NOTE: Please do not use your CREDIT CARD. CHECKS, POSTAL ORDERS and CASH are accepted. Please fill in and mail this order form whatever method of paiement you may choose. --------------------------------------------------------------- C H A R A C T E R S C R E A T I O N C O M P A T I B L E A D & D F O R W I N D O W S Distributed as shareware. AD&D is a registred trademark owned by T.S.R., INC. --------------------------------------------------------------- Full Name _____________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ City, State _________________________________ Zip ____________ Country _____________________________________ Phone _____ (_________) _______________________________________ You obtained your copy of CHARACTERS CREATION COMPATIBLE AD&D Version _.__ from: ____________________________________________ On sending the license fees, you will get the latest version of this program, with full usage, free of charge by return mail. An older lisensee may return his original disk and pay only 59 french francs the updated program. CHARACTERS CREATION COMPATIBLE AD&D...... 99.00 French Francs Foreign order, add postage............... 10.00 French Francs CHECKS writen out in foreign currency or drawn on a foreign bank, add the banking commission ............. 140.00 French Francs TOTAL ENCLOSED ......................... ___.__ French Francs (Checks are payable to Francis FAULHABER) IMPORTANT! [ ] 5.25" High Density (1.2 Mb) Disk size: [ ] 3.5 " High Density (1.44 Mb) (Low density disks are not supported by this program) MAIL TO: Francis FAULHABER 9 avenue Pierre Sangnier 94350 VILLIERS-SUR-MARNE FRANCE ---------------------------------------------------------------