Compiler Programming Environment Version 4.1 Copyright (c) 1987-89, Pedro P. Polakoff III All Rights Reserved CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual 1 Copyright Notice The Compiler Programming Environment is Copyright (c) 1987 - 1989, Pedro P. Polakoff III and 3P Software. The distribution or alteration of this software is a violation of the copyright laws of the United States. Copying this software, other than for archive purposes is strictly forbidden and is also a violation of the software copyright. 2 License As a registered owner of CPE you are granted a license to use this software in a manner similar to a book. This means that you may use CPE on any computer system so long as no possibility exists that it could be in use by two or more people or exist on two or more computer systems at the same time. CPE may be used in a network development system as long as it does not exist on any other computer system at the same time and the registered owner of the software is the owner of the hosting computer system. The Shareware version of CPE may only be used for a period of 10 days before registration is required. No license other than granting you the privilege of evaluating this software is provided with regards to the unregistered, shareware, version. 3 Warranty CPE is warranted for defects in workmanship and shipping only. No other warranty either expressed or implied shall apply to this software. The author and 3P Software does not warrant the ability of the software to perform for any specific purpose other than that which it was designed for. Neither the author, nor 3P Software, shall be responsible for any claims due to failure of this software to perform it's intended function. 4 System Requirements CPE requires an IBM compatible computer with a minimum of 128K of Random Access Memory (RAM). CPE will detect and use any type of video adapter and mouse. Command line switches allow for override of the default video settings used by CPE. CPE requires the use of DOS 3.0 or later. - 2 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual 5 Overview of Functions CPE was designed to provide the compiler language programmer with a complete integrated programming environment to work in. CPE integrates your favored editor, compiler, linker, make utility, debugger and two optional utilities into a complete programming environment similar to that now used by Borland International in all of their products. CPE is unlimited in the combinations of the utilities that it supports and may be reconfigured for any combination of the utilities required for the programming job. CPE allows for project management and the use of compiler command files, link files, make files and error files. 6 Distribution Files CPE is normally distributed in self-extracting ZIP file format. The standard CPE ZIP/EXE file contains the following files: CPE.EXE This is the CPE program itself. CPEHIST.TXT This is the CPE revisions history file containing the information regarding changes in CPE by the version number. CPEREG.TXT This is the Shareware product registration form. CONFIG.CPE This is a sample configuration file. It is the only one usable by the CPE until it is registered. CPEPROJ.PRJ This is a sample project file. It is the only one usable by CPE until it is registered. README.TXT Last minute instructions 7 Installation When installing CPE we recommend that you copy the program file CPE.EXE to a directory that is included in your search path. By doing so you will be able to invoke the use of CPE from any other directory or path on your computer system. The only file required by CPE for it's operation is the actual program file itself. When you have registered your copy of CPE a registration file will be created. This registration file must be in your search path and should be in the same directory as the CPE.EXE file itself. - 3 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual 8 Starting CPE CPE allows command line parameters to override or change it's actions on start up. Without any command line parameters CPE will default to using the current hardware video adapter and the default configuration (CONFIG.CPE) and project (CPEPROJ.PRJ) files if they are present in the current directory. By the use of the command line parameters you may have CPE use black & white mode, alternate configuration and/or project files and an alternate work file. Following is a table of CPE command line parameters; Table 1: Command Line Parameters ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Syntax #1³ Syntax #2³ Function ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ -m ³ /m ³ Forces use of Black & White mode ³ ³ -c ³ /c ³ Loads as configuration ³ ³ -p ³ /p ³ Loads as project ³ ³ -w ³ /w ³ Sets Work file to ³ ³ -b ³ /b ³ Use BIOS screen writes ³ ³ -s ³ /s ³ CGA Snow control toggle ³ ÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You may provide a complete drive,path and file name with both the -p and -c parameters. If you do provide a drive & path with a -c or -p parameter, CPE will remember the full path when you are saving the files again. CPE will not allow the use of the -p and -c parameters until it has been registered. The file name given with a -w parameter will override the file name that was stored in the project file. You may provide a wildcard value with a -w parameter, in which case CPE will display a directory and prompt for the file name on startup. Following are some sample CPE startup commands; C:> CPE -m -p\etc\myfile.prj -c\bin\msc.cpe C:> CPE -wnewfile.c C:> CPE -pnew.prj -w*.prg CPE will verify all command line parameters and will report any errors or duplicates to you and then exit with the dos errorlevel set to one (1). If there are no errors in the CPE start up commands CPE will begin it's operation with the parameters that you have passed to it or it will use the default values. - 4 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual 9 Mouse Commands CPE will use a Microsoft compatible mouse for menu selections and operation. Moving the mouse will move the CPE menu selection bar or the cursor in a window. Pressing the LEFT button will select from a menu or emulate the ENTER key. Pressing the RIGHT button will cancel a selection or emulate the ESCAPE key. 10 Command Macros The power and flexibility of CPE comes from it's processing all commands with a specialized macro system. By the use of these macros in configuring CPE you may adapt CPE to work with any combination of programming utilities. CPE will use the following macros in the execution of it's commands: Table 2: Macros $@ Expands to the full name of the file currently stored as the work file. $* Expands to the root file name of the currently stored work file. $L Expands to the full name of the currently stored linker file. $C Expands to the full name of the currently stored compiler file. $M Expands to the full name of the currently stored make file. $E Expands to the full name of the currently stored errors file. $< This Macro will prompt for a user input of a file-name. The following command macro samples will help you to use and understand the macro system: Compiler Commands: cl /c /Oailt /Zi $@ clipper $@ -l masm $ >$E Linker Commands: link $*.obj+core.obj,$*.exe,$*.map,mylib link $*,,,mylib; Make Commands: make -f$M - 5 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual make $M Editor Commands: vedit $@ vedit $< vedit $M Debugger Commands: dbu.exe td $*.exe cv $*.exe As these examples show the combinations of commands using the macro system is virtually unlimited. 11 Configuration File The configuration file is merely a collection of CPE macros stored for later retrieval and use. The macros for Compiler, Linker, Make Utility, Editor, Debugger and the two optional utilities are stored in a disk file that may be altered and reused by CPE to configure it for different combinations of these utilities. You may want to construct a different configuration file for each compiler language that you work with, or even for different memory models and options that you may use with each compiler. To edit a configuration you would select "Options" from the main menu and then complete each of the macro entries from the sub- menu items. You do not need to supply all of the options, only those that you will be using are required. To Save a configuration you would select the sub-menu option "Save setup" and CPE will prompt you for the full path and name of the configuration file. You my accept the current name or "CONFIG.CPE" if no name was given, or you may supply a full path and name to save the configuration as. Retrieving a configuration is similar to saving except that all of the macros currently used by CPE will be overwritten by the new configuration macros. If you provide a wildcard in the file name, CPE will display a directory of all files that match the waildcard so that you may choose the file to load. 12 Project Maintenance CPE allows you to maintain a project file for each programming task. The project file will contain the names of the associated Work file, Make file, Linker file, Compiler file and Errors file. These files names are used via the macro system in the commands stored in your configuration files. Saving and retrieving a - 6 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual project file is exactly the same as the saving or retrieving of a configuration file. 13 Registration When you register CPE you will receive a special code from 3P software and the instructions for entering the code to register your software. Once the code is validated a registration file will be created that will change this and all future versions of CPE into a fully functional registered version. Please do not loose your code. In the event the registration file should be corrupted or lost you will need the code to re-register CPE. If you do happen to loose your code, you may contact 3P Software for a new code. 14 Updates & Revisions Due to the nature of CPE's registration updates are as easy to get as the original version was. Just locate the latest revision of CPE on any of the following BBS systems and download your update. Once you have registered one version, all versions that you download are registered. Table 3: Systems carrying CPE updates ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ System ³ Location ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Compuserve ³ IBMPRO,NANFORUM,PROGFORUM ³ ³ GEnie ³ DBMS,IBMPC ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ You may also download updates to CPE from any local BBS system from which you may have received your original version. 15 Support & Service As a registered owner of CPE you may contact 3P software for support and service at the following address or phone number: 3P Software 1827 Kendrick Street Philadelphia, PA 19152-1829 (215) 725-6068 Telephone support is available Monday - Saturday from 10:00am to 10:00pm Eastern time. - 7 - CPE Version 4.1 Users Manual You may also contact the program author via E-Mail at the following system addresses: Compuserve: 73157,2412 GEnie: PPP3 - 8 - Contents 1 Copyright Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 Overview of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Distribution Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 Starting CPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 Mouse Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 10 Command Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 11 Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 12 Project Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 13 Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 14 Updates & Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 15 Support & Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i ii Tables Table 1: Command Line Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 4 Table 2: Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Table 3: Systems carrying CPE updates . . . . . . . . 7 iii