi 1.1 Multi Child Multi-123 Multi-Face Mummy Munich Murphy MusicBug Mutagen Mutant Mutation MVF MX-335 My Child Mystic-377 PZPAPN Nanite Narcosis Natas Naught-865 Nazgul NaziPhobia NCU LI Necro Fear Necro Shadow Necrosoft Dementia NeverMind Newcom NGV Nina Nines Ninja Nipple No Frills No_Smoking NoBock NoInt Nomenklatura Not-586 Nowhere Man NPox NR-481 NRLG NTit NTKC Null Set Null-178 Number One Number 6 NYB Nygus Nympho 1.0 PZPAPN Offspring Ohio Oi Dudley OMT OMud-512 Ondra One Half Ontario Ontario 730 Ontario III Oropax Osiris Otto6 Outland Over-4032 Oxana PZPAPN Panic Parasite Paris Parity Parity Particle Man Pascal-4260 Pascal-5220 Path Pathhunt Patient Paturuzu Pay Rise PC Flu PC Flu-2 PCBB PCV Peace Man Pegg-833 Pentagon Penza Perfume Phalcon.894 Phantom Phoenix Phoenix 2000 PhoenixD Piazzolla Pif Pila Ping Pong Pinky Pinworm Pirate Pirate 1344 Pisello Pit Pitch Piter-1228 Pixel Pixie Plastique Plastique-B Platov Play Tetris Plovdiv 1.1 Plovdiv 1.3 Plutto Plumbum Poem Poet Pogue Poison Pojer Polifemo Polimer Polish 217 Polish 529 Polish 583 Polish Polish-45 Polish-376 Poor Man Porridge Positron Possessed Possum PPSP Praying Predator Pregnant Press Prime Print PrintMonster Problem Protecto Protipus Proud Psychogenius Psychosis Puke-393 PV-81 Pysk Python PZPAPN QMU QP3 Quake Quiet Quick Quirk Queens PZPAPN R-10 R-11 Radyum Rael Rage Rajaat RAM Random Raptor Rasek Rattle RaubKopie Raver Reaper Red Diavolyata RefRef Reklama Relzfu Repent Reset Revenge Attacker Revelation Reverse.A Rider Rigor Riihi RIP-699 Ripper RNA Rocko Roguey Rosen RP3 RPVS RSP-1876 RTL4 Rubbit Ryazan Rybka PZPAPN Sabbath Sad Saddam Sadist Sandwich Satan.599 Saturday The 14TH Satyricon Sayha Watpu Schrunch-420 Scorpio Scott's Valley Scramble Scream Scroll Scythe SeaCat Search-1000 Seat Seneca-B Self Semtex Sentinel Serena Seventh Son Shadow Shake Shaker Shaman Shanghai Shhs Shield Shifter Shiny Happy Shirley Shizol Shizu Shock Therapy Sicilian Mob Signs Silence Silly Silly Silly-365 SillyOR Silver Dollar Simple Minds Simple Simulati Sinep Siskin Sistor Skater Skew-469 Skid Row Skism Skull Skynet Slayer Sleepwalker Slime Slovak Slow Slub Sluknov Small ARCV Small Small-38 Small-115 Small-145 Small-178 Smaug Smiley SNA Socha Sofia Term Solano 2000 thing Sonik Youth Sorlec Sorry Soupy Sov Spanish Spanish Fools Spanz Sparkle Sparse Split Split Second Spring Spyer Squawk Squeaker Squisher Staf Stahl Stanco StarDot 600 StarDot 789 StarDot 801 Stasi Sterculius Steryd Sticky StinkFoot Stone`90 Storm-1163 Storyteller Striker #1 Student-776 Stupid-1355 Suicidal Sunday Sunday-2 Sundevil Suriv 1.01 Suriv 2.01 Suriv 3.00 Suriv 4.02 Surrender Susan SVC 3.1 SVC 4.0 SVC 5.0 SVC 6.0 SVC-2936 SVC.3241 Sverdlov SVir Swap Swedish Boys Swedish Disaster Swiss 143 Swiss Phoenix Sword Sybille Sylvia Sylwia Synergy Syrian SysLock Sze PZPAPN T-1000 Tabulero Tack Tadpoles Tai-Pan Taiwan Taiwan 3 Taiwan 4 Taiwan_Over Tajfun Talentless TalkingHeads Tamanna Tankard Tao Cheng Tatou Taurus TB1 TBug-634 Tchantches TechnoRat Telecom Ten Terminator Terminator-2294 Terminator-3549 Tequila Tester The Click Thimble Thirty Three Timid Timor Tiso TMTM Tobacco Today Todor Tokyo Tolbuhin Tomato Tony Tony Tormentor Tormentor-205 Tormentor-1072 Totoro Toxic TPE TPWorm Traceback Traceback 3029 Traceback II Trakia Traveller Tremor Trident Trigger Troi TSoft Tu-482 Tula Tumen Turbo Turn.557 Tver-308 Twin Peaks Twin-351 Twister Typo Typo Tyst PZPAPN UFA-1201 Ugur Ultimation Under 7 UnExe Unhandled Unk Urfydus Uruguay Uruk-hai UVR PZPAPN V-1n V-3n V-160 V270x V351 V388 V483 V651 V800 V801 V82 V1024 V2000 V2100 V2P2 V2P6 Vacsina Vampire Varicell VCL VCM VComm VCS Veronika VFSI VHP VHP2 Vicious Vico Victor Viking Vinchuca Vindicator Violetta Violite Viper Viperize VirDem VirDem-792 VirDem-1542 Vivaldi Vivat VLamix VMem Voice-1495 Voodoo Voronezh Voronezh-370 Voronezh-Chemist Vote Vriest VS-2790 VVF 3.4 VX-163 PZPAPN W13 Walker Wally Wanderer Warez-1341 Warning Warrior Warsaw-850 Wasp Wave Weak Were Here Western Ukraine Westwood Whale Wharps Wild Thing 2 istrover III Windmill WinVir Wisconsin Witch Wit Wizard 3.0 Wlasnie Wolfman Wonder Wonderful WordSwap World Peace Worm-16850 Worm-17690 Wrzod WW-658 WWT WXYC PZPAPN X-2 X77 Xak Xandu Xpeh XPH Xuxa PZPAPN Yafo YAM-3599 Yankee Doodle Yankee 2 Yap YB.Old Scribe Year Yog Youth Yukon PZPAPN Zaphod Zaragosa Zero Bug ZeroHunt Zherkov ZigZag ZK900 ZMT Zoid Zombie Zu1 PZPAPN : 2KB J: j; DOS S: 2,048 7: PRhAK - , NAV 3.05+, ]2.17+, 12.2 9503+, 7.00+, 2.17+, 1.05 9503+ The 2KB . Its . 2KB is a /and . .. It may be related to the Bios c2KB at the top of the ), not moving ~12's , as sby the DOS Bby 8,336 }09, 1C, and nby the the 2KB , it /and . rof 2,048. The at the $of . a, and the end of . The @and in the DOS not be . The in the 7in all "BIOS" If the DOS the 2KB son all See: Bios PZPAPN : 3Y 3Y.853 J: S: 853 7: PRhC - 12.2 9503+, 2.24+, NAV 3.07+, The 3Y . Its . 3Y is a wof . a, but not Y, the 3Y at the top of &the ), not moving ~12's , as sby the DOS Bby 1,328 nby the the 3Y , it may Pnot yall . rof 853 at the end of the b. The @and the DOS not be . The in the 7in all /MAND." "3Y_06b. /Ver0.6b Copyright 3Y2H" "R3Y_06a. It is what 3Y PZPAPN 4-days : 4-days J: S: 1,358 - 1,372 7: PRhAK - , NAV 3.07+, 12.2 9503+, The 4-days . Its . 4-days is a wof . and . c4-days Y, the 4-days at the top of &the ), not moving ~12's , as sby the DOS Bby 1,360 nby the , the .if it was not the 4-days , it rof 1,358 to 1,372 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to the @and . The in the 7in all Xcom exe OVL" "ALIEN 1.0 written by P.K. on Good Luck !!!" PZPAPN : 4Res J: (failure; S: 1,049 7: PNAK - ], NAV 3.05+, 12.2 9503+, The 4Res . Its . 4Res is a wof . /and . the 4Res yone . /or . in the the 4Res rof 1,049 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS not be . The can be in the 7in all "4RESPATH= /SPEC=*. X4RES" kfrequently (copy of t, the fail to gthe PZPAPN : 5Lo J: Poland S: 1,030 - 1,040 7: PRhE - , NAV, 12.2 9503+, The 5Lo , and is gPoland. 5Lo is a wof . c5Lo Y, the 5Lo at the top of the ), hooking ~21. 5Lo rof 1,030 to 1,040 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to the @and . The can be in the 7in all 5Lo "" PZPAPN 10 Past 3 : 10 Past 3 J: keypresses lware devices disabled or interference S: 748 7: PRaCK - , NAV, The 10 Past 3, or 748, was actually much earlier, in early . 10 Past 3 is a wof . The the 10 Past 3 in low , hooking }21 and 6B. , as measured by the DOS not be the 10 Past 3 , it rof 748 at the end of the b. The in the DOS not be . No in the The 10 Past 3 between 15:10 and 15:13 (3:00PM and 3:15PM) every day, at cause the "Ctrl" or "Shift" keys to be invokes enters a character on the . As a , the character input may not be the same as what the intended. ly, it either disables or interfers the functioning of the devices on the days of any month 1st day of any month - 10th day of any month - 16th day of any month - monitor/ 29th day of any month - On the 22nd day of any month, unexpected (s may of 10 Past 3 are: 10 Past 3-B: A 789 of the 10 Past 3 adds 789 +to the . .. It the on the monitor: The in the 7in all 10 Past 3-B : Republic Of South Africa PZPAPN : 99% 99 Percent, Traveling Jack J: seconds set to 14 S: 821 - 835 7: PNE - 1, NAV, The 99% . Its , but it s to be W. 99% is a wof . 99% is Y, the 99% yone . in the Gor in the Q's root rof 821 to 835 the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to not be , but the seconds #set to "14". The in the 99% "Het 99%- heeft toegeslagen. . ." is my revenge E.V !" released 6 X\* \" It is what 99% may do of 99% are: 99%-B: in May gthe , 99%-B is a 979 of the 99% . It xone . bin the ever an rof 979 to 993 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS . The in the 99%-B "\*. *. The 99%-B 7to perform an absolute write : The May, PZPAPN : 302 J: 4; TSR S: 302 7: PRsCK - , NAV, The 302 . Its . The 302 is a wof . c302 Y, the 302 as a low TSR of 864 +. It hooks the 302 , it rof 302 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to the @and . No ;ed in the The 302 Pn't do PZPAPN : 310 DM.310 J: j; write protect S: 310 7: PRaCK - , NAV, The 310 . Its is a wof . The 310 is Y, the 310 hooking }21 and 63 in the ~area. the DOS the 310 , it Y. If Y, it the 310 rof 310 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS the 310 notice gwrite protected write protect Nby DOS. because the Pn't check for the Vand handle PZPAPN : 334 Made J: May, England S: 334 7: PNCK - , NAV, 12.2 9503+, The 334 in May, . It is England. is a the 334 Y, the 334 check the cthree . in the see if it finds the three . a, it yit. completed process, the the 334 of 334 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to the @and . No in the The 334 Pn't to do of 334 are: 334-B: on the 334 very . It xone . bin the Pnot apast the cfive in the rof 334 at the end of the b. The @and in the DOS to the @and . The in the "Made in England" : England 334-C: on the 334 is an very minor . It :the "Made in England" : England May, PZPAPN : 337 F1-337, V337 J: May, j; TSR S: 337 7: PRsC - , NAV, The 337 Win May, . 337 is a wof . . It Pnot The 337 is Y, the as a low TSR of 944 nby the 337 is , it by 337 at the end of a. The @and in the not be 337 Pnot do PZPAPN 382 Recovery : 382 Recovery 382, Recovery, 382 Recovery.1 J: c382 +of . spurious Qspinning; (failures Taiwan S: N/A 7: ONAK - , NAV, The 382 Recovery in Taiwan. It is generic wof . /and . the 382 Recovery Y, the check the Gfor a . has not . If it finds an b, it yit. If the less , the now be 382 were greater not show any always mthe c382 +of the the all . ain the Gare t, the next Ythe ato . a, however, may or may not later of the 382 Recovery %present on a bare the . In cases, the hang upon [, requiring the to be re (ed. In cases, spurious on the and the not run. Lastly, the may do nothing but leave the Qspinning, requiring the to be powered off and re Occasionally, the 382 Recovery corrupt IO.SYS, one of the hidden