.ltMaternal Mortality lowest recorded The Times, 24 May 1947 The Queen's Institute of District Nursing has received the report of the midwifery work undertaken in 1946 by the 4,173 midwives working for county and district nursing associations affiliated to the Institute. The maternal mortality rate was shown to be 83 a thousand total births, the lowest ever recorded. This was in spite of the fact that the number of midwives decreased by 98 and the cases attended - 85,848 - increased by 11,895. In addition, midwives working in connexion with the Queen's Institute attended a further 42,631 cases as maternity nurses with a doctor in attendance. .lcAdvancements in modern medicine greatly improved women's chances of surviving childbirth, previously a much more hazardous experience. .llMotherhood: Childbirth .ll .lsWR06:WR06_03S .ls