Directory MSDOS/ARC_LBR/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== AC212.ZIP B 47120 920312 Converts between any two archive types ADDC22.ZIP B 22708 920804 Inserts comment headers into ZIP and ARJ files AM80.ZIP B 220447 920819 ArcMaster front-end/convrt for ARC/ARJ/LZH/ZIP AR002.ZIP B 27732 901203 Source for Okumura's new pedagogical archiver AR15.ARC B 49156 881110 Run a program from an ARC file ARC_FILE.INF A 7770 880303 Documentation on the structure of ARC files ARCA129.ARC B 12362 880626 Create/add ARC files, no update/replace ARCCMNT3.ARC B 26012 880829 Auto insert BBS' description in ARChived file ARCDMP1.ARC B 15392 880307 Split large ARC file to fit on 360K floppies ARCE40G.ZIP B 9329 910416 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program ARCF110.ZIP B 6916 920820 Find text in ARChives by Vernon Buerg, v1.10 ARCFDAT3.ARC B 29872 880829 Set directory date/time to latest ARC member ARCHV335.ZIP B 73526 901223 Archive manager shell for ARC/LZH/PKA/ZOO/ZIP ARCINDX2.ARC B 55800 880723 Create a catalog of archived data ARCRUNER.ARC B 9708 880829 Run COM and EXE files in archives ARCSTAMP.ARC B 22154 880714 Date/time stamp and rename ARCed files ARCTOOL.ARC B 31355 880907 Recover files from damaged archives ARCV122.ZIP B 13257 910416 V.Buerg's verbose display of ARC directories ARCVRT21.ARC B 72634 890824 Convert between any archive formats ARFF.ARC B 27551 880907 File find; peeks inside ZOOs and ARCs ARJ230NG.EXE B 200502 920131 ARJ shareware file archiver, export version ARJM101.ZIP B 95897 911104 Menu shell for ARJ. Supports all commands ARJOP141.ZIP B 51933 920521 Mini-menu/shell for ARJ, with full source AT750B.ZIP B 82615 920819 Archive shell for ARC/LZH/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZOO/ZIP AV12.ZIP B 11357 910311 Ledbetter's dir viewer for ZOO/LZH/ARC/PAK/PKA AV20.ARC B 20530 890322 Views files from ZOO, PKPAK, ARC, PAK, LU, SQ AVIEW38.ARC B 81748 900218 BBS util: view/extract files from archives CA100.ARC B 17033 890311 Verbose list for ARC / ZIP archives CHKPAK.ARC B 14231 881007 Check integrity of an archive file COMPR16.ZIP B 11106 900523 ZIP/LZH/PAK/ARC/ZOO/DWC extract/view/freshen CRUNCH.ARC B 42880 870627 File compression utility CVT_101.ZIP B 18338 900412 Convert from one archive type to another DEARC31.ARC B 28147 880801 deARC utility in Pascal, w/unSquashing DELBR11.EXE B 11776 860910 Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64) DELBR11A.BUG A 1148 870417 Describes bug in DELBR11/DELBR11A program DWC_A501.EXE B 90112 880829 DWC Archiver v A5.01 - 25% faster than v4.95 FV140.ZIP B 9149 920622 View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs GEN012.ZIP B 25044 911021 Builds multivolume backups w/popular archivers HPACK75.ZIP B 66431 920312 High performance archiver from New Zealand HYPER25.ZIP B 23628 901004 All new file compression program IFL150.ZIP B 21715 900320 Displays dirs of ARC/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO archives LARC22.ARC B 59088 890321 Chooses best compression method for ARCs/ZIPs LARC333.EXE B 55936 890520 LARC Compression program from Japan LDARC.ARC B 25566 890713 Compare 2 files, create compressed diff file LH_FRAUD.ARC B 9070 890818 Information about the LHARC 1.14 (ICE) fraud! LH114WRN.TXT A 565 890807 Warning about hacked compression utility LHA211SR.ZIP B 59459 910305 LHA 2.11 file compression pgm ASM & C src code LHA213.EXE B 44416 910807 LHA v2.13: LZH archive make/extract program LHARCSRC.ARC B 56714 890628 TurboC/OPTASM source code for LHarc & its SFX LHC15.ZIP B 1301 910521 BAT file converts other archive formats to LZH LHDIR13.ARC B 14681 890530 View directories of LHarc archives LHMENU.ARC B 14394 890416 Front end menu for LHARC LHTOOLS.ARC B 33038 890915 Check LZHs for trojans, make self-extract LZHs LHX.ARC B 37664 890529 Recover files from damaged LHarc archives LU.ARC B 30097 880608 Library (LBR) utilities by Vernon Buerg LUD106.ARC B 2944 870625 V.Buerg's del & reorg LBR functions LUE220.ARC B 5120 870625 V.Buerg's extract & unsqz LBR files LUT193.ARC B 3200 870625 V.Buerg's list dir's of LBR files LUU213.ARC B 8704 870625 V.Buerg's test LBR w/crc and sqz LUX12.ARC B 2304 870625 V.Buerg's execute EXE/COM pgms w/in LBR LVIEW.ARC B 12515 890410 Viewer for LHARC'ed files LZ_COMP2.ARC B 25244 890410 Discussion of various compression algs. w/src LZHTV12.ZIP B 33026 910127 LZHTV v1.2, on-line LHarc file viewer LZHUFE.ARC B 27393 890505 LZHUFE encoding file compression w/TPascal src LZHUFTP5.ARC B 14448 890506 LZHUF encoding file compression w/TPascal src MAD100.ARC B 16899 890607 Multi-format archive file viewer also does SFX MAKELZH2.ARC B 9280 890530 Make LZH files of all files in a directory MDCD10.ARC B 122797 881027 Public domain compression/storage system v1.0 MODLHSRC.ARC B 3658 890630 Modify LHarc source code for MASM/TASM MVA101.ARC B 6144 881001 Front end MultiVolume ARC for PKXARC/ARCE OPENCLOS.ZIP B 45302 901026 ARC/ZIP subdirectory management utilities PAK251.EXE B 103338 901211 NoGate's ARC,PAK,ZIP create/extract program PK_CED.ARC B 2973 880920 CED synonyms for use with PKWare archiving PK361.EXE B 119598 880801 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK v3.61 POLICY.SEA A 4385 880913 SEA policy re: ARC copyright & trademark 9/13 QC175.ZIP B 23041 910726 Converts to/from ZIP, ARJ, and LHarc formats REDATE2.ZIP B 16940 910531 Resets archive filedate to match internal date REPAK2.ARC B 16274 881005 Pascal pgm to repack archives w/source RV247.ZIP B 27450 920819 RView v2.47:ZIP/ARC/LZH/PAK/ZOO/LZS dir lister SCRNCH.ARC B 42753 890304 Compression program for MS-DOS SEE24INT.ZIP B 11888 910527 Interactive version of SEE24 archive file view SEE260.ZIP B 9014 910905 View ARC/PAK/ZOO/ZIP/LZH/ARJ/DWC/HYP/LBR v2.60 SHARC24.ZIP B 12664 910527 View/Extract shell ArcArjZipZooLzhPakDwc, etc. SHEZ80.ZIP B 238490 920823 Shell for archive manipulation, w/virus check SHEZVIEW.ZIP B 6354 911111 Shell to add viewers to SHEZ archive manager SQSHINFO.DOC A 4078 870807 Katz PKARC/PKPAK squashed files definition SQUASH.ARC B 35653 880714 'C' source for the PKPAK squashing compression TOLHARC.ARC B 54604 890418 Convert other archive types to LHarc TOLZH10.ARC B 17435 890915 Convert from ARC/PAK/ZIP/ZOO to LZH archives TRADEMRK.INF A 1665 880917 Re ARC: What it takes to get a trademark TUNDO.ZIP B 12660 920608 Unarchiving shell and basic file associations UNARJ230.ZIP B 39074 920131 ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others UNDO_20.ZIP B 11776 920103 Shell opens ARC/ARJ/ZOO/ZIP/PAK/LZH w/1command UPDATE.ARC B 27609 881018 PKPAK/ZOO format conversion program UXARC.ARC B 9275 890807 Single interface to ZIP, LZH, PAK archivers XCHG_103.ARC B 16907 890324 Convert from one compression sys to another XEQ115.ARC B 10240 870822 Packs small COM files into one/save disk spc XONE23.ARC B 10472 880829 V. Buerg's ARChive split utility v2.3 (w/ASM) ZZAP62B.ZIP B 95500 910326 Convert between ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO