Dale Earnhardt Theme
The Dale Earnhardt theme is intended to be used with Microsoft Plus! However,
If you don't have Microsoft Plus installed on your computer and still want
to use the theme, there is a free program you can download called
Desktop Themes that allows
you to use desktop themes without having Microsoft Plus installed. The Dale Earnhardt
theme comes with a cool background, custom-made icons, a neat animated cursor
and complete Startup and Shutdown screens as well as a orignial screen saver.
There are extra icons, sounds, and wallpaper so that you can change any aspects
of the theme that you don't like. Let me know what you think of it!
To install the Dale Earnhardt Theme, you will need a compression utility. I recommend
downloading a shareware program called Winzip from
Once you have a compression utlity installed, double click on the file named earnhardt.zip.
Now extract the contents of this file into a folder, it can be any folder.
Then simply open the folder up and double click on the install.html file.
From there, you can install the components of the theme, the startup and shutdown screens,
and remove the startup screens. Once you install the theme, the components are place
in the C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes directory. Once the components are installed,
open up your theme program, either Microsoft Plus! or Desktop Themes, and change the
current settings to the Dale Earnhardt Theme.
1024 x 768 Resolution
The theme was made for a resolution of 800 X 600.
Installation of Startup Screens
The eaisest way to install the startup screens is from the install.html
file included in the download. From that file, you can click on the install startup
screens link. This will make a backup copy of each startup screen and then install the
Dale Earnhardt startup screens automatically. However, if you need to install the startup
screens manually, here's how. First of all, double click on MY COMPUTER. Then click on
VIEW and then OPTIONS. Next, click on the VIEW tab and make sure the option that reads
"Show all files" is checked. Hit APPLY. Now, copy the following files that were
included with the Dale Earnhardt Pack to the appropriate location.
logo.sys located in --> C:\
logow.sys located in --> C:\WINDOWS
logos.sys located in --> C:\WINDOWS
Then reboot and you will see the new Scream Startup Screens.
Removal of Startup Screens
The eaisest way to install the startup screens is from the install.html
file included in the download. From that file, you can click on the uninstall
screens link. This will restore the Windows 95 Startup Screens. If for some reason,
you would like to uninstall the Dale Earnhardt startup screens manually, it's pretty easy to do.
First of all, double click on MY COMPUTER. Then click on VIEW and then OPTIONS. Next,
click on the VIEW tab and make sure the option that reads "Show all files" is checked.
Hit APPLY. Now, when you installed the theme, it made a backup of
each startup screen and called it "d_filename". For instance, here are the
backup files that were created.
c_logo.sys Located in --> C:\
c_logow.sys located in --> C:\WINDOWS
c_logos.sys located in --> C:\WINDOWS
All you have to do restore your old startup screens is to rename the file "d_logo.sys" to "logo.sys" and so on. Repeat this procedure for logow.sys and logos.sys.
I have seen some complaints in the newsgroups about desktop themes not working properly.
One of the most common problems is that the JPG wallpaper will not be displayed properly
in Windows 95. This may be the case if you have Microsoft Office 97 or FrontPage 97
installed on your computer. This happens because the Theme switcher is not compatiable
with a JPEG filter that is installed by default when installing Office 97 or FrontPage 97.
You need to download an updated Themes.exe file. You may do so by following this URL:
Download this file and extract the Themes.exe file into the C:\Program Files\Plus! directory.
Also, I have only tested this theme with Microsoft Plus! I do not guarantee that
it will be compatible with the Desktop Themes program. Some users have complained
about certain themes not working correctly with the Desktop Themes program. Most of
the problems have been with the wallpaper. My suggestion is to save the JPG wallpaper
to a BMP file and place it into the C:\Windows directory. This should display the wallpaper
properly. If this does not solve your problems, then email me at leptsept@mindspring.com
and I will try to give you further advise. I mean, Austin:316 says you have see the
Dale Earnhardt Theme! : - )
Joey Holt
If you have any comments concerning The Dale Earnhardt Desktop Theme,
please send e-mail to: webmaster@joeyh.com
Copyright � 1997 Joey Holt
All Rights Reserved