TANKS! README.TXT Created May 14 1994 Updated August 9 1994 This file contains information not available at the time that the game manual was printed. COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS TANKS! will accept several command line parameters. Ordinarily you won't have to worry about this, but they can be handy under certain special circumstances. DEBUG : Enables a special game error checking and data recording mode that should only be used at SSI's request. FM : Forces the game to use FM sounds if your sound card supports them, even if your sound card normally plays digitized sounds. This will free up about 20K of conventional memory for use by TSR's, etc. MONO : Forces monaural sound on stereo capable sound cards. Use this if you don't care for the stereo effects. Other than balancing the sound volume from both speakers, there is no detrimental effect on sound quality. QUICK : Disables the time delays built into the combat results reports. Using this will speed up the game considerably, but you will have to check the results of combat manually by examining the units involved after the combat. QUIET : Turns off the intro music only. VANILLAMOUSE : Some obsolete mouse drivers may have problems with the game. If you encounter graphics "glitches" around the edge of the map try using this parameter until you can update your mouse driver software. Using this parameter fixes the shape of the mouse to an arrowhead and decreases mouse sensitivity in some areas. If you decide to use one or more of these commands, you just type them after the word TANKS but before you hit the key. Example: Typing "TANKS FM VANILLAMOUSE " would start the game with the fixed mouse cursor and fm sounds only. PLAY MENU Addition: The "Show All Visible" item controls display of map graphics indicating which hexes can be seen, or have been spotted by the current player. Visible hexes are indicated by a crosshair graphic. The ownership of each visible hex is indicated by the color of the crosshair. "RANDOM" ORDERS OF BATTLE Clarification: TANKS! automatically creates orders of battle when it makes random scenarios and when you use the random forces button in the editor. These orders of battle aren't really "random". They are based on real unit organizations for each force represented in the game. Equipment assignments are heavily influenced by the historical overall mobility of the force. Low mobility forces tend to have lots of dismounted infantry. High mobility forces tend to have lots of tanks and mechanized support. If you wish, you can override historical force mobilities with the mobility buttons that pop up during random scenario and OOB creation. When you ask the program to create a random scenario, you will be asked to choose tiny, small, medium, or large forces for each side. These correspond roughly to 10, 30, 60, or 90 units per side. But in order to balance the scenario, the force sizes you request may be modified. This is particularly likely if you select forces with very different levels of technology or quality. For example, if you request a "tiny" random battle between 1918 Germans and 1991 Americans, the scenario balancing routine will probably create a very large German force. COMMAND RULES Addition: Formations with control ratings lower than 7 are more susceptible to forced "reorganization" (and loss of a turn) than those with higher control ratings. This reflects the relative scarcity of communications equipment and rigidity of command structure in forces with low control ratings: 1940 French, Italians, Chinese, Iraqis, pre '67 Soviets, and all 1918 armies. MOVING YOUR UNITS Addition: Any unit with a non-zero movement rate, which has not already moved this turn, can always move at least one hex regardless of movement cost. Unarmed units will not launch close assaults. In order to be considered "armed", the unit must have at least one weapon mounted on its "top" equipment type. Out of ammo units will be allowed to assault, but their chance of success is small. DIRECT FIRE Additions: If the target unit is in a fort hex, there is a 40% chance that any direct fire shot will miss. If the target is in a depression hex, there is a 10% chance that any direct fire shot will miss. Parent formation morale and control ratings affect the accuracy of a unit's fire. Units belonging to formations with poor morale and control ratings will not hit their targets as often as units belonging to higher quality formations. Change: When firing at a unit composed of an armed transport and some other type of equipment, the transport will always be shot at first. Your units will only fire on unarmed transports if they (the transports) are the top equipment type in the target unit. INDIRECT FIRE Addition: In addition to unspotted intersection, town, and village hexes, you can shoot indirect fire into unspotted bridge hexes. A bridge hex is any hex containing a road and a stream or river. SMOKE FIRE Addition: The program won't allow you to order smoke fire into a hex that already contains smoke. AMMUNITION Addition: Most units will eventually run low on ammo if they fire their weapons. Infantry and artillery units with transports (trucks or whatever) will be less likely to run low on ammo as long as the transports are not destroyed. SCENARIO ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Addition: Wind has the following effects: If there is no wind, smoke can be created during combat and it will tend to linger in the smoked hex for several turns. If winds are light, smoke can be created during combat and it will tend to drift with the wind from turn to turn. If winds are strong, smoke will not be created. If the scenario is set in the arid tileset and there is no precipitation much of the map will be obscured by blowing sand. If the scenario is set in the frozen tileset much of the map will be obscured by blowing snow. Patterns of blowing sand and snow will change from turn to turn. BATTLEFIELD RESUPPLY Addition: Helicopter units are never eligible for battlefield resupply. Once they run out of ammo, they stay that way. CAMPAIGNS Addition: Whenever you start a new game without using the "Start next scenario in campaign" option, you are beginning a new campaign. Any old campaign will be lost. If you re-start a saved game from any file other than CAMPAIGN, any current campaign may be lost. The CAMPAIGN file contains the latest information on your campaign. Earlier saved games may not contain the information necessary to continue the campaign. Remember, the game automatically saves your game as file CAMPAIGN whenever you exit to DOS. You don't need to manually save games. Technical information: The campaign information is stored in the files CAMPAIGN.SAV, LASTGAME.DAT and CAMPAIGN.DAT in the scenario directory. If you want to permanently save a campaign, or send it to a friend, just copy these three files. To restore the campaign, re copy these files into the scenario directory. LASTGAME.DAT will only be present if you are between games in the campaign. EDITOR-DRAWING THE MAP Clarification: When you use the auto-fill tool, it will fill the map until a boundary of the same general type of tile is reached. If you don't draw a complete (no gaps) outline using the fill tile type before using the auto-fill tool, you may fill the entire map with the fill tile. Boundaries of other tile types will have no limiting effect on auto-fill. EDITOR-CREATE THE ORDER OF BATTLE Addition: As you create a formation with the order of battle editor, the program will create a formation name based on the types and numbers of units assigned to the formation. You can override the automatic formation name by clicking on the "Rename" button in the upper right corner of the current formation box. Your formation names are limited to 12 characters (11 for the tenth and subsequent formations). SCENARIO DESCRIPTIONS New rules section: A short scenario description may appear when you select a scenario for play. These scenario descriptions are stored in the form of small ASCII (text) files in the SCENARIO directory. If you wish to write a description for a scenario, you must follow these guidelines: 1) Use a text editor capable of saving text in ASCII form. The MS-DOS editor will do the job, as will most word processors. 2) A description can have a maximum of 14 lines. Each line can have no more than 36 characters. If you violate these limits, you may see strange results in your file description within the game. 3) The name of your description file must be based on the name of the scenario you wish to describe. If your scenario is named "MYGAME.SCE", your description must be named "MYGAME.TXT". 4) Your description file must be in the SCENARIO directory. 5) A sample description file (SAMPLE.TXT) is included in the SCENARIO directory. This can be used as a template for your scenario description files. You can also examine any of the *.TXT files already in the directory, but please do not modify them. RULEBOOK MISTAKES *Page 38, second bullet statement Delete "...that has slight, hidden effects for these values" There are NO "hidden" effects. *Page 41, Fixed Objective Values, last sentence. Replace "... using the manual objective value set button ..." with "... using the Objective Value button ...". *Page 43, Direct Fire Kill Probability vs. Armored Targets. The armor penetration calculation used in the game is actually a bit more sophisticated than that described in the rulebook. Replace "If the hit is...from one to five." (First sentence) with "If the hit is from a weapon with a hard attack rating, the target is killed if the hard attack rating of the firing weapon is greater than or equal to a random number from 0.75 times the armor rating of the target to 1.25 times the armor rating of the target. For example, a hit from a weapon with a hard attack rating of 15 would have the following chances to kill an enemy armored vehicle: Armor Chance 0...12 100% 13 78% 14 67% 15 56% 16 44% 17 36% 18 27% 19 18% 20 9% 21 8% 22... 0%" Appendix D - Equipment Description Table (Addition) Equipment Primary Weapon Secondary Weapon . . . FrontArmor . . . . SideArmor . . . . . Speed . . . . . . Special T-80 125mmATl HMG 37 9 22 NV SP WF SM Appendix H - Historical Forces (Addition) By popular demand, a new historical period has been added to the game database. Its all pretty self explanatory. The British, French, and Americans are similar to the forces used in 1991- with the inclusion of some older equipment not shipped to the Persian Gulf. The Russians and Ex-Pact can be used to create Russian civil war or Eastern European scenarios. 13. Tomorrow... British force characteristics: morale: 9, control: 9, supply: 9. air assets: Heavy jet/full player control. Available British units: Tank Plt: 3 x Challenger. Recce Plt: 8 x Scorpion. Recce Sec: 2 x Scorpion. Recce Plt: 8 x Scimitar. Recce Plt: 4 x Ferret Armd Car. AT Plt: 3 x Striker. AT Plt: 6 x Milan ATGM, 6 x FV432 APC. Gun Bty: 6 x 105mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 155mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x M109 SP Gun. Gun Bty: 6 x M110 SP Gun. MRL Bty: 9 x MLRS. Mortar Bty: 8 x FV432/81Mr. Mortar Bty: 6 x 81mm Mortar, 6 x Truck. Gunship Sc: 2 x Lynx AH1. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/B Squad, 3 x FV432 APC. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/B Squad, 3 x Warrior IFV. French force characteristics: morale: 9, control: 9, supply: 9. air assets: Heavy jet/full player control. Available French units: Tank Plt: 3 x AMX-30. Tank Plt: 3 x AMX-30B2. Recce Plt: 3 x ERC-90. Recce Plt: 3 x AML-90. Recce Plt: 3 x AMX-10RC. Recce Plt: 3 x VAB APC. Recce Plt: 4 x Jeep. ATGM Bty: 2 x Milan ATGM, 2 x VAB APC. AA Bty: 2 x 20mm DP Gun, 2 x VAB APC. Gun Bty: 6 x 105mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 155mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Mortar Sec: 2 x 81mm Mortar, 2 x VAB APC. Mortar Bty: 6 x 120mm Mortar, 6 x VAB APC. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x VAB APC. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x AMX-10 APC. American force characteristics: morale: 9, control: 9, supply: 9. air assets: Heavy jet/full player control. Available American units: Tank Plt: 4 x M1A1 Abrams. Tank Plt: 4 x M60A1. Tank Plt: 4 x M60A3. Tank Plt: 4 x M551 Sheridan. Recce Plt: 6 x M3 Bradley IFV. Recce Sec: 2 x M998 Humvee. AT Plt: 4 x M901-ITV. AA Plt: 4 x M163 SP AA. Gun Bty: 8 x M109 SP Gun. Gun Bty: 6 x M110 SP Gun. Gun Bty: 6 x 105mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 155mm Gun, 6 x Truck. MRL Bty: 9 x MLRS. Mortar Sec: 2 x M125 SP Mortar. Mortar Bty: 6 x M125 SP Mortar. Gunship Sc: 2 x AH-1 Cobra, 1 x OH-58 Kiowa. Gunship Sc: 2 x AH-64 Apache, 1 x OH-58 Kiowa. AB Inf Plt: 3 x UH-60 Blackhawk, 3 x Assault/A Squad. AB Mtr Bty: 4 x UH-60 Blackhawk, 4 x 81mm Mortar. Inf Plt: 4 x Assault/A Squad, 4 x M2 Bradley IFV. Inf Plt: 4 x Assault Squad, 4 x M113 APC. Russian force characteristics: morale: 8, control: 8, supply: 9. air assets: Heavy jet/partial player control. Available Russian units: Tank Plt: 3 x T-55. Tank Plt: 3 x T-62. Tank Plt: 3 x T-64. Tank Plt: 3 x T-72 (early). Tank Plt: 3 x T-72 (late). Tank Plt: 3 x T-80. As Gun Plt: 3 x ASU-85. Recce Plt: 3 x PT-76. Recce Plt: 3 x BTR-40 Armd Car. Recce Plt: 3 x BRDM Armd Car. ATGM Bty: 3 x BRDM/Sagger. ATGM Bty: 2 x AT-3 Sagger, 2 x Truck. ATGM Bty: 2 x AT-4 Spigot, 2 x Truck. AT Bty: 4 x 85mm AT Gun, 4 x Truck. AT Bty: 3 x 100mm AT Gun, 3 x Truck. AT Bty: 6 x 73mm Recoilless, 6 x Truck. AA Bty: 4 x ZPU-4 AA Gun, 4 x Truck. AA Bty: 4 x ZU-23 AA Gun, 4 x Truck. AA Plt: 4 x ZSU-23/4. AA Plt: 4 x BRDM/SA-9. AA Plt: 4 x SA-13 Gopher. SP Gun Bty: 6 x 2S1 SP Gun. SP Gun Bty: 6 x 2S3 SP Gun. Gun Bty: 6 x 122mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 130mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 180mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 152mm Field Gun, 6 x Truck. MRL Bty: 6 x BM-21 MRL. MRL Bty: 6 x BM-24 MRL. Mortar Bty: 6 x 82mm Mortar, 6 x Truck. Mortar Bty: 6 x 120mm Mortar, 6 x Truck. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x Truck. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x BTR-60 APC. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x BMP-1 IFV. AB Inf Plt: 3 x Mi-8 Hip, 3 x Assault/R Squad. AB Mtr Bty: 6 x Mi-8 Hip, 6 x 82mm Mortar. AB AT Bty: 2 x Mi-8 Hip, 2 x AT-3 Sagger. AB AT Sec: 2 x Mi-8 Hip, 2 x 73mm Recoilless. Ex Soviet force characteristics: morale: 8, control: 8, supply: 9. air assets: Heavy jet/partial player control. Available Ex Soviet units: Tank Plt: 3 x T-55. Tank Plt: 3 x T-62. Tank Plt: 3 x T-64. Tank Plt: 3 x T-72 (early). Tank Plt: 3 x T-72 (late). Tank Plt: 3 x T-80. As Gun Plt: 3 x ASU-85. Recce Plt: 3 x PT-76. Recce Plt: 3 x BTR-40 Armd Car. Recce Plt: 3 x BRDM Armd Car. ATGM Bty: 3 x BRDM/Sagger. ATGM Bty: 2 x AT-3 Sagger, 2 x Truck. ATGM Bty: 2 x AT-4 Spigot, 2 x Truck. AT Bty: 4 x 85mm AT Gun, 4 x Truck. AT Bty: 3 x 100mm AT Gun, 3 x Truck. AT Bty: 6 x 73mm Recoilless, 6 x Truck. AA Bty: 4 x ZPU-4 AA Gun, 4 x Truck. AA Bty: 4 x ZU-23 AA Gun, 4 x Truck. AA Plt: 4 x ZSU-23/4. AA Plt: 4 x BRDM/SA-9. AA Plt: 4 x SA-13 Gopher. SP Gun Bty: 6 x 2S1 SP Gun. SP Gun Bty: 6 x 2S3 SP Gun. Gun Bty: 6 x 122mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 130mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 180mm Gun, 6 x Truck. Gun Bty: 6 x 152mm Field Gun, 6 x Truck. MRL Bty: 6 x BM-21 MRL. MRL Bty: 6 x BM-24 MRL. Mortar Bty: 6 x 82mm Mortar, 6 x Truck. Mortar Bty: 6 x 120mm Mortar, 6 x Truck. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x Truck. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x BTR-60 APC. Inf Plt: 3 x Assault/R Squad, 3 x BMP-1 IFV. AB Inf Plt: 3 x Mi-8 Hip, 3 x Assault/R Squad. AB Mtr Bty: 6 x Mi-8 Hip, 6 x 82mm Mortar. AB AT Bty: 2 x Mi-8 Hip, 2 x AT-3 Sagger. AB AT Sec: 2 x Mi-8 Hip, 2 x 73mm Recoilless. VERSION 1.1 NOTES The following items have been patched to create TANKS! version 1.1: 1) In version 1.0, it was possible for non-fording transports to dismount their fording capable infantry, cross a stream, and re-mount (on a later turn) in their transports. This effectively allowed infantry to carry their trucks across streams... This has been changed. Units can now only cross streams if all assigned equipment types are capable of fording. 2) The effectiveness of light artillery (especially mortars) vs. armor has been decreased. 3) There is a new menu item in the game Info menu. The "Info / Combat Time Delays" item allows players to select from a range of time delays for displaying combat results. 4) A bug which could affect spotting in two player games has been fixed. 5) A bug which allowed close assaults to continue for a very long time in rare cases has been fixed. 6) A bug which locked the game up when creating random scenarios or orders of battle with "mobility 10" in some time periods / forces has been fixed. 7) Programmed opponent use of artillery has been improved. 8) Information on unit "static" status has been made available to players. Static units have an additional "static" indicator graphic at center right on their icon. In formation displays, static status is given for each unit in the formation. The static status is also given in detailed unit reports. 9) The original PC speaker sound effect used in airstrikes has been replaced with a digitized effect. 10) Conventional memory requirements have been relaxed a bit. Version 1.1 requires the following: 538K (550912 bytes) No sound 560K (573440 bytes) FM sounds only 584K (598016 bytes) Full digitized sounds Some sound cards may have slightly higher memory requirements. 11) In version 1.0 the editor did not fully initialize scenarios saved with "fixed" objective values. This could cause problems when the scenarios were later played. Scenarios saved with "fixed" values are now properly initialized. If you created any scenarios using fixed (not calculated) objective values with version 1.0, you should load them into the v1.1 editor and save them again to patch the files. Scenarios created with calculated objective values are unaffected. 12) Terrain is now much more effective in protecting units from airstrikes. Additionally, airstrikes are somewhat less effective against heavily armored vehicles than in version 1.0. 13) The number of files that the game file manager boxes can locate has been increased from 50 to 999. VERSION 1.11 NOTES 1) Version 1.1 introduced a bug which could freeze the game if a "strong" computer player encountered certain conditions. This has been corrected in version 1.11, and it is the only difference from version 1.1. END OF CHANGES / ADDITIONS. Norm Koger 2.0 EMAIL addresses- GEnie: n.koger Internet: n.koger@genie.geis.com (_NO_ "attached files" please!)