Wing Commander Armada: Patch 1.0. This Patch is being distributed free of charge. It does, however, require the original Wing Commander Armada. This version of Armada is believed to be free of bugs. If you find any problems please report them to the Origin BBS at (512)331-4446 and we will fix them as soon as possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: To install the Armada Patch just unzip the file into your Wing Commander Armada directory, the run Armada.exe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixes: Colorado Spectrum notebook support added Notes: 1) Follow the instructions provided with the adapter to enable it. 2) type armada.exe -j to use the notebook gameport 3) The Colorado Spectrum adapter only supports COM 1 and COM 2 Passwords for each gauntlet level Notes: 1) Passwords are issued after successfully completing a level in the gauntlet mode 2) Passwords must be typed exactly as shown 3) Will only work for Single player mode (ie: No Net or Modem gauntlet games will use passwords) Usage: 1) To use the Password you MUST exit the game and run armada followed by the Password. Ex: armada.exe -!PASSWORD 2) The game will start as normal, but you MUST go into One Player mode and select Gauntlet Mode. 3) Choose your race (ie: Confederation or Kilrathi) 4) If you typed in the password correctly it will tell you it was accepted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adittional keyboard reference for Armada Key Function --- -------- Alt-KEYPAD PLUS = brighten the targeting crosshair Alt-KEYPAD MINUS = darken the targeting crosshair