Data Compression Techniques
                          Using SQ and USQ

                           Mark DiVecchio
                    San Diego IBM PC Users Group

In any computer system, efficient management of the file storage
space is important.  The two programs SQ and USQ reduce the size of
data files by using the Huffman Data Compression Algorithm.

A file is composed of a sequence of bytes.  A byte is composed of 8
bits.  That byte can have a decimal value between 0 and 255.  A
typical text file, like a C language program, is composed of the
ASCII character set (decimal 0 to 127).  This character set only
requires seven of the eight bits in a byte.  Just think -- if there
were a way to use that extra bit for another character, you could
reduce the size of the file by 12.5%.  For those of you who use
upper case characters only, you use only about 100 of the ASCII
codes from 0 to 255.  You could save 60% of your storage if the bits
not needed within each byte could be used for other characters.
What if you could encode the most frequently used characters in the
file with only one bit?  For example, if you could store the letter
"e" (the most commonly used letter in the English language) using
only one bit :  "1", you could save 87.5% of the space that the "e"
would normally take if it were stored as the ASCII "0110 0101"

The answer to these questions is the SQ and USQ programs.

The SQ program uses the Huffman coding technique to search for the
frequency of use of each of the 256 possible byte patterns, and it
then assigns a translation for each character to a bit string.  All
of these bit strings are placed end to end and written onto a disk
file.  The encoding information is also put on the file since the
USQ program needs to know the character distribution of the original

The USQ program reads in the encoding information and then reads in
the encoded file.  It is a simple matter to scan the encoded file
and produce an output file which is identical to the file that SQ
started with.

                      Huffman Coding Technique

This is by far the most popular encoding technique in use today.
The Huffman encoding replaces fixed bit characters with variable
length bit strings.  The length of the bit string is roughly
inversely proportional to the frequency of occurrence of the
character.  For those of you inclined to such symbolism:

Length of bit  ~= log  (character
     string          2  probability)

The implementation of the algorithm which we will discuss encodes
fixed bit strings of length 8.

This algorithm requires two passes through the input file. The first
pass builds a table of 256 entries showing the frequency of each
occurrence of each of the 256 possible values for a byte of

Once the counting is complete, the algorithm must decide which bit
strings to associate with each of the 256 characters that were found
in the file.  Note that if a particular byte value was never used,
no string association is needed.

The second pass through the input file converts each byte into its
encoded string.  Remember that when the output file is created, the
information used for encoding must also be written on the file for
use by the decoding program.

The decoding program reads the encoding information from the file
and then starts reading the bit strings.  As soon as enough bits are
read to interpret a character, that character is written onto the
final output file.  See the next two sections on how SQ and USQ
actually implement this.

Even though this article primarily has addresses ASCII input files,
there is nothing which restricts this algorithm to ASCII.  It will
work on binary files (.COM or .EXE) as well. But since the length of
the encoded bit string is approximately equal to the inverse of the
frequency of occurrence of each 8 bit byte, a binary file may not
compress very much.  This is because a binary file most likely has a
uniform distribution over the 256 values in a byte.  A machine
language program is not like the English language where the letter
"e" is used far more than other letters.  If the distribution is
uniform, the encoded bit strings will all be the same length and the
encoded file could be longer than the original (because of the
encoding information on the front of the file).  All of this has to
be qualified, because machine language programs tend to use a lot of
"MOV" instructions and have a lot of bytes of zeros so that encoding
.COM and .EXE files does save some disk space.


The SQ program is an example of the Huffman algorithm.

The first thing that SQ does is read through the input file and
create a distribution array for the 256 possible characters.  This
array contains counts of the number of occurrences of each of the
256 characters.  The program counts these values in a 16 bit number.
It makes sure that, if you are encoding a big file, counts do not
exceed a 16 bit value.  This is highly unlikely, but it must be
accounted for.

At the same time, SQ removes strings of identical characters and
replaces them with the ASCII character DLE followed by a character
count of 2-255.  SQ replaces the ASCII DLE with the pair of
characters:  DLE DLE.  This is not related to the Huffman algorithm
but just serves to compress the file a little more.

Once SQ has scanned the input file, it creates a binary tree
structure containing this frequency occurrence information. The most
frequently occurring characters have the shortest path from the root
to the node, and the least frequently occurring characters have the
longest path.  For example, if your file were:

ABRACADABRA   (a very simple and
               magical example)

The table of frequency of occurrences would be:

Letter         # of Occurrences
------         ---------------
  A                 5
  B                 2
  C                 1
  D                 1
  R                 2
  all the rest      0

Since the letter "A" occurs most often, it should have the shortest
encoded bit string.  The letters "C" and "D" should have the
longest.  The other characters which don't appear in the input file
don't need to be considered.

SQ would create a binary tree to represent this information. The
tree might look something like this (for purposes of discussion

             root    <---Computer trees are
          /    \      always upside down!
        1       0   <-- This is called a
      /       /   \        node.
     A      1       0
          /       /   \  <--This is called
        B       1       0    branch.
              /       /   \
            C       1       0
                  /           \
                D               R  <-This
                                     is a

From this our encoded bit strings which are kept in a translation
table would be:

  Table Entry  Character  Binary
  -----------  ---------  ------
       1           A      1
       2           B      01
       3           C      001
       4           D      0001
       5           R      0000

The output file would be:

    A B  R    A C   A D    A B  R    A
    1 01 0000 1 001 1 0001 1 01 0000 1

    A1 31 A1

We have reduced the size of your file from ten bytes to three bytes
for a 70% savings.  For this simple example, things aren't that well
off since we must put the binary tree encoding information onto the
file as well.  So the file size grew a lot.  But consider a file
with the word ABRACADABRA repeated 100,000 times.  Now the encoding
information is going to be a very very small percentage of the
output file and the file will shrink tremendously.

SQ opens the output file and writes out the binary tree information.
Then SQ rewinds the input file and rereads it from the beginning.
As it reads each character, it looks into the translation table and
outputs the corresponding bit string.

SQ is a little more complicated than what I have outlined since it
must operate in the real world of hardware, but this is a fairly
complete description of the algorithm.


The USQ program is very straightforward.  It reads in the encoding
information written out by SQ and builds the identical binary tree
that SQ used to encode the file.

USQ then reads the input file as if it were a string of bits.
Starting at the root of the tree, it traverses one branch of the
tree with each input bit.  If it has reached a leaf, it has a
character and that character is written to the output file.  USQ
then starts at the root again with the next bit from the input file.

                       What does it all mean?

Now that we understand the algorithm and a little about how the SQ
and USQ programs work, we can use that knowledge to help us run our
systems a little more efficiently.  (So all of this theory is worth
something after all!).

1.  Files must be above a threshold size, or else the output file
will be longer than the input file because of the decoding
information put at the beginning of the compressed data.  We don't
know the exact size of the threshold because the encoding binary
tree information depends on the distribution of the characters in a
file.  At least we know to check the size of the encoded file after
we run SQ to make sure our file didn't grow.

2.  Some files will not compress well if they have a uniform
distribution of byte values, for example, .COM or .EXE files. This
is because of the way SQ builds the tree.  Remember that bytes with
the same frequency of occurrence are at the same depth (usually) in
the tree.  So if all of the bytes have the same depth, the output
strings are all the same length.

3.  SQ reads the input file twice.  If you can, use RAM disk at
least for the input file and for both files if you have the room.
The next best case is to use two floppy drives, one for input and
one for output.  This will cause a lot of disk starts and stops but
not much head movement.  Worst case is to use one floppy drive for
both input and output.  This will cause a lot of head movement as
the programs alternate between the input and output files.

                    Other Compression Techniques

                        RUN-LENGTH ENCODING

Run-length encoding is a technique whereby sequences of identical
bytes are replaced by the repeated byte and a byte count.  As you
might guess, this method is effective only on very specialized
files.  One good candidate is a screen display buffer.  A screen is
made up mostly of "spaces".  A completely blank line could be
reduced from 80 bytes of spaces to one space followed by a value of
80.  To go from 80 bytes down to two bytes is a savings of almost
98%.  You might guess that for text files or binary files, this
technique does not work well at all.

                        ADAPTIVE COMPRESSION

This technique replaces strings of characters of code.  For example,
the string "ABRACADABRA" would be replaced by a code.  Typical
algorithms use a 12 bit code.  The algorithm is unique in that it
only requires a single pass through the input file as the encoding
is taking place.  The current incarnation of this procedure is
called the LZW method (after co-inventors; A.  Lempel, J.  Ziv and
T.  Welch).  This algorithm claims a savings of 66% on machine
language files and up to 83% on COBOL files.

                           Other Reading

If you are interested in reading more about data compression
techniques, you may be interested in these articles:

H.K. Reghbati, "An Overview of Data Compression Techniques,"
Computer Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 4, April 1981, pp. 71-76.

T.A. Welch, "A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression",
Computer Magazine, Vol 17, No. 6, June 1984, pp. 8-19.

J. Ziv and A. Lempel, "A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data
Compression," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. It-23,
No.3, May 1977, pp. 337-343.