@TABLE HEADING = SAMPLE TROUBLE SHOOTING TABLE<$ITable Heading Tag><$ITags;Table Heading> @T2 C1 HEAD = Problem<$IT2 C1 Head Tag><$ITags;T2 C1 Head> @T2 C2 HEAD = Probable Cause<$IT2 C2 Head Tag><$ITags;T2 C2 Head> @T2 C3 HEAD = Possible Solutions<$ITags;T2 C3 Head> @T2 C1 COPY = Vacuum pump does not lower pressure to ultimate system pressure.<$IT2 C1 Copy Tag><$ITags;T2 C1 Copy> @T2 C2 COPY = Oil Contamination<$IT2 C2 Copy Tag><$ITags;T2 C2 Copy> @T2 C3 COPY = Blank-off pump at intake, then inspect pump ultimate pressure to determine if oil needs changing.<$IT2 C3 Head Tag><$IT2 C3 Copy Tag><$ITags;T2 C3 Copy> @T2 C1 COPY = @T2 C2 COPY = Clogged oxide gettering trap or filter. @T2 C3 COPY = Open gettering trap and clean filter, then remove all traces of ioxide powder from interior of cannister. @T2 C1 COPY = @T2 C2 COPY = Out-Gassing @T2 C3 COPY = Unusual vapors or materials not normally found wihin interia of chamber may be affecting pump performance. These could cause the Pirani gauge to register the incorrect pressure even though no vacuum leaks exist. Increase the pump down time if necessary to compensate for the error. @T2 C1 COPY = @T2 C2 COPY = Virtual Leak @T2 C3 COPY = Argon gas may be seaping into the interior of the growth chamber through faulty valve seal. Alternately, solvents or air entrapments may be effecting the results of the <169>Leak Back Test<170>. @T2 C1 COPY = Water Flow Lamp remains on when coolant supply is turned off. @T2 C2 COPY = Circuit needs calibration @T2 C3 COPY = Perform the procedure in Chapter 8, <169>Flow Switch Adjustment<170> to check the circuit for proper operation. @T2 C1 COPY = Water Flow Lamp remains off when coolant supply is turned on. @T2 C2 COPY = Faulty V1 valve or flow switch paddle @T2 C3 COPY = Perform the procedures in Chapter 8, <169>Flow Switch Adjustment<170> to check the circuit for proper operation.