Directory MSDOS/ASTRONMY/ Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================== ASTRO20.ZIP B 38379 880925 Calculate planetary ATA, rise and set time COSMOS15.ZIP B 175911 920717 Astronomy pgm displays skies viewed from earth EPHEM421.ZIP B 245439 901111 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets positions GRAVITY2.ZIP B 112662 910604 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space JPSTPHN2.ZIP B 55651 910621 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites (CGA) MOON.ZIP B 57300 901210 Graphic display of moon's face w/pan/move/find PLANET.ZIP B 40510 890215 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet rise/sets SATVIEW2.ZIP B 34439 910620 Mathematical model of sunlit planet Saturn/CGA SFS101.ZIP B 277775 920312 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA SFS101S.ZIP B 446122 920822 Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01 SKYGLB31.ZIP B 251341 920715 Skyglobe v3.1: Educational map of the sky SKYPLOT.ZIP B 156651 880808 Star map graphic display SOLAR.ZIP B 34892 881013 Solar system simulator STARVIEW.ZIP B 205945 881101 Astronomy at its best - (requires mouse)