Filenaming Conventions for VirusScan 2.0.1 Beginning with VirusScan Version 2.0.0, McAfee will be using a new method of naming the .ZIP files which contain our programs. The filename will note the antivirus products' stock-keeping unit (SKU), its release status, major version number, and minor version number (if any). The new method of naming .ZIP files for electronic distribution of our software is as follows: {3 char. name} + {1 char status} + {3 char. major ver} + {1 char. minor ver} The following chart gives some examples of what these can be: SKU ณ RELEASE STATUS ณ MAJOR VER # ณ MINOR VER # ออออออออออออออุอออออออออออออออออุอออออออออออออุอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออ SCN=Scan (DOS)ณ A=alpha test ณ 200=2.0.0 ณ E=Electronic ณ ณ ณ distribution ณ ณ ณ WSC=Scan (Win)ณ B=beta test ณ 201=2.0.1 ณ I=International ณ ณ ณ ณ ณ ณ OSC=Scan (OS/2ณ G=gamma test ณ 210=2.1.0 ณ R=Retail ณ ณ ณ ณ ณ ณ NSH=NETShield ณ R=release ณand so forth ณ and so forth ณ candidate ณ . ณ . ณ ณ . ณ . ณ ณ . ณ . VSH=VShield ณ -=production ณ ณ ณ release ณ ณ Examples: Listed below are some sample filenames with an explanation of their meaning: SCNA200E.ZIP VirusScan for DOS Alpha-Test version 2.0.0 electronically- distributed version. OSCB201I.ZIP VirusScan for OS/2 Beta-Test version 2.0.1 international version. WSC-202R.ZIP VirusScan for Windows Production version 2.0.2 retail version.