APDL, 39 Knighton Park Road, Sydenham, London SE26 5RN
Tel 020 8778 2659
ArtLesson CD-ROM
The complete interactive art studio on one CD-Rom. Providing the teacher makes
sure that space and the right materials are
available, any pupil should be able to work through the themes and activities
and gain a great deal from them. The program is based upon long classroom
experience. It will provide a sound introduction to observing and drawing from nature.
The program contains a collection of high quality photographs showing some
of the enormous variety of patterns to be observed in the world around us.
Many of the pictures are from nature, others are human-made. Some are regular
and symmetrical such as seed-heads or stone walls. Others are irregular like
lichens or plant forms, and some are ready-made scenes to paint.
Throughout history artists have used such patterns to inspire drawings and
designs of all kinds. Using these pictures as starting points we can do the
There are also many examples of pupils' work, along with animations, lessons
in drawing and painting and hints on the use of materials.
From the Art Room, clicking on the various parts of the room will take you
into the rest of the program. You can get help with this by clicking
on the teacher's tray. Experiment until you have learnt what happens.
You can return to the Art Room at any time by clicking on a button
with a small picture of the Art Room upon it.
Pupils should begin with the first two or three themes to understand how the
program works. After that, they may pursue an individual path through them at
their own pace.
Experience in using the program should also open pupils' eyes to the vast
source of inspiration that exists in the world out there!
Suitable for Key Stage Two AT 1 and AT 2.
Over 50 activities in 10 themes.
Art exhibitions of both pupils and famous artists work.
Colour studio, learn about colour, reflection and tone.
Animations and soubd effects.
Almost 100 royalty free PhotoCD images.
Requires Risc Os 3.1 or later, CD-Rom drive and 4Mb of RAM.
"I would thoroughly recommend artlesson. it is packed with fascinating information and invaluable sources of inspiration" Archive
"I found it fascinating. I was soon reaching for pencils and paints, keen to try out the ideas suggested on the disc" Archimedes World
"This super and affordable resource is quite unique in the field of art, and is a must for all primary schools" RISC User
Special HALF PRICE offers!
Single user version �29
Site licence �49 (plus carriage)
This Web site was hand coded by iSV products.
All contents are � iSV products 1999
Graphics constructed using DrawWorks Millennium