Welcome To Zip Manager From Software Excellence By Design Inc. ----------------------------------- Version 5.1 April 8th 1994 This document covers IMPORTANT material NOT contained in the user's guide. Please read ALL of this information carefully! SEE THE NEW FEATURES section for new features that are NOT covered in the help or documentation. All Known Bugs Fixed -------------------- Version 5.1 fixes all known bugs reported to us in the last 6 months. Most importantly the CD ROM drive problem that some users reported has been fixed. The Password option has also been corrected, and your cosmetic and functional suggestions have been implemented where possible. Important Installation Directions --------------------------------- The Zip Manager program files are in compressed format, each file ends with an _ character. You must run the ZMSETUP program to expand them before the program can be used. You must run ZMSETUP.EXE from the Windows Program Manager. Other shells like the Norton Desktop or PC Tools for Windows are not 100% compatible with our setup program and may cause it to fail when attempting to create the Zip Manager Group. Running The ZMSETUP Program ---------------------------- 1. From the Program Manager File Menu choose Run... 2. Enter the location of the ZMSETUP Program. If the files were on your A: drive then you would enter: A:\ZMSETUP and press Enter or Click on the OK button. 3. The Zip Manager setup dialog will be displayed. 4. The edit field will display a suggested directory. 5. Press OK to accept the default directory or enter new destination directory and press Enter or Click on the OK button. 6. The setup program will create the directory for you and display the file installation progress. 7. When it has finished expanding and copying the files it will create a new Program Manager Group and add the program files to the group. Now you can proceed with the next step. To Complete The Installation ---------------------------- After the installation program is finished you MUST read the installation section of the Users' Guide. You will see its icon in the Zip Manager group. You must setup the program's default directories, and configure the program to work with your Virus Detection software. ************************************************************************** Important Information - Please Read These! ************************************************************************** VERY IMPORTANT -> Please Note The Following: --------------------------------------------- THIS APPLIES TO DOS PKZIP USERS ONLY Do NOT put the Zip Manager program files deep in a directory tree. Doing so may make it impossible for Zip Manager to work with the DOS programs, ARJ and PKZIP. We suggest that you install Zip Manager in its own directory off of the root directory. c:\zipmgr, would be a good example. ZMZIP and ZMUNZIP allow Zip Manager to compress and extract files in very deep directory trees. However DOS programs are limited to 128 characters at the VERY MOST for command line arguments. VERY IMPORTANT -> Please Note The Following: --------------------------------------------- Zip Manager creates its own temporary directory called zm5temp which it uses to extract and store files. DO NOT use this directory, since all of the files in it are deleted when Zip Manager ends. We wanted to be sure that you didn't set this as one of your default directories. If you did all of your files would be gone when Zip Manager closed! There was a bit of confusion about the usage of this directory and we wanted to make sure that you didn't lose any files accidently. VERY IMPORTANT -> Please Note The Following: --------------------------------------------- **** WARNING YOUR DATA MAY BE IN DANGER **** Never add 2.04 format files to any Zip file created with the PKZIP Version 1.10. This is the old zip file format, and if you add a file to a version 1.10 zip with either PKZIP 2.04g or Zip Manager you will CORRUPT the Zip file and all other files in it will be unrecoverable. We have had a few users report this unfortunate problem and we wanted to make you aware of it again for your safety. Zip Manager has an easy to use convert option on the edit menu. If you are NOT SURE if a file was created with pkzip 1.10 or 2.04, then don't take a chance! Convert it to 2.04 format to be safe! This potential problem with backward compatibility was never documented clearly with any other archive program. We want your data to be secure, so we felt it was worth re-documenting it here for extra saftey. VERY IMPORTANT -> Please Note The Following: --------------------------------------------- If you have the recurse directories switch checked and then select the root of your hard disk, Zip Mgr will try to recurse and archive your entire drive! There may be some instance where you would need to do this but just be aware that you will also need to have multiple volume switch set and have the target drive as either A: or B: Important Note On Converting Files! ----------------------------------- DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONVERT MORE THAN ONE FILE AT A TIME. When converting a file from ZIP to ARJ or ARC to ZIP for example, you would force the conversion process to open up more than one copy of PKZIP. This can easily RESULT IN SEVERE DATA LOSS. The Zip Manager was designed to convert only one file at time, so please be careful. MAPI.DLL Error Message Warning ------------------------------ If you don't have an E-Mail program, or one that uses the Microsoft Mail API then the FIRST TIME Zip Manager starts you MAY get a message box that says, "Error Can't Find MAPI.DLL" TO DIABLE THIS ERROR MESSAGE: 1. Start the windows Notepad program. 2. Type the following: NO MAIL 3. Choose Save from the File Menu. 4. Save the file in your Windows/System Directory with the name MAPI.DLL 5. Now when Zip Manager starts it will see this file and disable the mail items on the menu and you will no longer get the error message. Maintenance Releases and Upgrades ---------------------------------- All maintenance and minor version upgrades will be available ONLY on our BBS. Since these releases will contain only the upgraded files it will save you download time and keep the files on our board where they won't inadvertently be downloaded as the complete program. =============================================================== New Features In Version 5.1 =============================================================== Full Network Support Now Standard --------------------------------- Since so many users have small networks we decided to make network support standard in the shareware release of Zip Mgr. It frees us from having to have a seperate disk and gives the user the freedom to evaluate every feature of the program. We have added more robust support for file locking and error trapping in version 5.1 Full Use Of The Registration Database ---------------------------------------------- In order to allow for multiple configurations and in keeping with the Win32 API, Zip Manager now makes full use of the registration database. Don't Forget The "Easy Check Out Feature" ----------------------------------------- Since Zip Manager can create a new group for you right frrom the menu or allow you to drag a program directly from an archive and drop it on any program manager group to add it to that group. All of these features make it very easy to "Check Out" a new program with a minimum of effort. Also remember that all you have to do to "run" a program is double click on it in any Zip or Arj file. FULL PKZIP Multiple Volume Support ---------------------------------- Zip Manager now fully supports creating and extracting ALL or SELECTED files from a multiple volume Zip. Due to the way that a multiple volume zip is created you MUST place the LAST disk in the series in your floppy drive. The last disk is the ONLY one that contains the needed information about all of the files contained in the zip file. Once the files are selected pkunzip will prompt you to put in the correct disk number. Self Extracting Archive Support ------------------------------- Zip Manager now fully supports self extracting EXE files as normal archive files. You double click on them to open them into the archive pane as you would any other Zip or Arj file. You can then perform any option available to archive files on them. File Re-Naming Support On Extraction ----------------------------------- If Zip Manager encounters a file with the same name when extracting a zip file it gives you the option of entering a new file name. Only Zip Manager and ARJ offer users this convenient option! Directory Creation On Extraction -------------------------------- Many users asked for this feature so that they could have a new directory created if they wanted to when the Zip file was extracted. Zip Manager can even create a multiple level directory. If for example you entered: c:\test1\test2\test3 Zip Manager would create that directory structure and extract the files into the test3 sub directory! Drag and Drop Server -------------------- Version 5 is now a Drag and Drop server, which means that you can drag files from Zip Manager and drop them on any program or other file manager for Windows to copy, move, or even add them to a program manager group. This functionality applies to files in archives and normal files shown in the directory pane. . Dot and .. Double Dot Support -------------------------------- This release supports the . and .. as target directories when creating or extracting files. You can enter a . or a .. in the target directory combo box instead of typing in the full directory name. Virus Detection Programs ------------------------ Note: In order for your virus detection program to work with Zip Manager it MUST be able to accept command line arguments. Read the users guide installation section for instructions on how to determine if your program will work with Zip Manager. Possible Parameter Combinations For Virus Detection programs. ---------------------------------------------------- In the Zip Manager Setup Dialog Enter the following after the program location name and directory. For Example, X:\UTILITIES\NAVW.EXE /auto *.* /S would be the correct command for the Norton Anti Virus for Windows Program. Listed below are the (sometimes) correct switch parameters for most popular virus detection programs. You will most likely still need to experiment a little to get some of them to work. We use and recommend SCAN.EXE from McAfee and Associates. NAVW.EXE /auto *.* /S WNAPVIR.EXE /QM *.* SCAN.EXE /A /nomem *.* /SUB NAV.EXE *.* /m- /s CPAV.EXE *.* /P MSAV.EXE *.* /P End Of Readme Information - Reference Info Follows -------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************* * ZMZIP & ZMUNZIP vs PKZIP & PKUNZIP Switch Support Cross Reference * ********************************************************************* Pkzip Switches Supported By ZMZIP --------------------------------- -a Add files -d Delete files -e[x,n,f,s,0] use [eXtra|Normal (default)|Fast|Super fast|NO compression] -f Freshen files -m[f,u] Move files [with Freshen | with Update] -u Update files -p|P store Pathnames|p=recursed into|P=specified & recursed into -r Recurse subdirectories -v View .ZIP file contents (Automatic in Zip Manager) -a+ Clear archive Attribute after compression -c Create/Edit Comments for all files -C Add Comments for new files only -k Keep original .ZIP file date -o Set .ZIP file date to the latest file in .ZIP file -q Enable ANSI codes in comments -z Create or modify .ZIP comment -= Open file in compatibility mode(Automatic In Zip Manager) PKZIP IS REQUIRED FOR --------------------- -s[pwd] Scramble with password -& Span disks Pkunzip Switches Supported By ZMUNZIP ------------------------------------- -d Restore/create Directory structure stored in .ZIP file -e[n] Extract files. Sort by [Name] -f Freshen files in destination directory -n Extract only Newer files -o Overwrite previously existing files -q Enable ANSI comments (Automatic In Zip Manager) -t Test .ZIP file integrity -v[b] View .ZIP [Brief By Name] PKUNZIP REQUIRED FOR -------------------- -s[pwd] Decrypt with password [If no pwd is given, prompt for pwd] ***************************************************************************** end of file