Wing Commander Armada: Proving Grounds Mode =========================================== This Add-on is being distributed free of charge. It does, however, require the original Wing Commander Armada. This version of Proving Grounds is believed to be free of bugs. If you find any problems please report them to the Origin BBS at (512)331-4446 or through our internet address at SUPPORT@ORIGIN.EA.COM and we will fix them as soon as possible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: To install Proving Grounds just unzip the file into your Wing Commander Armada directory, the run PG.EXE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: 6 player IPX support. Proving grounds mode that allows players to kill each other while competing for powerup items to increase your ships capabilites, including shields and armor, weapons, cloaking device, fuel, and a cloaked ship scanner to view ships that are cloaked. Battle mode allows any combination of 6 player (ie. 1-1-1-1-1-1,3-3,2-2-2) Colorado Spectrum notebook support added Notes: 1) Follow the instructions provided with the adapter to enable it. 2) type pg.exe -j to use the notebook gameport 3) The Colorado Spectrum adapter only supports COM 1 and COM 2 Note: One player play is not supported in proving grounds mode. Note: Proving Grounds does not support NetBIOS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyboard reference for Proving Grounds: Key Function --- -------- T = Toggle Target L = Toggle Lock KEYPAD8 (up) = Control Down KEYPAD6 (rt) = Control Right KEYPAD2 (dn) = Control Up KEYPAD4 (lt) = Control Left TAB = Afterburners G = Toggle Guns W = Toggle Weapons BACKSPACE = Full Stop SPACEBAR = Fire Guns ENTER = Fire Missile KEYPAD MINUS = Slow Speed KEYPAD PLUS = increase Speed COMMA = Roll Left PERIOD = Roll Right 1 = 1/3 Speed 2 = 2/3 Speed 3 = Full Speed APOSTROPHE = Launch Chaff Q = Toggle Guns to Cloak A = Toggle to All guns C = Activate Comm VDU D = Activate Damage VDU S = Activate Score VDU N = Toggle between graphic and numeric displays for gauges Alt-KEYPAD PLUS = brighten the targeting crosshair Alt-KEYPAD MINUS = darken the targeting crosshair During the ship selection screen you just need to hit T to change teams.