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Function DESQdisperror - popup a DESQview error window
Syntax unsigned DESQdisperror(char *msg,
unsigned char width,
unsigned char height,
unsigned segment,
unsigned flags);
Prototype in multihk.h
Remarks DESQdisperror() will popup an error window under
DESQview, displaying the string msg. The message
must be less than 4K (<4096 bytes) in size. The
window will be of size width by height. If either
or both values are zero, the default values will be
used. The segment is segment of the object handle,
and the flags is a bit field with the following
important values:
bits 13,14: which mouse button will remove
the window
00 or 11 = either
01 = left
10 = right
bit 15: beep when displayed
For your convenience, DVERROR_LEFT, DVERROR_RIGHT,
DVERROR_EITHER and DVERROR_BEEP have been #defined
in multihk.h.
Return value returns 1 if the left mouse button was pressed, 2
if the right mouse button was pressed and 27 if ESC
was pressed.
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Written by Dave Pearson