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Function getpw - inputs a password from the keyboard
Syntax boolean getpw(int size, char *pw, char c);
Prototype in keyboard.h
Remarks inputs a string of maximum length size. Instead of
displaying the character input the character c is
displayed. The string input is stored in the memory
pointed to by pw. Make sure pw points to an
allocated piece of memory large enough to hold the
input string or unpredictable results may occur.
This function is useful for inputting passwords.
Only printable characters (those passing the
isprint() test), ENTER, ESC and Backspace are
acceptable input. All other input is ignored.
Video output is via Borland's console i/o.
Return value returns TRUE if ENTER terminated the input, FALSE
if ESC terminated the input.
See also getget()
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson