CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0

                   THIS IS FOR TURBO PASCAL 4.0 USERS ONLY

             If  you are using TURBO Pascal version 3.0 or  earlier,
        you will find that none of the programs in this chapter  can
        be compiled or run with your system, but it would be to your
        advantage to read this material anyway.

             When  Niclaus Wirth originally defined Pascal,  it  was
        intended  to be a very small language to be  used  primarily
        for teaching programming concepts to computer neophytes.   A
        program would be contained in a single file and compiled  in
        its  entirety  each  time it was  compiled.   There  was  no
        provision  for  splitting a program up into  smaller  parts,
        compiling each part separately, and linking all of the parts
        together into a final completed package.

             Since  human  beings  make mistakes,  and  because  the
        entire  program must be recompiled each time any mistake  is
        discovered,  pure  Pascal  is  unsuitable  for  very   large
        programs.   Seeing this problem, many compiler writers  have
        defined some method by which a large program could be broken
        down into smaller parts and separately compiled.

             This chapter will define and illustrate the way Borland
        has chosen to do so.

                             PART OF A PROGRAM

             Load  the  program named AREAS and display it  on  your
        monitor.  This is the first example of a TURBO Pascal "unit"
        and although it is similar to a program in many ways, it has
        a few differences which must be pointed out.  We will  start
        by  pointing  out  the major sections,  then  get  into  the
        details of each section.

             You will first notice that this program begins with the
        reserved  word  "unit"  instead  of  our  unusal  "program",
        followed by the unit name, Areas.  In line 10, the  reserved
        word "interface" is used and all of the statements following
        it down to the next reserved word "implementation", are part
        of the interface with any program outside of this unit.  The
        next  reserved word used is "implementation" and  gives  the
        definitions  and executable parts of the private portion  of
        the unit.

             Finally,  in lines 48 through 50, we find what  appears
        to  be  a  program block just like we have  been  using  all
        through this tutorial, but actually is not.  We will see  in
        a few paragraphs that this is the initialization section and
        does  a  very  specific  job for  us  even  though  somewhat
        different than what we have become used to.

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                  CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0

                             THE INTERFACE PART

             Following  the unit name we have a section of  code  in
        lines 10 through 15 that define the interface of this module
        to the outside world.  Anything defined here is available to
        the  outside  world  and can be used by  any  other  program
        provided it has a "uses Areas;" statement in it.  Constants,
        types, and variables could also be defined here, and if they
        were,  they too would be available to any user program,  but
        in this case, only the four functions are made available. It
        should  be fairly obvious that the functions  calculate  the
        areas of four different geometric shapes.

                          THE IMPLEMENTATION PART

             From line 16 through line 47 we have the implementation
        part as delineated by the reserved word "implementation" and
        the   beginning   of   the   initialization   block.     The
        implementation  part  is the actual workhorse  of  the  unit
        since  it contains all of the executable code for  the  four
        functions defined above.

             Lines 26 through 31 contain the code needed to generate
        the area of a circle, and this code is no different than the
        code that would be used if this function were placed in  the
        declaration  part  of  any  Pascal  program.   There  is   a
        difference   in  the  function  header  since   the   formal
        parameters  are not repeated here.  TURBO Pascal allows  you
        to either drop the formal parameters here or include them if
        you  think the code would be more readable.  If you  include
        them, they must be exactly as shown in the interface part or
        you will get a compile error.

                             A LOCAL PROCEDURE

             In  lines  20 through 24, we have a procedure  that  is
        used within one of the four functions, namely the first.  It
        is  really  a stupid procedure since it really  wastes  time
        setting  up linkage for the procedure call and does  nothing
        that  couldn't be done just as easy with a simple  multiply,
        but  it does illustrate that you can use  another  procedure
        within the unit body.  The procedure Mult_Two_Numbers cannot
        be  used outside of this unit because it is not included  in
        the interface part of the unit.  It is, in effect, invisible
        to the outside world.

             The variable My_Pi would be more correctly  represented
        as a constant but it is defined as a variable to  illustrate
        use  of  the  body of the unit later.  Since  My_Pi  is  not
        defined  in  the  interface part of the  unit,  it  also  is

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                  CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0

        invisible  to the outside world and in fact  protected  from
        accidental  corruption by a misplaced statement  in  another
        program.   The procedure and the variable for all  practical
        purposes have an impenetrable barrier around them protecting
        them  from  unauthorized use by the outside world,  but  the
        functions  internal  to this unit have free access  to  them
        just as in any other program.

                         WHAT IS THE BODY USED FOR?

             Lines 48 through 50 constitute the body of the unit and
        although  they  appear  to  consist  of  another  executable
        program  that can be called and used, they actually  perform
        another very specific and useful purpose.  It is actually an
        initialization  section  and all of the statements  in  this
        part  of the unit are executed once and only once, and  they
        are executed when the main program is loaded.  This is  done
        automatically  for  you  by the system.   There  is  no  way
        provided  for you to call the statements in the  body  after
        the  program has begun execution.  This is why the  variable
        My_Pi  was  defined  as a variable, so  we  could  use  this
        section to initialize it to a useful value.

             The body can actually have function and procedure calls
        that  are  executed when the program is loaded, as  well  as
        loops or conditional statements.

             If  you  would like to execute some  statements  during
        initialization and again during the execution of the program
        one or more times, you can write a procedure or function  to
        accomplish your desires and call it at the appropriate times
        in the main program.


             If  you will study the interface part of this unit  you
        will  find  that  everything you need to use  this  unit  is
        contained  within  it, provided that you know  enough  about
        plane  geometry  to understand the  functions.   You  should
        strive  for this understanding in all of your interfaces  so
        that  the implementation doesn't even require  consultation.
        Keep in mind, that if you need to, you can include  comments
        to further define the functions in the interface part of the

             At  this time, you should compile this unit.  You  will
        have to compile it to disk rather than only to memory so  it
        will  be  available for use later in this chapter.   You  do
        this by using the menus to change the Compile/Destination to
        the  Disk  option.  Note that it will not generate  an  .EXE

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                  CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0

        file  but instead a .TPU file.  This is  Borland's  filename
        extension for a unit.

                                ANOTHER UNIT

             Load  the  file named PERIMS for another example  of  a
        unit.   This is similar to the last except that it does  not
        contain  an internal procedure, and it is composed of  three
        procedures  that  calculate  the  perimeters  of   geometric
        shapes,  all  of  which are visible  to  the  outside  world
        because they are included in the interface part of the unit.
        Once  again,  we have a private variable named My_Pi  and  a
        block  of code (actually a single statement)  to  initialize
        the value of My_Pi when the unit is loaded.

             Be  sure  you  compile this unit to disk  in  the  same
        manner as the last and they will be ready for use.

             Now that we have several functions and procedures  that
        can be used to calculate the areas or perimiters of  several
        different shapes, we need a program to illustrate their use,
        so if you load and display the program named GARDEN you will
        have an example of their use.

                      HOW DO WE USE OUR DEFINED UNITS?

             GARDEN  is a very simple program that uses one  of  the
        functions  and  one of the procedures.  The only  thing  you
        must  do  is add the names of the units prior to  using  the
        external functions or procedures.  Lines 16 and 17 each  use
        one of our newly defined routines.  As you can see, there is
        nothing  magic about the new routines, and once you  include
        the unit names in a uses statement, the new routines are  in
        a sense, an extension to the Pascal language.

             Compile  and  run this program and see that  it  really
        does what you expect it to do.

                        ONE MORE EXAMPLE OF UNIT USE

             Load and display the program named SHAPES4 for  another
        example of using a predefined unit.  In line 3, this program
        includes  our new unit named Areas so all four of  the  area
        functions  are  available, and in fact, all  four  are  used
        within the body of the program.  This program should not  be
        difficult  for  you to understand and you will  be  left  to
        study it on your own.  You should observe that this  program
        is  repeated in chapter 14 in a different form for users  of
        TURBO Pascal 3.0.

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                  CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0

                       MULTIPLE USES OF AN IDENTIFIER

             Suppose  we wanted to move the variable named My_Pi  to
        the  interface  section  in both of  the  units  we  defined
        earlier.  Then in the program named GARDEN when we  included
        both  of  the units in the uses  statement,  both  variables
        named  My_Pi would be available for use so we would  have  a
        bit of a problem defining which one we really meant to  use.
        TURBO Pascal has a way to tell the system which one you wish
        to  use by using a qualifier in much the same way  that  you
        use  a  field of a record.  The  variable  name  Areas.My_Pi
        would refer to that variable from the unit named Areas,  and
        the  name Perims.My_Pi would refer to the variable from  the
        unit named Perims.

             You  could even define a new variable of the same  name
        in  your main program and refer to it by the qualified  name
        Garden.My_Pi if you chose to.  This is not recommended as it
        would get very confusing to you.  The compiler would be very
        happy  to compile and run such a program, because  it  would
        not get confused.

                               WHY USE UNITS?

             There are basically three reasons to use units in  your
        programming.   First, some programs are so large  that  they
        should be broken up into smaller chunks for ease of handling
        and reasonable compilation size.  In fact some are so  large
        that  they  cannot be compiled all at one time  since  TURBO
        Pascal  has  an  upper limit of 64K of  code  which  can  be
        compiled at once.  Most other compilers have a similar limit

             Secondly,  once  you  complete the code  to  perform  a
        certain  job, you may wish to use the same code  in  another
        program to do the same job.  If you put the code in a  unit,
        it is ready to simply call and use again.  This is  becoming
        a  rather  important topic in software  engineering  usually
        referred to as "Reusable Software".

                         THIS IS INFORMATION HIDING

             Finally, it is sometimes important to hide a portion of
        code  from the rest of the program to assure that it  cannot
        be  unduly  modified  by  an error  somewhere  else  in  the
        program.  This too is becoming an important area of software
        engineering  and  is  usually  referred  to  as  information

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                  CHAPTER 13 - Units in TURBO Pascal 4.0


        1.   Move  My_Pi to the interface in both units  and  change
             one  of the values slightly to see if you can  read  in
             the  right  one  at the  right  time.   Define  another
             variable of the same name in your main program and  see
             if you can differentiate between all three values.

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