Ancestor+ Fixes and Additions history --------------------------------------- This lists additions and modifications made to Ancestor+ from version 1.20. Depending upon when you obtained your printed manual some items in this list might not be included in it. IMPORTANT - The best way to install an updated version of Ancestor+ is to copy it to your hard disc and then copy the contents of the User sub-directory of the old version to the new version. This ensures that your Register file and any Report Template files you have created are transferred. However, if you do this it is best if you delete the files 'Choices' and 'Windows' from the User sub-directory if they are present. The layout of these files may change and old files could cause errors or some rather strange options or 'clipping' of windows. Ancestor+ is © David Holden and Graham Crow and costs £59 inclusive from - A.P.D.L. 39 Knigton Park Road Sydenham London SE26 5RN Phone: 0181 778 2659 Web: Email: Please report any problems of bugs to me at the above address. Note that telephone is the preferred method of communication if possible. I often need to ask questions or some points may require clarification and trying to do this by email can be incredibly time consuming. 1.20 The 'Title' and 'Bynames' fields can now be given other names. These are set in the Database Choices window and are saved with the database. They are still refered to as Title and Byname in the Details and Search windows, but when compiling Reports etc. the chosen field names will be shown. To make creating a Resources directory even easier a 'Create' button has been added next to the Resources Directory field in the Database Choices window. If you enter a name for the directory and click on this it will be created in the same directory as the database was loaded from. Obviously the database itself must previously have been Saved or Loaded so that the program has a path set for it first. 1.21 When creating a descendant chart the actual descendent is shown first when a married coupld is charted 1.22 Fixed bug with gave error when RETURN was pressed to accept the default option in the error/warning window 1.23 Corrected error in GEDCOM output which gave wrong subsidiary line numbers 1.24 Fixed bug which stopped 'show names' in main Choices from being re-loaded User field names now shown properly in Details window User fields and tags now exported correctly in GEDCOM 1.25 Max number of deleted people increased to 500 and deleted families to 200 Fixed bug which could sometimes cause error in previous record when a record was deleted. 1.30 Fixed bug which could cause corruption at start of big text trees. Caused by insuficient space for tables as some people included many times with multiple marriages Introduced \NOT and \UFN tags in reports, which allow Notes files to be included, plus \FAM and \CHI contructs. The \UFN tag (UnFormattd Note) will remove linefeeds from paragraphs so that the text can be automatically wordwrapped when imported into a wordprocessor. Construction of Template files and tags now described in a separate Appendix to Manual Fixed bug which made Ancestor charts stop one generation short Fixed bug which made Search List Menu in Search Window open in wrong place Pedigree charts introduced -------------------------- At the bottom of the Charts menu is a new item 'Pedigree', clicking on this it opens a large window showing the ancestors of the currect person. 5 generations are shown in this window, with the name, number and date of birth and death of each person. Clicking ADJUST on any box will, as with the Main Window, open the Detail window for that person. Clicking SELECT on the person will make that the current person in the Main Window. Family numbers are shown, and clicking on these opens the appropriate Family Window. You can move 'up' the tree and force a redraw of this window by dragging a person's number in this window to the 'root' person's box. The tree will be redrawn with that person as the root. Clicking MENU anywhere in the window opens a menu where you can save the Pedigree tree as a Drawfile or a Textfile. The latter is not very elegant but, as with the text Ancestor and Decendant charts, it is quick and easy to print. These charts can be saved as 3, 4 ,5 or 6 generations. In each case the Drawfile is scaled to fit onto an A4 page. The text versions require 80 characters per line for 3 generations, 96 for 4 generations and 136 for 5 or 6 generations. This corresponds to Elite, Pica and Condensed settings on dot matrix printers. People's numbers may be shown if required, and a heading can also be included. Clicking on 'Report' opens the usual Report window. When opened from here most of the the top section, which normally defines the scope of the report, is 'greyed out', as the scope of the report will always be the people in the chart. The icon which normally shows the current person in the Report window now shows the number of generations the report will cover. This reflects the setting in the 'Save' windows, as it is assumed that you would wish to create matching charts and reports. Note that 'Last chart' in the Report window is unchanged in function and does not refer to Pedigree charts. There is s sub-menu 'Search list' This lets you create a search list consisting of all the people in the Pedigree chart or add them to an existing search list. If you click on 'Search list' on the menu the Search window will open. As with the Main window, of you drag a person's number to the Search Window they are added to the search list. 1.31 Modified most windows to make them slightly smaller by reducing height of writable icons I just noticed that noticed that the top level Resources directories are limited to 2 digits, so total number that can be accommodated is 99 x 77 = 7623 people. Modified program so directories will have 3 digits when over 99 so limit is now nearly 77,000 people or families. There is no conflict with earlier versions as the old two digit system is preserved for less than 100. Introduced separate HTML files for both whole file and export. This is optional and is controlled buy an option button 'Separate files' on the 'Save HTML' window. This system creates a directory containing an Index file with the names of all the people. These names are all linked to individual HTML files for every person and family, stored in sub directories with a structure similar to the Resources Directory. With a lot of people this is much more flexible, especially for people who want to put data on their web sites and include notes, etc. Added dates of marriages, date of birth and date of death to HTML export files. Added 'Ignore unlinked' button to Save HTML window. This omits unlinked people from HTML files. Has no effect on HTML export In the main display, moved people's number from the top RH corner of their box to the bottom RH corner. This corner is always empty whereas the top line of text in the box sometimes extended over the number when it was at the top. 1.32 Fixed bug which gave wrong links in full HTML single file introduced when 'adopted parents' added for v1.31 Separate 'save' windows now used for for Single File and Multi File HTML. There are now two items on the Save and Export windows, 'HTML single' and 'HTML multi' The 'Unlinked' icon in both save HTML windows is shaded when opened from 'Export' menu as it is assumed that when using the Export menu the user will not require this option. Caret is now always positioned correctly at end of number in 'Goto' icon in main window. Pictures can now be incorporated into HTML multiple files. Only the Spritefile 'Picture' is used. These can be either the sprites copied directly from the Resources directory or converted to JPEG using ChangeFSI with RISC OS 3.6 or better. ChangeFSI must have been seen by the Filer for this to work. Leaving the picture as a spritefile will make it render more quickly on an Acorn system (particularly older models) but JPEG will be universally recognised on 'alien' systems. Selecting 'CSV format' from the Save or Export menus now opens the CSV Format window so it can be kept open if required. When opened by 'sliding off' the menu it would close when the mouse was clicked elsewhere. 1.33 Fixed bug which stopped 'Last chart' reports after an Ancestor chart from working properly Modified HTML Pictures system. Now copes with JPEG, Sprite or GIF, but pictures must have the following names - JPEG - Pic/jpg GIF - Pic/gif Sprite - Picture When moving pictures to an HTML file, if 'JPEG' is selected the pictures are looked for in this order - JPEG - Copied to HTML directory unchanged GIF - Copied to HTML directory unchanged Sprite - Converted to JPEG If 'Sprite' is selected, they are looked for in this order - Sprite - Copied to HTML directory unchanged JPEG - Converted to Sprite GIF - Converted to Sprite As well as putting GIF or JPEG pictures in HTML structures they can also be used as an alternative to Spritefiles in the Resources directory if requred. As yet !Anc+ does not display the picture itself, but tries to get another program to do so. With JPEG amd GIF pictures this would normally be a web browser, and you will probably have to Run it before it will display pictures. If there is no 'Run Alias' for the type of picture (ie. if a program wouldn't automatically display them when you double-click on them) an error will be generated. When displaying a picture, they are looked for in the order Sprite, GIF, JPEG, and must have the correct names for their type (see above) and have the correct RISC OS Filetype set. Note that these pictures can co-exist in the Resources directory, which is why different types have different names, even though they may just be different versions of the same picture. There is a potential problem calling ChangeFSI if input and output paths are too long as CLI strings are limited to 255 chars pre RO4. If this happens, create te HTML structure in the top level ($) directory of your drive. This will shorten the destination filename. I realised there could still be difficulties with the directory structure in Resources and HTML with large numbers of people. There is now a new system. This is compatible with the old system up to about 5,700 people, but then changes. As there have been no reported problems I assume that so far no-one has attempted to create a structure with more than about 6000 people, so there shouldn't be a compatibility problem. The new system can accommodate up to around 30,000 people and families. When opening a Resources directory its position and features can now be configured. This is achieved with a new button, 'Directory position' in the main Choices window. When you click on this a small window will appear. Drag this to where you want the Resources directory to open. There are two other configuration options. Buttons labelled 'Large icons', 'Small icons' and 'Full info' set the display option for the window. 'Sort by Type' will ensure that files are displayed by filetype rather than in alphabetical order. When you have it set as you wish click on 'Set'. Note that although the options take effect immediately they will not be Saved to disc until you click on 'Save' in the main Choices window. If you click on 'None' then no options are set, and the directory will open wherever the filer decides and with the standard options set on your machine. Note that when you click the 'Directory position' button if a position has been set already the window will open in that position. This might be inconvenient if you have changed to a smaller screen, so if you hold down the SHIFT key when clicking on 'Directory position' (or if no options have been set) the window will open within the confines of the Choices window. 1.34 Reports can now be multi-file with each person in a separate consecutively numbered file. Ideal for Drawfiles, WP docs, etc. Pedigree window extended to show 6 generations Export GEDCOM now uses 'Save GEDCOM' window Found and fixed bug which sometimes generated an error when exporting GEDCOM files (not Saving, as reported to me). 1.35 HTML file generation is now multi-tasking with a progress window from which you can abort or pause the operation. 1.36 Added helptext for Reports, Dbase Choices, Chart, HTML Save and Search windows 1.37 New logo and Register window Introduced HTML version of manual 1.38 Fixed problem with some buttons in main Choices window accidentally set so they couldn't be selected when modifying windows for v1.36 'Person' and 'Family' sub-directories now always created when Resources directory is created. This wasn't always done in some versions so you could get a 'Not found' eror when trying to create a directory for a new Person or Family. 1.39 Fixed mistake which gave DoB twice in HTML Index instead of DoB then DoD 1.40 Introduced Surnames Statistics. The 'report' button now produces a menu instead of the Report Window. From here the Report Window can be opened, or the Surnames window. This lest you save a textfile showing statistics on the surnames in the file. It lists all names, showing the numbers of people found with each name, their sex, and the earliest and latest date of birth for each name. There is an option to include only names with more than a certain number of people. This is used to 'filter' all people who appear by marriage but whose names are unimportant to this function. Note that at present the file can only be saved to disc, not dragged directy to anotherprogram or viewed. 1.41 Names Statistics can now be displayed and dragged to another application. As with Charts, clicking MENU over the display window lets you save the file as well as being able to save from the original window. Fixed some logic problems causing interaction with various charts which made the state of the Last Chart button in the reports window uncertain. Titles of descendent, ancestor and surnames windows now correct. Previoulsty the window title was always 'Descendant chart'. Fixed bug which omitted partner of most distant person in an Ancestor chart 1.43 Fixed mistake in calculating number of people in pedigree chart when creating reports If the Chart Window is open the Main Menu will no longer appear to avoid conflicts Stopped 'feature' where Chart Window would close without reason The Progress window is now used when saving or exporting GEDCOM files so it is possible to pause or abort the operation. Removed close icon and 'Last chart' button from Report window and added 'Cancel' button. Last Chart button now obsolete as reports of charts can be generated from the Charts Window Menu Report window can no longer be opened by sliding off Report menu but only by clicking on the menu item A menu now appears when you click MENU over a Chart Window. From here you can create reports on all the people in the chart or save the chart itself. You can also save a fully cross referenced subfile of the chart, with all the people and families. This can be an Ancestor+ file, GEDCOM, or HTML single or multi file. An Ancestor+ file exported in this way is a self contained file. At present any data in the Resources directory is not transferred, but a future addition will be to create a new Resources Directory to match the sub file. 1.44 The Search window now closes when the Report window is opened from the Chart window to avoid a conflict with the Search Menu and Chart Report using the same scratch workspace Progress windows now have correct titles to indicate function. The appropriate parts of the Resources Directory can now be exported with the Anc+ file when saving a 'tree'. This is done by entering a suitable name and selecting 'Resources Dir' when saving an Anc+ file from the Chart Window Fixed problems caused by too many people being included in files saved from Ancestor charts. Now only the people actually in the chart are included, previously their siblings were included too. 1.45 Fixed bug which stopped re-order drags working caused by mix up with dragging people in Pedigree window When dragging a number in the Pedigree window it is now OK if the destination is the number of te root person 1.46 Fixed problem where two people in 4th and 5th generations were transposed when creating a Drawfile of a 6 generation Pedigree chart Fixed various problems arising where a person has a family with an unknown partner and another with a known partner. This upset the spouse menu and re-ordering system. 1.47 Made Macro window slightly smaller Fixed bug which gave Addr Exeption error with reports caused by mistake in assigning start of file pointer Ged-Anc 0.07 Fixed problem with 'Pedigree' GEDCOM which put a space after the INDI and FAM tags 1.48 Search string now only needs to be 2 characters instead of 3 Minimum name requirement now either some sort of Forename or Surname Made sure file is closed after merging two files. Sometimes this could be left open. Fixed bug which gave error when adding new people caused by changes made in Details window 1.49 Checks are now made when moving between families or people using the arrow buttons or 'goto' icon and the user is prompted if the details have changed Fixed problem where it was possible to add the same child many times when creating a family. Fixed bug where it was possible to generate an error by using the 'goto' icon in the family window when adding a new family Fixed errors in some pedigree Drawfile constructs which could cause problems when people's numbers were included and the numbers were >1000 'Names' window introduced ------------------------- This is in addition to the Macro window, and although it performs a superficially similar function it works rather differently. If you press F1 while the Detals window is open and has the Input Focus then the Names window will open. This has 20 icons, and each can contain a string of up to 23 characters. If, with the caret in either the Surname, Forename, Byname or Title field, you hold down the ALT key while you type a number between 1 and 20 on the numeric keypad then the name in the Names window that corresponds with that number will be entered into the field which has the caret in the Details window. Using the keypad in this way lets you enter the names without having to use the mouse to click on a button as is the case with the Macro window. If you'd rather use the mouse you can click on the number beside the name. Note that, unlike when using the Macro window, the string will replace any text already in the field, not be added to it. Also, you do not actually have to have the Names window open to use the function, just holding down ALT and entering the number will work, even with the window closed. Data is entered in the Names window in the usual way by placing the caret in the required icon and typing the name. The window can be closed either by clicking on the 'Cancel' button or pressing F2. The names are automatically saved and re-loaded with the Ancestor+ file. To wipe out all the names you can click on the 'Clear' button. Instead of typing in the names, if you create a Textfile containing the names, one per line, and drag this file to the Names window the names will be entered into the icons, replacing all previous data. 1.50 Fixed the problem with HTML multi files where pictures were included. This was because I have been working on a RO4 machine and had forgotten that the Images directory brought the total number of items in a directory over 77. A miscalculation meant the program couldn't cope with nore than 10,000 people. This is now fixed. !AncConv 0.43 Introduced conversion for GEDCOM files (1.2 ?) exported from Archimedes version of Family History Maker. 1.51 Fixed typo in HTML file creation which gave error creating family with adopted children 1.52 Fixed bug in HTML multi. References in Index were still set to 77 files per directory after this had been changed to 76 to accommodate graphics subdir. 1.53 Checks for parent/child relationships when updating Family. Improved JPEG size identification. Although the previous system worked with 'normal' JPEGs those exported from some PC applications didn't have their size corectly read. Selecting 'Update' in Choices window now closes the window. Main display should now be updated when clicking on 'Update' in Family window if changes have been made and one of the people involved is the Current Person. Fixed problem which sometimes corrupted the beginning of Ancestor charts. 1.54 Fixed bug which output DoD in DoB field with CSV export Corrected PLAC level GEDCOM marriage data which was level 3 instead of level 2 Updated phone number in GEDCOM to new London codes. Fixed problem with JPEG comp modules not always found. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 2.00 Major upgrade introducing Grpahic charts. Too many changes to list. Now supplied on CD, floppy versions only by special order. 2.04 Graphic chart box horizontal positions now adjusted when box width or spacing changed Ancestor draw charts introduced Line gap now configurable in Chart Prefs Added menu for Graphic Chart button in Main and Chart windows from which to select Ancestor or Descendant chart and number of generations. 2.05 Slight mods so can be made available as demo/download. 2.06 Fixed problem with RETURN in main Save As window not saving file and menu tree not closing after Save. Fixed bug which stopped marriage link lines from being set in Chart Preferences window Save Layout option introduced to allow saving of the 'layout' of a graphic chart so it can be reloaded later to redraw the chart with the same preferences and with people in the same positions. 2.10 Full CSV files now put 'A' in front of adopted child number Separate Toobar and Button bar in Detail window so window can scroll. 'Proofs' and 'Links' files implemented with buttons on toolbar Auto-creation of Notes, Proofs and Links textfiles from menu on 'cabinet' icon in Details window Positions of Softlink and ChartPrefs windows saved with other windows. Baptism and Burial fields with dates now included in Detail window. Configuration for Baptised and Burial field names in DB choices window and Baptism and Burial field names saved with file Check on Baptism and Burial dates introduced 'Soft Links' added, only implimented if new Reg file Links menu and 'Add' and 'Delete' menu buttons in Detail window New 'Link' window to show details of person selected from menu 2.11 CSV files now include Baptism and Burial fields (but not yet HTML) Baptism and Burial fields included in CSV export format window Birth, Death, Baptism, Burial and User field names now correctly shown in exported CSV file header CSV format window removed from Export sub-menu and moved, with DBchoices window, to sub-menu of main menu Current settings in CSVformat window saved with main Choices GEDCOM files now use tags configured in DB Choices for Title, Byname, Baptism and Burial fields. User Field names and GEDCOM tags now configured properly. Report tags for year, date and place of Baptism and Burial (\YBA, \YBU, \DBA, \DBU, \PBA, \PBU) Simple cut/paste buffer created to enable copying/moving text between the main fields in the Detail and Family windows. Text can be copied from the Softlink window but not cut or pasted to it Fixed bug which could corrupt data when reducing the size of a record. Ged-Anc 1.10 Major upgrade. Much internal re-writing Now uses new Baptism and Burial fields in Anc 2.10 New Setup window Byname, Title, Baptism and Burial fields can have user defined GEDCOM tags and have their names set. Baptism and Burial fields recognise NOTE, PLAC, DATE sub-fields If Burial field is linked to BURI tag then CEME tag data is put in Place field Tags in Setup menus now defined in file 'Tagmenu' on application directory. Fields names and associated tags set can now be saved. Field names and tags saved in file header ADJUST click on iconbar opens Setup window Recognises SOUR tag and will place anything after it or following CONT and CONC tags in a textfile 'Proofs' in the Resources directory if one is used. Each SOUR tage is prefixed with the configured name of the tag with which it is associated Recognises DIV and ANUL tags and will put DV or AN in Ended By field in Family window if found and any associated date in EoM date field