RISC World

RISCWorld Volume No.1

The CD-ROM magazine for RISC OS users.

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RISC World issues index

This page contains links to the full contents list for all the editions from volume 1 of RISC World.

Issue Number 1

Issue Number 2

Issue Number 3

Issue Number 4

Issue Number 5

Issue Number 6

Issue Number 7

Special Offers and Advertiser's index

As well as the commercial adverts RISC World will carry free adverts for subscriber's surplus and secondhand software, hardware and computers. Commercial advertisers should phone 020 8778 2659 or see the advertising info on this CD.


Free Wizard Apprentice CD. The version of Wizard Apprentice on this CD is almost complete, but it's missing the Intro and and some parts run a bit slowly because we've had to compress it to get it onto the CD. For the full CD send just £2 in coins or stamps to cover post and packing to the APDL address and mark your envelope 'Wizard Apprentice CD'. Outside the UK the price is £3.50 and payment can be by cheque or credit card.

Ovation Pro. You've read the review, you've tried the demo, now you want to buy a copy. APDL will supply the latest version of Ovation Pro to RISC World subscribers for the bargain price of just £130 plus £5 UK carriage.

DrawWorks New Millenium. To compliment the series on using the latest DrawWorks package RISC World subscribers can get a copy for just £21.50. For more information see the iSV Products advert.

These offers are valid until the end of May 2001 and are available to RISC World subscribers only.

The latest information on new releases such as EasyFont and StarFighter from iSV Products
Hard drives, CD ROMs, fast IDE interfaces and add-ons for all models, plus low cost CDs and software and the new Turbo S/ARM upgrade.
Specialists in internet software like the new !DialUo and suppliers of games like Doom, Quake, Abuse, Chaos Engine and Heros of Might and Magic.
Special 10% discount for RISC World subscribers.

The Wakefield show. Saturday and Sunday 19th and 20th May.

No material from RISC World may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the copyright holder. Every care is taken in the editing of articles, however RISC World and APDL cannot be held responsible for any errors in articles and adverts or for the views expressed by authors as these may not reflect the views of the publisher. All software supplied with RISC World is used at your own risk and RISC World/APDL make no claims as to its suitablity for any particular purpose.

© Copyright 2001 APDL. RISC World is published by APDL and edited by Aaron Timbrell.

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