Hint: Using The Sorcerer's Appliance?
Hint: Hey! Who took the ancient key?
Hint: How do I find clothing for Eve?
Hint: Why does the nymph take the Simpleberry bush ?
Hint: How can I get into the Trustee's Meeting Room ?
Hint: How can I get the baker's hat when the Malls&Muggers guys leave ?
Hint: The nymph won't let me leave, even though I gave her a pass before ?
Hint: How can I spike the punch?
Hint: How do I get Eve to come with me?
Hint: How do I get to Barmaid U.?
Hint: What time does the Barmaid U. party start ?
Hint: How can I get an engraved invitation to the party?
Hint: How can I have Eve make a new cape for me ?
Hint: How do I get inside the dormitory?
Hint: How do I stop Eve from "protecting" me ?
Hint: How do I get anywhere with the dormitory babes?
Hint: Where do I get what I need to fix the plumbing?
Hint: What can I do to clear the steam fog?
Hint: How do I open the door west of the dorm showers?
Hint: How do I get back outside the dormitory?
Hint: How do I get the alcohol in the punch?