How Do I Grow A Chia Being
Hint 1 of 21:
Now that you've found out that a Martian must be grown, you need a seed.
Hint 2 of 21:
Find the small building in Hellas with a rusted door. What fixes rust?
Hint 3 of 21:
Oil, of course! U)se the oil on the door, and enter. G)et a seed.
Hint 4 of 21:
You're also going to need some water. Get a bucket in Hellas...
Hint 5 of 21:
And head to the northern icecap. Get some water.
Hint 6 of 21:
How? U)se a pickaxe on the ice, and M)ove the ice into the bucket.
Hint 7 of 21:
You also need some fertilizers.
Hint 8 of 21:
Pick up Nitrogen,Phosphorous and Potash around the greenhouse.
Hint 9 of 21:
Go to the greenhouse with Marcus, and dig another hole.
Hint 10 of 21:
D)rop the seed into the hole, and move dirt over it.
Hint 11 of 21:
Now, U)se the water on it.
Hint 12 of 21:
Also, U)se the fertilizers. Look at your plant- it should be growing.
Hint 13 of 21:
Now, wait. R)est for nine-12 days, L)ooking at your plant every day.