NUKE(TM) Version 1.11 (C) 1988, 1989 by Charles Martin Hannum II The purpose of NUKE (and NUKE/V) is to erase files from your disks completely, including the directory entry. This will insure that nosey persons are not able to ressurect said files later with such programs as Peter Norton's UnErase. For sensitive information, this is an absolute necessity, and I believe these two programs provide an optimal solution. This disk (or ARChive) contains the following files: NUKE.TXT This file NUKE.DOC Documentation for NUKE NUKEV.DOC Documentation for NUKE/V NUKE.COM NUKE executable NUKEV.COM NUKE/V executable NUKE.HST Revision history NUKE/V differs from NUKE in that it defaults to Verify mode instead of Automatic mode. For extra security, you might want to rename NUKEV.COM to NUKE.COM on your work disk. This may avoid many inadvertant disasters. Remember, once a file is NUKEd, it's gone forever! You may distribute NUKE and NUKE/V freely, so long as you distribute them in the original .ARC file that I have provided. DO NOT REARCHIVE ANY OF THESE FILES! This will insure that both NUKE and NUKE/V are distributed together and with their documentation, and will make it easier for me to watch for buggy versions. If you like and use either or both of these programs, I request a registration fee of $25, which covers both NUKE and NUKE/V. Send all registrations to: Charles M. Hannum II P.O. Box 278 Henryville, PA 18332 Upon registration, you will receive a unique user identification number. You will also get free telephone support (at a number which I will provide to registered users), and be notified of bug fixes, enhancements, etc. Your registration will enable me to continue to support these products. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Invoices are available upon request. Thank you. Charles Martin Hannum II March 9, 1989 P.S. Remember that some programs create temporary files containing the data you are working with. When you exit these programs, the files are automatically erased. Though this is a convenience, it may leave another path for a sneaky intruder to reconstruct your data. For this reason, I have written DEL22. DEL22 will catch programs like this, and automatically NUKE the above mentioned temporary files. If security is important, you might want to try out DEL22. If you can't find it on your local bulletin boards, send $4 for an unregistered copy, or $25 for a pre-registered copy. Registered users of NUKE may register DEL22 for only $15, or vice versa.