New items and major updates.
This page lists and links to new products or where there has been a major upgrade of a product or a significant price change.
APDL and proAction have now taken over most of the titles previously published by Clares Micro Supplies. This includes Schema, Composition, Rhapsody, and many others. We shall be announcing the new prices for these products very shortly.
Make 2D and 3D maps.
Image manipulation software.
Schema 2.
Powerful and comprehensive spreadsheet package.
Rhapsody 4.
Music notation and much more.
Great 24 bit art package with lots of features. Very easy to use.
We keep getting people ask for replacement or better mice, so we've introduced a series of options including cordless and optical mice.
We have several books on RISC OS and we've also just re-published the Archimedes Gamemakers Manual, which is essential reading if you want to write games.
A new version of this powerful yet easy to use C and C++ compiler. Not only is it even better, we've also lowered the price and included the Vigil interactiver debugger/monitor.
Vigil is a fully interactive monitor and debugger for desktop programs. We're now including it as part of the EasyC package, but it's also available separately.
DrawWorks Select.
At last you can dig out that Select CD that you've been using as a coaster. The new version of DrawWorks that will work with RISC OS Select is here so you can install Select without sufferring DrawWorks withdrawal.