This file contains the following information: a) Information on our fully functional demos and our "Registration Reminder" screens. b) An basic, consise explanation of our disclaimers. c) Generic installation instructions for our software, including a section on manual installations. d) Generic uninstall instructions. e) Our update policy. f) On-line support. g) ASP Ombudsman statement. h) The long, drawn out legalese section, software license information, limited warranty, trademarks, etc. i) Information on other products. j) Information on our Premier Support Services. k) Ordering information. l) International Ordering Information. m) Order Form. REGISTRATION REMINDERS Unlicensed copies of Wilson WindowWare products are 100% fully functional. We make them this way so that you can have a real look at them, and then decide whether they fit your needs or not. Our entire business depends on your honesty. If you use it, we expect you to pay for it. We feel that if we treat you right, you will treat us right. Unlicensed copies of our products do have a pesky registration reminder screen that pops up whenever you start the program. This shouldn't really affect your evaluation of our software. We're sure that once you see the incredible quality of our software, you will dig out your credit card, pick up the phone, call the nice people at our 800 number and register the software. When you pay for the shareware you like, you are voting with your pocketbook, and will encourage us to bring you more of the same kinds of products. Pay for what you like, and voila, more of what you like will almost magically be developed. LEGAL MATTERS Of course the usual disclaimers still apply. We are not responsible for anything at all. Nothing. Even if we are held responsible, the limit of our liability is the licensing fees you paid. The full text of our license agreement is found near the bottom of this file. HOW TO INSTALL THIS SOFTWARE Use our snazzy setup program... 1) Close down all extraneous Windows applications. (You do have to be in Windows to run WSETUP.EXE) 2) Double-Click on the WSETUP.EXE program. (If you have the WinCheck product in front of you, the setup program is still called SETUP.EXE) 3) When the setup program asks for a directory, specify initial directory, or accept the given default. 4) When the screen comes up that asks you what you want to install, do your selections, or just hit the INSTALL ALL button. Hit the OK button to continue. ******************** MANUAL INSTALL ********************* If you cannot use the snazzy setup program, and must do a manual install.....good luck. Basically installing our products without going through the setup program is "unsupported", as installation of Windows products does get tricky. However as to not leave you completely in the lurch.... 1) Most files to be installed by the installation program end in an underscore "_". The files might be compressed. If you received the files on a DISK, the probability is HIGH that you must expand the files with our WEXPAND (see below) program before use. If you received the files packaged in a ZIP file, the probability is LOW. and you may simply rename the files to the correct name. If you try to expand a file that was not compressed, the expand program will NOT give an error message, and will NOT correctly process the file. In general, if the output from the expand program is smaller than the file that went in, the expand program should not be used. By examining the files with our Browser (possibly included with the package) program, or basically any tool that allows you to look at the file in hex, one can quickly learn how to determine if the file is compressed or not. If you can read *any* text in the morass of funny looking symbols, the file is probably not compressed. If the characters seem completely random, the it probably is compressed. 2) The files (generally) must either be expanded into files with the correct names, or must be renamed, prior to use. 3) In general, the DLL files should go into your WINDOWS directory, or else some directory mentioned in your DOS path statement. 4) The BROWSER.EXE program may be used to view the *.MAN manual files. It is recommended that you put the BROWSER program in the same directory you put the DLL files. 5) You may want to add to the WIN.INI [Extensions] section the following lines: MAN=BROWSER.EXE ^.MAN HLP=WINHELP ^.HLP WBT=WINBATCH.EXE ^.WBT *** USING THE WEXPAND PROGRAM *** Example: The installation diskette is inserted into your A: floppy drive You wish to expand the WININFO.EX_ file. At the DOS prompt type... WEXPAND.EXE WININFO.EX_ WININFO.EXE Make sure the output file (WININFO.EXE in this case) is LARGER than the imput file (WININFO.EX_), otherwise the file was not compressed, and should be renamed as follows: REN WININFO.EX_ WININFO.EXE UN-INSTALL INFORMATION The snazzy setup program will create a DOS batch file - UNINSTAL.BAT in the target directory that will un-install the product just installed. You may either review the batch file and perform a manual uninstall, or, if you have not installed any products *after* installing this product, go ahead and run the batch file. If you have installed several products before deciding to uninstall this, the uninstall will *generally* work successfully. The only problem that occurs is when this product installs a file that the other products use. In general, this will only be a problem when you install several of our products, and will be much less of a problem if you install products from other vendors. If problems occur, generally all that is required is to re-install the product that is complaining about the lack of a file. A quick review of the uninstall bat file, deleting a line or two for files you know are used by other products may be all that is required to successfully run the uninstall. UPDATE POLICY It is the policy of Wilson WindowWare to protect faithful customers, and to derive the majority of our income via sales to new customers rather than continually attempting to extract more funds from existing customers. Of course we must at least cover our costs or we could not stay in business bringing you new and updated software. Wilson WindowWare frequently updates it products. There are various kinds of updates, including Major updates, Minor updates, and bug-fix updates. Minor and bug-fix updates for our shareware products are free -- subject only to our reasonable shipping and and handling charges for disks. As we are not in the disk selling business, you may find that shareware vendors specializing is disk sales can easily sell disks cheaper than we can. On the other hand, we *always* have the most recent versions of our software. Our shipping and handling charges for update disks are as follows: 10.00 US and Canada for the first product, 5.00 US and Canada for each additional product. 9.50 Surcharge for shipping outside of US and Canada. If you obtain a minor or bug-fix update from Compuserve or other online service, a BBS, a shareware disk vendor or from another source, there is no charge from us (of course you will have to pay the on-line service fees, disk vendors fees, or at least pay your phone bill for downloading from a BBS). In addition, you may use a single disk to update any number of copies of a product. The policy and pricing for Major shareware updates vary. Depending on the nature of the upgrade, length of time since the previous major upgrade, desirability of new features added, the extent of revisions to the printed manuals (if any), work involved and possible price changes for new users, we may or may not charge fees. Since it is difficult to determine what the cost of future major updates will be, and since we do not wish to commit ourselves to the uncertainty of the future, we have provided information on the cost of major past updates here so that you can see our track record, and possibly feel reassured about the future. Command Post first released: May, 1988 1.0 thru 6.x Free <6.x to 7.x $18.50 (included a new manual) 7.0 to 7.2+ Free <7.x to 8.0 $0-$15-$25 (depending on date of purchase) (Included nearly 300 pages printed docs WinBatch first released: Jan 1991 1.0 to 3.3 Free <3.x to 4.0 $0-$15-$30 (depending on date of purchase) (Includes nearly 300 pages printed docs) File Commander first released May 1992 1.0 to 2.0+ Free (Registered 1.0 users received free 2.0 manuals and disks (and NO S&H charges)) WinCheck first released: Oct 1990 1.0 thru 2.x Free <2.x to 3.0 Free (New manual and disk - $10) 3.0 thru 3.0+ Free Address Manager first released: July 1991 1.0 to 1.1b Free 1.1b to 2.0+ Free (New manual and disk - $12) Windows Reminder first released: July 1991 1.0 to 1.3+ Free (No major updates so far) WinEdit first released: November 1990 1.0 to 1.3 Free 1.3 to 2.0 Free (New disk and manual set - $20) * In the table Above "Free" means the update costs the same as a minor update, in that if you want us to send you a disk, there is only our standard shipping and handling charges for disks. + Indicates current versions ON-LINE SUPPORT Wilson WindowWare has on-line support! The home of all Wilson WindowWare is on Compuserve, in the WINAPA forum, in the Wilson WindowWare section (#15 currently). Also the latest and greatest downloads are available from DL15 of the WINAPA forum. The Wilson WindowWare section of the WINAPA forum is checked on a daily basis, and all questions will be responded to. The Fidonet Windows echo is also checked on a fairly regular basis. We only look at the titles of the messages. If you want to leave a message for us be sure one of the following words are in the title. WINDOWWARE WILSON BATCH CMDPOST COMMANDER WINBATCH WIL Registered users may also call our BBS for the latest versions of our products. (206) 935-5198 USR HST/V.32bis V.42bis 14,400+ 8N1 Although we still allow 2400 baud connects as of Jan 1993, we are considering requiring at least a 9600 baud modem in the future. Connects at 1200 baud and below will not be permitted to log on. Association of Shareware Professionals Ombudsman Statement Wilson WindowWare, the producer of Wilson WindowWare software, is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon MI 49442 or send a Compuserve message via easyplex to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 The legalese section... ADDRESS MANAGER Copyright © 1990-93 by Wilson WindowWare, Inc. COMMAND POST Copyright © 1988-93 by Morrie Wilson. FILE COMMANDER Copyright © 1992-93 by Morrie Wilson. REMINDER Copyright © 1991-93 by Wilson WindowWare, Inc. WINCHECK Copyright © 1990-93 by Wilson WindowWare, Inc. WINEDIT Copyright © 1990-93 by Steve Schauer. WINBATCH Copyright © 1991-93 by Morrie Wilson. WINBATCH COMPILER Copyright © 1991-93 by Morrie Wilson. SOFTWARE LICENSE Wilson WindowWare software is not and has never been public domain software, nor is it free software. Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use our software on a 21-day trial basis for the purpose of determining whether the software is suitable for their needs. Any use of our software, except for the initial 21-day trial, requires registration. The use of unlicensed copies of our software, outside of the initial 21-day trial, by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited. A single user license permits a user to use one copy of the licensed software product only on a single computer. Licensed users may use the program on different computers, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. No one may modify or patch any of our executable files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering our software programs. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute our shareware software only for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1) The software must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. 2) The full machine-readable documentation must be included with each copy. 3) Our software may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product with out a specific license to do so from Wilson WindowWare. 4) Vending of our software products in retail stores (by "shareware rack vendors") is specifically prohibited without prior written authorization. Written authorization will generally require payment of a small royalty on each disk sold. 5) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted, except as authorized below: A) Non-profit user groups may distribute copies of the our products to their members, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non-profit groups may collect a disk duplication fee not to exceed five dollars. B) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make our products available for downloading only as long as the above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long as there is not a specific charge for the download of our software. C) Mail-order vendors of shareware software approved by the ASP may distribute our products, subject to the above conditions, without specific permission. Non- approved vendors may distribute our products only after obtaining written permission from Wilson WindowWare. Such permission is usually granted. Please write for details (enclose your catalog). Vendors may charge a disk duplication and handling fee, which, when pro-rated to each individual product, may not exceed eight dollars. LIMITED WARRANTY Wilson WindowWare guarantees your satisfaction with this product for a period of 90 days from the date of original purchase. If you are unsatisfied with the product within that time period, return the package in saleable condition to the place of purchase for a full refund. Wilson WindowWare warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Wilson WindowWare warrants that the program will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product. If a significant defect in the product is found, the purchaser may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, WILSON WINDOWWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL WILSON WINDOWWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF WILSON WINDOWWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is Wilson WindowWare 2701 California Ave SW /suite 212/ Seattle, WA 98116 TRADEMARKS Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. File Commander is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. Command Post is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. WinBatch is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. WinCheck is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. Reminder is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. Address Manager is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. WinEdit is a trademark of Wilson WindowWare, Inc. *** WILSON WINDOWWARE PRODUCTS *** Our great line of Windows products includes: Address Manager - Tracks addresses, phone numbers, comments, important dates. Includes dialer and label printer. Supports DDE. $39.95 Command Post - A powerful text-based shell for Windows. Programmable menus, built-in batch language, file viewer and more. $49.95 File Commander - Allows addition of programmable menu items to the Windows 3.1 File Manager. Make File Manager into a super-powerful shell. $49.95 Reminder - Personal Schedule Manager. Keeps track of to-do lists, set alarms (which can launch apps), prints reports. Supports DDE. $59.95 WinCheck - Your personal finance manager for Windows. Manages checking, savings, cash, and credit card accounts. Features galore! Supports DDE. Custom Reports. $69.99 WinEdit - Power Programming for the Windows Environment. Full featured editor, or simple file browser. Super high speed, super powerful. Winedit comes in 3 flavors, for novice, intermediate and advanced users. WinEdit Lite - Super notepad replacement $29.95 WinEdit Standard - Programmers editor. $59.95 WinEdit Pro - Includes full macro language $89.95 WinBatch - Write your own Windows Batch Files! Dialogs, automatic program control, and powerful data manipulation lets you control your Windows. A must for the power user. $69.95 WinBatch - NOT A SHAREWARE PRODUCT. The WinBatch compiler COMPILER! can compile WinBatch batch files into standalone EXE files that may be distributed on a royalty free basis. Great for networks and corporate gurus. Compile your WBT files and then hand them out like candy. $395.00 PREMIER SUPPORT SERVICES Wilson WindowWare, Inc., a leader in high technology Windows software, is prepared to support software engineering projects with these services: [] Programming of custom interfaces to suites of applications running under Microsoft Windows. [] Programming custom Electronic Information Systems for the distribution of critical information. [] Development of custom functions that extend our Windows Interface Language (WIL) to control customer processes and procedures in manufacturing, process control, communications, networking, and financial analysis. [] Migration of business functions to the upcoming Windows NT platform. Rates begin as low as $125 per hour. Minimums and other considerations apply. Please call (206) 938-1743 for more information. ORDERING INFORMATION Licensing our products brings you wonderful benefits. Some of these are: - Gets rid of that pesky reminder window that comes up when you start up the software. - Entitles you to one hour free phone support for 90 days (Your dime). - Insures that you have the latest version of the product. - Encourages the authors of these programs to continue bringing you updated/better versions and new products. - Gets you on our mailing list so you are occassionally notified of spectacular updates and our other Windows products. - And, of course, our 90-day money back guarantee. INTERNATIONAL ORDERING INFORMATION Our International customers may wish to order our products from their favorite dealers. The following shareware vendors will be happy to provide you with registered copies of any of our products. If your favorite vendor is not listed, ask them anyway. If you wish to order direct from Wilson WindowWare, please see the note on the order form for international customers. Denmark: Prof. Shareware (v/Jens Rex) Benloese Skel 4 G, 4100 Ringsted Phone : 53 61 90 42 Denmark Fax : 53 61 93 91 U.K. Omicron Systems Ltd Ireland 45 Blenheim Crescent Leigh-On-Sea Essex SS9 3DT Phone : 0702 710391 U.K. Fax : 0702 471113 Unica Shareware Publishing 39a Hall Street Stockport Cheshire SK1 4DA Phone : 061 429 0241 U.K. Fax : 061 477 2910 Netherlands BroCo Software Ereprisstraaat 26 P.O. Box 446 3760 AK SOEST Phone: 31 0 2155 26650 The Netherlands Fax: 31 0 2155 14012 France WindowShare SARL (Le spécialiste du shareware sous MS Windows) B.P. 2078 57051 - METZ cedex 2 Téléphone : France Télécopie : DP Tool Club 102 rue des Fusilles Villeneuve d'Ascq B. P. 745 59657 Téléphone : France Télécopie : Pearl Agency France 25, Rue Turgot 68110 Illazach Téléphone : France Télécopie : Germany Pearl Agency Deutschland Am Kalischacht 4 W-7845 Buggingen Tel : 07631 120 91-99 Germany Fax : 07631 120 08-9 Mailbox: 07631 120 21 BTX : *PEARL# Austria Pearl Agency Osterreich Grunburgerstr. 7a A-4540 Bad Hall Tel : 97258 53 33 Osterreich Fax : 07258 53 15 Switzerland Pearl Agency Schweiz GroBmattstr. 16 CH-8964 Rudolfstein Tel : 05731 70 20 Schweiz Fax : 05731 70 30 WILSON WINDOWWARE ORDER FORM Name: ____________________________________________________ Company:____________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ City: ________________________ St:______ Zip:___________ Phone: (______)_________________ Country:________________ ____ Address Manager(s) @ $39.95 : _______.____ ____ Command Post (s) @ $49.95 : _______.____ ____ File Commander (s) @ $49.95 : _______.____ ____ Reminder (s) @ $59.95 : _______.____ ____ WinBatch (s) @ $69.95 : _______.____ ____ WinCheck (s) @ $69.99 : _______.____ ____ WinEdit Lite (s) @ $29.95 : _______.____ Standard (s) @ $59.95 : _______.____ Pro (s) @ $89.95 : _______.____ ____ WinBatch Compiler @$395.00 : _______.____ ____ International Shipping (except Canada) @ $9.50 : _______.____ Total: _______.____ Please enclose a check payable to Wilson WindowWare; International customers please see note below. or you may use Access, Amex, Visa, MasterCharge, or EuroCard. For credit cards, please enter the information below: Card #:__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Expiration date: ____/____ Signature: _________________________________________ Where did you hear about or get a copy of our products? ____________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************** * International customers. Although we do prefer payment by Credit Card * * we can accept non-US-bank checks under certain conditions.... * * The check MUST be in your currency -- NOT IN US$ -- Just look in your * * newspaper for the current exchange rates, make out your check and send * * it to us. We will take care of the rest. No Eurocheques please. * ************************************************************************** Send to: Wilson WindowWare, Inc. 2701 California Ave SW #212 Seattle, WA 98116 USA or call: (800) 762-8383 (USA Orders Only ) (206) 938-1740 (Customer Service/International Orders) (206) 937-9335 (Technical Support) (206) 935-7129 (Fax) (Please allow 1 to 2 weeks for delivery)