
The display is a construct serving to denote values for composed types (structures and rows) and, in conjunction with the abstractor, for abstract types.

(315,060) (000,050)display (000,030)(1,0)030010[ (1,0)030080expression (1,0)030010] (1,0)030 (155,020)(20,20)[r] (155,010)(-1,0)040 (065,010)(1,0)040010, (065,020)(20,20)[l]

If the display is used to denote a row, the number of its constituent expressions has to be equal to the cardinality of the row, whereas each expression has to be of the type of the elements of the row.

If the display is used to denote a structure, the number of its constituent expressions has to be the same as the number of fields of the structure, whereas each expression has to be of the type of the corresponding field of the structure.

The display is executed by executing its constituent expressions collaterally, and composing a composed object from the values in their textual order.