version 1.0 by Jack A. Orman Copyright 1988 This program is used to process a text file that is stored in ASCII format and converts all of the carriage return/line feed pairs ($0D,$0A) into carriage returns only ($0D). This is necessary for the files to be displayed properly on many word processors used by the Macintosh (and others). Also, some computer networks require that you upload text with a carriage return only at the end of each line. Proper syntax for using is: NOLF where d: is the drive and an optional path, readfile is the name of the ASCII text file to be read, and writefile is the name of the ASCII text file that you wish to save the converted file to. If the writefile already exists, CRLF will write over it with no warning. Note: DO NOT use NOLF for files that are larger than 62k bytes. Break larger files into sections that are less than 62k and process them separately.