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zLaunch Box Shot zLaunch for Macintosh FUQ

(Last substantive change to this page made April 10, 1997)
Copyright © 1996-1997. Zeus Productions. All Rights Reserved.

Please consult the following list for answers to the most common pre-sales questions regarding zLaunch specifically for Macintosh, as well as additional technical information not covered on the zLaunch Summary Page. Refer to our Needs Analysis FAQ to determine if zLaunch or some other tool is right for you.

Questions About zLaunch for Macintosh

Q. Is zLaunch available for Macintosh?

A. zLaunch for Macintosh has been shipping since June 1996 and zLaunch for Windows since April 1996, but they are sold separately. Both are mature and robust products with a number of user-controllable options for maximum flexibility.

The Macintosh version includes a FAT executable that works with both 680x0 Macs and PowerMacs

Q. How much does zLaunch for Macintosh cost?

A. zLaunch for Macintosh is $299 US. For $499 US you can get the cross-platform bundle which includes both zLaunch for Windows and zLaunch for Macintosh. Consult the zLaunch Summary Page for details.

Q: Is there a demo version of zLaunch for Macintosh available?

A. There is not currently a demo version available, but if you purchase a password, you can Download the live version from our Download Center. Remember, there is a Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee, so you can try any of our products, including zLaunch, risk-free.

Q: What versions of Director for Macintosh are supported?

A. zLaunch works in both Director 4 (revision 4.0.4 required) and Director 5 (revision 5.0.1 recommended). Director 6.0 will be supported when it ships.

Q: What types of Projectors will zLaunch work with? Can it launch both native and non-native applications?

A. zLaunch works with all the possible permutations for 68K Macs and PowerMacs with Director 4. and Director 5. Refer to the General Questions about zLaunch FAQ for more info.

Q. Can zLaunch launch any Macintosh application?

A. zLaunch will launch the vast majority of all Macintosh applications. Refer to the General Questions about zLaunch FAQ for more info.

Q. What types of Macintosh applications will not work with zLaunch?

A. Applications which cause a reboot, such as some installers, or kill other running processes may not work with zLaunch. Refer to the General Questions about zLaunch FAQ for more info.

Q: Do I need to modify my external application(s) to work with zLaunch?

A. Generally you do not need to modify your Macintosh application(s).

For certain Macintosh applications, you may need to copy menu resources into the application's resource fork to prevent the menu bar from flashing while switching applications. (This is not an issue under Windows). These "mctb"resources are provided in zLaunch's resource fork. They can be easily copied using ResEdit.

Q. What needs to be installed to run zLaunch? Can it run from a CD?

A. Nothing needs to be installed to run zLaunch. Simply include zLaunch in the same folder as your projector. You can run it from either a hard drive or a CD. There is no need to copy it into the System Folder, or similar requirement.

Q. How do I use zLaunch from a CD on the Macintosh?

A. On the Macintosh, unlike Windows, a CD has a fixed name, so you can simply refer to its name in your path specification, such as:


Q. Can zLaunch for Macintosh determine the name and/or location of the application to launch?

A. zLaunch for Macintosh can launch an application based on its Creator Code. Refer to the Details on zLaunch's Capabilities FAQ for more info.

To launch an application by its Creator Code, specify lie 3 of the configuration file as follows:

OPSG/Creator Code/Document

where Creator Code is the four character signature, such as MOSS for Netscape Navigator. Refer to the TechNote, "File Types and Creator Codes"for more details.

Q. Can zLaunch for Macintosh return the path to an application?

A. No, zLaunch for Macintosh does not return the path to an application, but you can launch an application without knowing its complete path (see above). Refer to the Details on zLaunch's Capabilities FAQ for more info.

Q. Does zLaunch allow Director to control or communicate with other applications? Does it support AppleScript?

A. zLaunch is not really designed to control other applications, but refer to the Details on zLaunch's Capabilities FAQ for more info. zScript for Macintosh adds some AppleScript support to Director.

Q. Does zLaunch always cover the desktop in black?

A. The color of the cover window is determined by a window resource in zLaunch's resource fork. This resource can be edited with ResEdit to change the window cover. BTW, zLaunch will cover multiple monitors as well.

Q. Can zLaunch for Macintosh pass a document name to the launched application such as a PDF file to Adobe Acrobat or a URL to Netscape Navigator?

A. zLaunch can pass a document name to an application when it is launched. If you want to pass documents to an existing application while keeping Director open, instruct zLaunch not to quit Director. It will then pass the document name onto an already open application, or you can use zScript for Macintosh instead.

Q. How are parameters passed to zLaunch for Macintosh?

A. zLaunch is an external application itself, so it is actually initiated with using Lingo's "open...with"command.. This starts zLaunch and gives you the opportunity to pass it the parameters that control its execution.

On the Macintosh, zLaunch reads the parameters from a small configuration text file, which you can create in SimpleText. The general format is:

open "configFileName" with the pathName & "zLaunch"

This makes it very easy to test and modify the parameters to zLaunch without even using Director.

If you need to specify parameters dynamically, the FileIO Xtra can be used to create configuration files on the fly, as covered in the TechNote, "Creating Files Dynamically".

Refer to the documentation for details on the format of the configuration file.

Q. How do I quit the projector on the Macintosh?

A. On the Mac, you can control whether to kill the projector, and whether to wait for the projector's process to die. On the Mac, zLaunch must be allowed to kill the projector, because if you quit the projector via Lingo, the desktop will flash briefly. This is not an issue under Windows, where you can use the quit or halt command from Lingo to quit the projector.

Q. Can zLaunch unload the Mac Finder to save memory while a projector is running?

A. zLaunch can not unload the Mac Finder from memory. zLaunch is able to quit Director, because Director is not a "reserved"Mac OS application.

Some people create a "Finder-Projector" by combining the Finder's and Projector 's resources. Thus, the "Finder" is the only thing running, but it is really the Projector with some other required resources.

This approach would not be practical for a commercial title.

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Copyright © 1996-1997. Zeus Productions. All Rights Reserved.

(This page last revised April 25, 1997)