Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty

Subject: About this UHS file

Text: Wait, wasn't there a Genesis version?
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Information
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Units

Text: Heavy Trooper Infantry
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Harvester
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Ornithopter
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Fremen
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Deviator
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Rocket Launcher Tank
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Mobile Construction Vehicle
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Deathhand Missile
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Structures

Text: Rocket Turret
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Barracks
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: House of IX
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Concrete Blocks
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Text: Large Concrete Slabs
(sorry, cannot decode section)
Subject: Strategies