------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New / Recent Codes ================== New to V4 parameter files exist for the following. Some are marked as untested or "supplied by". Codes which are untested are simply that, I don't have the game and the code has probably been sent in by someone else. Codes which are marked as "supplied by" have been sent in or uploaded onto the BBS by the person named (fame comes to anyone) or Mr Anonymous. All other codes were made by myself (Gavin). Cannon fodder 2 (cannon2.pmt) Doom 2 (doom2.pmt) Heretic (heretic.pmt) Jazz Jackrabit (Comercial) (jazz.pmt) Warcraft (warcraft.pmt) Little Big Adventure (lba.pmt) Mortal Kombat II (mk2.pmt) Quarentine (quar.pmt) Rise of the Robots (rise.pmt) System Shock (shock.pmt) Tie fighter (tie.pmt) Ironman (ironman.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Chris Payne Also codes which could be Demo versions or Commercial versions:- Alien Breed (Demo/Com?)(breed.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Chris Payne Dark Forces (Demo?/Com)(darkf.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Chris Payne Descent (Demo/Com?)(descent.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Anon Duke Nukem 2 (Demo/Com?)(nukem2.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Chris Payne One Must Fall (Demo/Com?)(omf.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Chris Payne Rise of the Triad (D/C?)(triad.pmt) - Untested: Supplied by Anon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------