The Attic

Hint: Just what is a Teachest?

Hint: Just what is a Demijohn?

Hint: What happened to the Attic Key?

Hint: What is Aunt Jemima' problem? (part I)

Hint: What should I do with the box of chocolates?

Hint: How do I replace my battery?

Hint: How do I work the dumbwaiter?

Hint: How do I get out of the dream with the mascot.

Hint: How can I get past the ghost on the roof?

Hint: How do I get down the fireplace.

Hint: How do I fix the plumbing?

Hint: What do I do with the projector?

Hint: What is the significance of the Crystal ball?

Hint: What is the significance of the Fire Alarm?

Hint: How do you open the Jewelry Box?

Hint: What is the significance of the Romance Novel?