This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.47 from the input file /usr2/pinard/gnu/gnuish/MSDOS.texinfo. Copyright (C) 1990, 91, 92 Free Software Foundation Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. File:, Node: Top, Next: Project Definition, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) Version ******* This is the `' file for the GNUish MSDOS project, which has been last updated 2 Jul 1992. You can retrieve a copy of this file by anonymous ftp from `' [] in directory `pub/gnu/MicrosPorts', as file `MSDOS.texi' for the `Texinfo' source and file `' for an `Info' readable version. Please help the community by kindly reporting all errors or omissions in this document; for doing so, email to `'. You might also want to contact other authors or contributors: a list of email addresses is given elsewhere in this document (*note Contributors Addresses::.). GNUish MSDOS was first organized with small IBM PC's in mind, that is, 8088 and 80286 based systems. For 80386 or 80486 based systems, you should rather take a close look at DJ Delorie's works and derivatives; these ports have their own set of mailing lists and distribution points. *Note cc::, for more information. For OS/2 ports, people should follow the works of Kai Uwe Rommel and Eberhard Mattes; I've also heard that many OS/2 ports could be easily made usable under MSDOS with a special link step on OS/2. This document is the work of various people, collected by Francois Pinard. The FSF disclaimer (*note Project Definition::.) is from Richard Stallman. This document contains the following sections: * Menu: * Project Definition:: Project Definition * Legal Conditions:: Legal Conditions * Archiving Formats:: Archiving Formats * FTP Archive Sites:: FTP Archive Sites * GNUish Msdos Contents:: GNUish Msdos Contents * Project Mailing Lists:: Project Mailing Lists * Historical Notes:: Historical Notes * Contributors Addresses:: Contributors Addresses -- The Detailed Node Listing -- GNUish Msdos Contents * awk:: awk * cc:: cc * compress:: compress * cpio:: cpio * ctags:: ctags * diff:: diff * emacs:: emacs * find:: find * ghostscript:: ghostscript * grep:: grep * less:: less * lex:: lex * indent:: indent * m4:: m4 * make:: make * patch:: patch * perl:: perl * ptx:: ptx * rcs:: rcs * sed:: sed * sh:: sh * shar:: shar * sort:: sort * tar:: tar * texinfo:: texinfo * utilities:: file/text utilities * yacc:: yacc * zoo:: zoo * dbm_3:: dbm_3 * libc_3:: libc_3 * chess_6:: chess_6 File:, Node: Project Definition, Next: Legal Conditions, Prev: Top, Up: Top Project Definition ****************** The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is not directly interested in integrating or maintaining ports of GNU software to MSDOS, because of limited resources. These activities take time away from finishing a complete standalone GNU, which FSF and many in the GNU Project considers much more important. However, the organized distribution of such ports started, a few years ago, under the name "GNUish MSDOS project". The overall idea is to provide a GNU like environment for MSDOS, easy to get, and easy to install, as far as possible. It contains both MSDOS ports of GNU software, as well as MSDOS replacements for non-ported GNU software. The GNUish MSDOS project wants to consider itself as part of the GNU project, rather than a mere aggregation of binaries. The non-GNU replacements are expected to somewhat comply with the GNU spirit and standards. Ideally, all code should be under the GNU General Public License, should try conforming to the GNU coding standards, and also be fully ANSI. The programs should be such that MSDOS users can be convinced of the virtues of free software! The GNU General Public License article 3a) requires that the complete source code be available where programs are distributed in object code or executable form. For convenience, ready-to-execute binaries are also provided for those who do not have the necessary compilers, or do not feel like using them. When several ports of the same tool exist, one of them has been selected for inclusion in this documentation. This does not means that the selected port is the best possible, it means however that the port seems to be good. Nobody should feel offended by any selection. Questions regarding the GNUish MSDOS project should be directed to the mailing list: *Note Project Mailing Lists::, for how to subscribe. The GNUish MSDOS project originated from Thorsten Ohl. It has been moderated by Thorsten from its beginning and for a long while. File:, Node: Legal Conditions, Next: Archiving Formats, Prev: Project Definition, Up: Top Legal Conditions **************** Some tools are possibly dangerous if you do not thoroughly understand their usage (v.g. `rm -r *'). You ought to know what you are doing. YOU USE THESE TOOLS AT YOUR OWN RISK. You *were* warned! All these programs are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, without even the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License (the file COPYING) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNUish MSDOS programs; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA or e-mail to `'. File:, Node: Archiving Formats, Next: FTP Archive Sites, Prev: Legal Conditions, Up: Top Archiving Formats ***************** Traditionally, GNUish MSDOS archives are made using Rahul Dhesi's `zoo' archiver. This archive format is popular and portable, used in many places, notably for the Usenet `' exchange group. The GNUish MSDOS project selected it because it works both on MSDOS and UNIX, and all the sources are freely available. Moreover, it offers a nice user interface and is dependable. Some people wanted GNUish MSDOS to use `zip' for its better compression, but `zip' was proprietary software at that time. A new version of `zoo' (version 2.1) offers a higher compression rate, comparable to what `zip' can achieve. About at the same time, the `Info-ZIP' group produced a `zip' program available in source form, and which work both on MSDOS and UNIX. There are no more big reasons for using one instead of another. Also, some sites converted all of GNUish MSDOS to `ARC' or `LHarc' format. Instead of feeding an archivers war, let us simply hope that each archive site will follow the GNU spirit and at least offer the free archiver they use, both in executable and complete source form. Most packages consists of two archives, one for the complete source and documentation, the other for the executable and data files; however, it happens that the documentation is sometimes provided with the executables. The filename for a package archive is often selected according to the following pattern: PROGRAM VERSION EDITION SEQUENCE.EXTENSION In this syntax, PROGRAM is a short string to identify the product, e.g. `futi' indicates GNU file utilities; while VERSION is a decimal integer naming the version, without any decimal point, v.g. `14' for `1.4', 358 for `3.58'; EDITION is `a' for the first release in GNUish MSDOS, then `b', `c', etc. for subsequent editions. The value of SEQUENCE is the letter `s' for the source and documentation, or `x' for executable and data files. When EXTENSION is `zoo', this usually refers to `zoo' version 2.1. File:, Node: FTP Archive Sites, Next: GNUish Msdos Contents, Prev: Archiving Formats, Up: Top FTP Archive Sites ***************** The official GNU home is `' [] (problems with `prep' should be reported to `'). There is currently no room on `' to put GNUish MSDOS files up for ftp. If `prep' get more disk space, they might become available. The collection of programs known as the GNUish MSDOS project is still available for ftp at the following addresses. Different archiving sites might use different archivers. The actual extension of any given archive should give you a clue about which archiver to use. [Upload directories are listed for the moderator's convenience only]. The expression "from the usual places", later in this document, refers to the three first sites of this list. * `' [], in `pub/Internet/gnuish'. Archives are uploaded there first. * `' [], in `pub/gnuish'. Archives are uploaded in [`incoming'] from the `iros1' copy, then Roberto move them to their proper place. * `' [], in `systems/msdos/gnuish'. Archives are uploaded in place directly from the `iros1' copy. * `' [], in `pd1:'. David repacks from `.zoo' to `.arc' before uploading, because SIMTEL20 (which uses TOPS20) does not support `.zoo' files. * `' [], in `pub/msdos/utilities/gnuish'. Petri automatically gets new products from SIMTEL20, and repacks files from `.arc' to `.lzh'. [`pub/msdos/incoming'] The organization and maintainance of the archive sites is the work of Francois Pinard, Roberto Gomez, Petri Hartoma, David Camp, Keith Petersen, Chris Myers, Dave Curry and Russ Nelson. File:, Node: GNUish Msdos Contents, Next: Project Mailing Lists, Prev: FTP Archive Sites, Up: Top GNUish Msdos Contents ********************* The following contents for GNUish MSDOS is loosely organized along the lines of related UNIX man pages. * Menu: * awk:: awk * cc:: cc * compress:: compress * cpio:: cpio * ctags:: ctags * diff:: diff * emacs:: emacs * find:: find * ghostscript:: ghostscript * grep:: grep * less:: less * lex:: lex * indent:: indent * m4:: m4 * make:: make * patch:: patch * perl:: perl * ptx:: ptx * rcs:: rcs * sed:: sed * sh:: sh * shar:: shar * sort:: sort * tar:: tar * texinfo:: texinfo * utilities:: file/text utilities * yacc:: yacc * zoo:: zoo * dbm_3:: dbm_3 * libc_3:: libc_3 * chess_6:: chess_6 File:, Node: awk, Next: cc, Prev: GNUish Msdos Contents, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `awk' current GNU version is 2.13.2. There is a faster `awk', also distributed under the GNU General Public License, written by Mike Brennan. For the original distribution, fetch executables in `' and sources in `mawk1.1.tar.Z' from `', in `public'. Or fetch executables in `mawk11ax.zoo' and sources in `mawk11as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: cc, Next: compress, Prev: awk, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU C current GNU version is 2.2.2. There is no port of GNU C available for 8088 and 80286 systems, and it is very unlikely that there would ever be one. So, GNUish MSDOS is still relying on proprietary compilers for its existence. Currently, ports have been done using Microsoft C compilers or Borland Turbo C/C++; it seems so far that Microsoft C generates faster code, works better with huge pointers, and offers a working `alloca()'; but promoting proprietary software is against the GNU goals, any step in the direction of compiler independence would be beneficial for the community. GNU C had indeed been ported to 80386 MSDOS, under the name `djgpp', by DJ Delorie. This opens wide doors for porting further GNU software for 80386 systems under MSDOS, for those many GNU programs requiring a fair amount of addressing space. However, beware that `djgpp' based ports always require a 80386 machine. DJ Delorie made a 32-bit 80386 MSDOS extender with symbolic debugger, a C/C++ compiler with utilities, development libraries, and source code. It generates full 32-bit programs and supports full virtual memory with paging to disk. A 80386-based IBM compatible PC or PS/2 is required. Approximately 4-5Mb of hard drive space is required. 640K RAM is required. All this can be anonymously ftp'ed from `' [] in `pub/msdos/djgpp'. First fetch and carefully read the three files `readme.1st', `readme' and `faq' from that directory; or else the cumulative file `MSDOS.gcc' from `' [], in `pub/gnu/MicrosPorts'. File `README.gcc' should also be available from the usual places. File:, Node: compress, Next: cpio, Prev: cc, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents compress ======== `compress' current GNU version is 4.0.1. GNUish MSDOS has not selected any current port yet, but many are available. File:, Node: cpio, Next: ctags, Prev: compress, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `cpio' current GNU version is 1.5. Version 1.1 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `cpio11ax.zoo' and sources in `cpio11as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib' to compile it. File:, Node: ctags, Next: diff, Prev: cpio, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents ctags ===== GNU `[ce]tags' current GNU version comes from GNU Emacs distribution, currently 18.58. Russ Nelson made a version for Freemacs. For the original distribution, fetch `' from `' [], in `pub/msdos/freemacs'. Or fetch the executables and sources as `etags.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: diff, Next: emacs, Prev: ctags, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `diff' current GNU version is 1.15. Version 1.15 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl, using Microsoft C v5.1 or v6.0. Fetch executables in `dif115ax.zoo' and sources in `dif115as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: emacs, Next: find, Prev: diff, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents emacs ===== GNU Emacs current GNU version is 18.58. There is no port of GNU `emacs' available for 8088 and 80286 systems, and it is very unlikely that there would ever be one. Any Emacs for small MSDOS systems only implements a tiny subset of the true thing. Russ Nelson's Freemacs is closest in spirit to the real thing, by providing a full extension language. Version 1.6a can be gotten from various places (`clarkson', `wustl', `simtel', ...). It is made of a `MINT' interpreter written in 8088 assembler, and of several `MINT' code application files to drive `emacs' modes. `MINT' has no relation to GNU Emacs LISP and limits itself to 64k per file. For the original distribution, fetch all from `' [], in `pub/msdos/freemacs'. Or fetch the executables code as `emacs16a.zoo' (plus `emacs100.zoo' for a Zenith Z-100) and the sources as `emac16as.zoo', from the usual places; also fetch some EGA utilities as `emacsega.zoo' and a spelling checker as `emacspel.zoo'. You might want to fetch `emacspat.zoo' too for a few patches, applied by Freemacs itself. Jonathan Payne's Jove, on the other side, is not extendable, but can handle surprisingly big files on MSDOS. It is well featured and reasonably fast. It can be made almost comfortable to GNU Emacs users, given a proper `jove.rc'. GNU Emacs has indeed been ported to 80386 MSDOS by Manabu Higashida and Hirano Satoshi, under the name Demacs, using DJ Delorie port of GNU C. The current version is 1.2.0 91-12-12. Fetch binaries and diffs from `', in `GNU/demacs'. Craig Finseth maintains a list of Emacs Implementations and Literature; fetch `emacs' from `' [], in `import'. There is a summary about MSDOS specific Emacs'es; fetch` editor.Z' from `' [], in `pub/rjc/csip'; if you cannot ftp, obtain a copy by sending email to the server program at `', with a blank subject line, and containing solely the two words: `send editor'. File:, Node: find, Next: ghostscript, Prev: emacs, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `find' current GNU version is 3.6, comprising: `find', `locate' and `xargs'. Version 1.2 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `find12ax.zoo' and sources in `find12as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib' to compile it. Fetch `find12.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: ghostscript, Next: grep, Prev: find, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents ghostscript =========== Get executables in `ghostscript-2.4.1msdos.exe' and sources in `ghostscript-2.4.1.tar.Z' from `' [], in `pub/gnu'. You might need `ghostscript-fonts-2.4.1.tar.Z' from the same place. File:, Node: grep, Next: less, Prev: ghostscript, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `fgrep' current GNU version is 1.1. Version 1.1 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `fgre11ax.zoo' and sources in `fgre11as.zoo' from the usual places. GNU `grep' current GNU version is 1.6, comprising: `grep' and `egrep'. Version 1.5 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `grep15ax.zoo' and sources in `grep15as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: less, Next: lex, Prev: grep, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents `less' current GNU version is 177. Version 177 has been ported to MSDOS by Mark Lord, using Borland C. For the original distribution, fetch executables and sources in `' from `' in `mirrors/msdos/txtutl'. Or fetch executables in `les177ax.zoo' and sources in `les177as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: lex, Next: indent, Prev: less, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents Fast `lex' current GNU version is 2.3.7. Version 2.3.6 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `fle236ax.zoo' and sources in `fle236as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib' to compile it. File:, Node: indent, Next: m4, Prev: lex, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents indent ====== GNU `indent' current GNU version is 1.4. Version 1.1 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `inde11ax.zoo' and sources in `inde11as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: m4, Next: make, Prev: indent, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `m4' current GNU version is 1.0. Version 0.5 (also called 0.50) has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `m4v05ax.zoo' and sources in `m4v05as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib' to compile it. File:, Node: make, Next: patch, Prev: m4, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `make' current GNU version is 3.62. Version 3.58 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl, using Microsoft C v6.0. Fetch executables in `mak358ax.zoo' and sources in `mak358as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's swapping library, fetch `swalibas.zoo' from the usual places. If you intend to recompile `make', beware that one patch has been lost for the makefile in `make358as.zoo', so the makefile might not work as is. File:, Node: patch, Next: perl, Prev: make, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents patch ===== Larry Wall's `patch' current GNU version is 2.0.12u6. GNUish MSDOS has not selected any current port yet, but many are available. File:, Node: perl, Next: ptx, Prev: patch, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents Larry Wall's `Perl' current GNU version is 4.035. Version 4.019 has been ported to by Stuart Phillips, using Borland C++ 3.0 and VROOM, it works faster with extended memory. For the original distribution, fetch executables in `' and sources in `' plus `' from `' [], in `pub/perl'. Or fetch executables in `pl4019ax.zoo' and sources in `pl4019as.zoo' from the usual places. Also, version 4.000 has been ported to MSDOS by Len Reed. Fetch executables in `perl_exe.zoo' from `' [] in `pub/msdos/perl'. File:, Node: ptx, Next: rcs, Prev: perl, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `ptx' current GNU version is 0.2. Version 0.1 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `gptx01ax.zoo' and sources in `gptx01as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: rcs, Next: sed, Prev: ptx, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU Revision Control System current GNU version is 5.6. Version 5.5 has been ported to MSDOS by Stuart Phillips. For the original distribution, fetch sources and executables in `' from `', in `mirrors/msdos/pgmutil'. Or fetch executables in `rcs55ax.zoo' and sources in `rcs55as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: sed, Next: sh, Prev: rcs, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `sed' current GNU version is 1.09. Version 1.06 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `sed106ax.zoo' and sources in `sed106as.zoo' from the usual places. You also need Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib' to compile it. File:, Node: sh, Next: shar, Prev: sed, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `bash' current GNU version is 1.12. There is no port of GNU `bash' available to 8088 and 80286 systems yet, but the techniques used in `perl' (*note perl::.) and `make' (*note make::.) make it in principle possible to run programs of this size under MSDOS. Ian Stewartson ported the Charles Forsyth `sh' from MINIX to MSDOS, using Microsoft C v5.1. For the original distribution, fetch executables in `' from `', in `mirrors/msdos/sysutl'; fetch sources from `comp.sources.misc' in Volume 10 issues 053-059, Volume 12 issues 019-026, Volume 13 issues 079-080, Volume 14 Issues 065-066, Volume 16 Issues 078-079. Or fetch executables in `sh164ax.zoo' and sources in `sh164as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: shar, Next: sort, Prev: sh, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents `shar' current version is 3.49. It has been distributed through `alt.sources' on 90-09-24. Version 3.49 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `sha349ax.zoo' and sources in `sha349as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: sort, Next: tar, Prev: shar, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `sort' current GNU version is found within GNU Text Utilities version 1.3. A prerelease of version 0.3 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `sort03ax.zoo' and sources in `sort03as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: tar, Next: texinfo, Prev: sort, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `tar' current GNU version is 1.10. GNUish MSDOS has not selected any current port yet, but many are available. File:, Node: texinfo, Next: utilities, Prev: tar, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents texinfo ======= GNU `texinfo' current GNU version is 2.15, comprising: `info', `makeinfo', `texi2dvi', `texindex' and extensive related code written in GNU Emacs LISP. Prereleased versions of `info' and `makeinfo' have been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch executables in `texi10ax.zoo' and sources in `texi10as.zoo' from the usual places. File:, Node: utilities, Next: yacc, Prev: texinfo, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents file/text utilities =================== GNU File Utilities current GNU version is 3.2, comprising: `chgrp', `chmod', `chown', `cp', `dd', `df', `dir', `du', `install', `ln', `ls', `mkdir', `mkfifo', `mknod', `mv', `rm', `rmdir', `touch' and `vdir'. GNU Text Utilities current GNU version is 1.3, comprising: `cat', `cmp', `comm', `csplit', `cut', `expand', `fold', `head', `join', `nl', `paste', `pr', `sort', `split', `sum', `tac', `tail', `tr', `unexpand', `uniq' and `wc'. GNU Text Utilities historically emerged from GNU File Utilities; and version 1.4 have been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl before this split has been done. The ported programs are: `cat', `chmod', `cmp', `cp', `cut', `dd', `dir', `head', `ls', `mkdir', `mv', `paste', `rmdir', `tac', `tail', `touch', `vdir' and `rm'. Fetch executables in `futi14ax.zoo' and sources in `futi14as.zoo' from the usual places. The GNU `sort' program is documented elsewhere (*note sort::.). File:, Node: yacc, Next: zoo, Prev: utilities, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents GNU `bison' current GNU version is 1.18. This version compiles without changes on MSDOS. Fetch sources in `bison-1.16.tar.Z' from `' [], in `pub/gnu'. File:, Node: zoo, Next: dbm_3, Prev: yacc, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents Rahul Dhesi's barebone `zoo' extractor version 2.0 has been distributed through `' (1 part: `v13i001'). Fetch `booz.exe' and `booz20.zoo' from the usual places. Use `booz.exe' under MSDOS to unpack the sources in `booz20.zoo'. Rahul Dhesi's full `zoo' current version is 2.1 (also called 2.10). Executables have been distributed in `' (3 parts: v13i002-004), sources has been distributed through `alt.sources' on 91-07-10 (14 parts). Fetch the executables in `zoo210.exe' and sources in `zoo210s.zoo' from the usual places. Execute the self extracting `zoo210.exe' under MSDOS to unpack the zoo executables and documentation. Unpack the sources with the obtained `zoo.exe'. File:, Node: dbm_3, Next: libc_3, Prev: zoo, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents dbm_3 ===== GNU `dbm' current GNU version is 1.5. Version 1.4 has been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl. Fetch sources in `gdbm14as.zoo' from the usual places. There is no executables archive associated with GNU File:, Node: libc_3, Next: chess_6, Prev: dbm_3, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents libc_3 ====== Many library routines frequently occurring in various GNU products have been ported to MSDOS by Thorsten Ohl, to help other ports. Fetch sources in `gnulibas.zoo' from the usual places. There is no executables archive associated with Thorsten Ohl's `gnulib'. A swapping library has been developped by Thorsten Ohl, using Microsoft C v6.0, to be used by some of his other GNU ports. Fetch sources in `swalibas.zoo' from the usual places. There is no executables archive associated with Thorsten Ohl's `swaplib'. Note that this is not a complete `libc(3)', but rather a small collection of GNU specific routines. File:, Node: chess_6, Prev: libc_3, Up: GNUish Msdos Contents chess_6 ======= GNU `chess' current GNU version is 4.0.54. This version should compile without changes on MSDOS, please someone give me a pointer to an already prepared executable. Fetch sources in `gnuchess-4.0.pl54.tar.Z' from `' [], in `pub/gnu'. File:, Node: Project Mailing Lists, Next: Historical Notes, Prev: GNUish Msdos Contents, Up: Top Project Mailing Lists ********************* There are some mailing lists to discuss MSDOS ports of GNU software. They include: bug reports, enhancements questions and answers announcements, moderated 80386 djgpp discussions To get on or off one of these lists, send a request to: or, if you don't get a reply, to: Note: do *not* send requests to the lists, only the `listserv'! For example, to become subscribed to the list `info-gnu-msdos', send a message whose contents (not the `Subject') is: add info-gnu-msdos If you don't know how to use a `listserv', send it a request for help. Do this by sending it a mail message consisting of the word `help', without quotes, of course. If you don't get a reply, include an Internet return address with the command `path user@host.dom.ain', replacing `user@host.dom.ain' with your Internet email address. The lists are not currently digestified, and are open to subscription by anyone. The `info-gnu-msdos' mailing list is moderated by Russell Nelson, solely to ensure that only announcements get sent to the list (and not requests!). Problems with the mailing lists should be directed to the appropriate `-request' list. For the newcomers: an Internet standard for mailing lists is to provide a mail alias that has the same name as the list, with `-request' appended, e.g. `info-gnu-msdos-request'. Also, please consider these lists as GNU project subsidiary mailing lists. They were made up after the GNUish MSDOS project, not before, and their intent is to help to keep to project moving, *not* to change its definition or meaning. There are several lists already and other means to discuss non-GNUish software for MSDOS; there are other lists to discuss the pros and cons of the GNU project itself. You can nask `' for a description of these other lists. The mailing lists were organized by David Camp, Len Tower, Russ Nelson and DJ Delorie. File:, Node: Historical Notes, Next: Contributors Addresses, Prev: Project Mailing Lists, Up: Top Historical Notes **************** Thorsten Ohl started his ports in November 1989, in Germany, while the Berlin Wall was falling. He subscribed at some GNU mailing lists and, for correspondants wanting his MSDOS ports, organized a distribution list based on email and still located in Germany. In 1990, around spring, the unusual quality of Thorsten ports was being recognized, and a few FTP sites organized to hold them (`vulcan', `simtel', `wuarchive', `ocf', `funic'); during the summer, the mailing lists were created. Thorsten stopped actively porting GNU products to MSDOS in September 1990, to finish his PhD and continue his research in theoretical high energy physics. He has now joined the endless list of people who support GNU by using GNU software on their UNIX workstations and contribute bug reports and (occasionally) fixes. At this point, the mailing lists, after an initial burst of intense activity and many debates, became very quiet, and nothing really new got added to the GNUish MSDOS archives. DJ Delorie released his 80386 port of GNU C/C++, and GNU Emacs itself was ported to 80386 under the name Demacs. In February 1992, the archives were reorganized to better comply with the GPL, which requires the sources to be fully available at the distribution points. Ports from Russell Nelson and Stuart Phillips were integrated in the project. File:, Node: Contributors Addresses, Prev: Historical Notes, Up: Top Contributors Addresses ********************** Here are the electronic addresses of all people quoted elsewhere in this document: Chris Myers `' Craig A. Finseth `' DJ Delorie `' David A. Curry `' David J. Camp `' Eberhard Mattes `' Francois Pinard `' Hirano Satoshi `' Ian Stewartson `' Jonathan Payne Kai Uwe Rommel `' Keith Petersen `' Len Reed `holos0!' Leonard Tower Jr. `' Manabu Higashida `' Mark Lord `' Mike Brennan `' Petri Hartoma `' Rahul Dhesi `' Richard Stallman `' Roberto Gomez `' Russell Nelson `' Stuart Phillips `' Thorsten Ohl `' Tag Table: Node: Top Node: Project Definition Node: Legal Conditions Node: Archiving Formats Node: FTP Archive Sites Node: GNUish Msdos Contents 11253 Node: awk 12706 Node: cc 13185 Node: compress 14943 Node: cpio 15173 Node: ctags 15518 Node: diff 15949 Node: emacs 16271 Node: find 18422 Node: ghostscript 18855 Node: grep 19186 Node: less 19699 Node: lex 20130 Node: indent 20473 Node: m4 20764 Node: make 21115 Node: patch 21665 Node: perl 21901 Node: ptx 22616 Node: rcs 22897 Node: sed 23330 Node: sh 23665 Node: shar 24504 Node: sort 24842 Node: tar 25183 Node: texinfo 25401 Node: utilities 25848 Node: yacc 26906 Node: zoo 27190 Node: dbm_3 28013 Node: libc_3 28326 Node: chess_6 29061 Node: Project Mailing Lists 29422 Node: Historical Notes 31897 Node: Contributors Addresses 33397 End Tag Table