C H A R A C T E R S C R E A T I O N C O M P A T I B L E A D & D F O R W I N D O W S Distributed as shareware. Copyright 1995, Francis FAULHABER All Rights Reserved AD&D is a registred trademark owned by T.S.R., INC. --------------------------------------------------------------- V E N D O R I N F O R M A T I O N S --------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: As the exclusive copyright holder for this software Francis Faulhaber authorizes his distribution only in accordance with the restrictions set out in LICENSE.TXT file (or LICENCE.TXT file for the french version). Here are the possible descriptions of the program. You may use or modify these descriptions to fit your publication format. Only a version limited to 3rd level characters without printing or cheating is available as shareware. The complete program is only available when licensing. On sending the license fees, the purchaser will get the latest version of the program, with full usage, free of charge by return mail. SHORT DESCRIPTION: CHARACTERS CREATION COMPATIBLE AD&D for Windows AD&D is a registred trademark owned by T.S.R., INC. An interactive help to create characters for AD&D 2nd Edition. Programmed by Francis FAULHABER. MEDIUM DESCRIPTION: CHARACTERS CREATION COMPATIBLE AD&D for Windows AD&D is a registred trademark owned by T.S.R., INC. An interactive help to create characters for the famous role playing game: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition. You can create as many as 20 characters of all races and all classes up to level 3, but within strict respect of the rules. You must purchase the license for printing characters, creating high-level characters (over level three) or use cheating options. Programmed by Francis FAULHABER. LONG DESCRIPTION: CHARACTERS CREATION COMPATIBLE AD&D for Windows AD&D is a registred trademark owned by T.S.R., INC. An interactive help to create characters for the famous role playing game: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition. You can create as many as 20 characters of all races and all classes up to level 3, but within strict respect of the rules. Multi-classed, bi-classed or tri-classed characters are possible. You can select your deity, alignement, age, and so on. All information is given in a five pages long character record sheet: all abilities of the races and the classes, TAC 0, detections, resistances, move, X.P., particular advantages in fight, special aptitudes, immunities and just as general and specific personnalities, eyes, skin or hair color. This software also includes a screen saver, a clock and an alarm. You must purchase the license for printing characters, creating high-level characters (over level three) or use cheating options. Programmed by Francis FAULHABER. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Computer Type: 386 or higher running Windows 3.1 or higher Memory: 1 Mb free minimum. 2 Mb free recommended. Graphics: 16-color VGA. Music & Sound effects: No sound card required. Input devices (optional): Mouse supported. ---------------------------------------------------------------