~Cyber Empires Mega Money cheat for the strategic campaign mode of Cyber Empires. How to work: Load the game with "Cyber". Select "Strategic Campaign" from the menu. From there, you'll want to select "new" game. You'll see some sort of grid-you'll want to select the first guy as "human", and the rest as you wish this game only cheats on the first player, so you can't have two humans playing each other and cheating. Select whatever you want any of the other guys to be (human, computer, inactive), then select "go" or whatever it tells you to do. It'll ask you your name. You _must_ enter "FLT CHEAT", or else the address of the game gets all screwy and it'll never work for you. Then you select the skill levels of the computers you'll be playing against. A screen'll come up, with a bunch of icons. The one in the top right corner of the icon box, a jagged-line thing, is the button you want. Click that. Now you're in the game. Select the disk icon (bottom right most), and you'll get another menu. Save the game as whatever you want, and then select Cancel to get you out of the menu. Quit the game (click twice), and then comes the cheat-a lot less complicated. Now, if you saved the game as "game 1", type the below replacing x with 1. If you saved the game as game 3, type the below replacing x with 3. Load Cyber up once again, select strategic campaign, and then on the far right you'll see a "load" box. Click on that, select the proper game, and then kickass. DEBUG GAMEx.DAT (Where x is the save game number) E120 3B 9A CA 00 W Q