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Function MCursorText - define text cursor
Syntax void MCursorText(boolean usehardware, int parm1,
int parm2);
Prototype in mousehk.h
Remarks defines the mouse cursor used in text mode. If
usehardware is TRUE, parm1 is the screen mask and
parm2 is the cursor mask. Otherwise, parm1 is the
starting scan line and parm2 is the ending scan
If the software cursor is selected, the
character/attribute data at the current screen
position is ANDed with the screen mask and then
XORed with the cursor mask.
Return value nothing.
See also MCursorOff(), MCursorOn(), MCursorGraphic(),
MCursorRangex(), MCursorRangey(), MGotoxy()
Example see demomous.c
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson