
RISC World

The Archimedes Gamemakers Manual

Copyright © APDL and Terry Blunt 2002. All Rights Reserved


Appendix A - Some useful sprite calls

With all the following calls, user sprites are assumed. This is identified by either +256 or +512 added to the value of R0. Unless otherwise stated you can assume the following.

+256 or +512    R1 is the pointer to the sprite area you set aside
+256          R2 is a pointer to the sprite name
+512          R2 is the sprite actual address

Intialise sprite area

R0 = 9+256

Before making this call you mast set the first two words in your sprite area. These should be !area=0 and area!4=16

Load sprite file

R0 = 10+256
R2 = pointer to file pathname

Save sprite file

R0 = 12+256
R2 = pointer to file pathname

Get sprite from graphics coordinates

R0 = 14+256
R2 = pointer to sprite name
R3 = 0 to exclude palette data, 1 to include it

Returns - R2 = address of sprite

Create empty sprite

R0 = 15+256
R2 = pointer to sprite name
R3 = 0 to exclude palette data, 1 to include it
R4 = width in pixels
R5 = height in pixels
R6 = screen Mode number

Get sprite from user coordinates

R0 = 16+256
R2 = pointer to sprite name
R3 = 0 to exclude palette data, 1 to include it
R4 = left edge OS screen coodinate
R5 = bottom edge OS screen coordinate
R6 = right edge OS screen coordinate

R7 = top edge OS screen coordinate

Returns - R2 = address of sprite

Create mask with all pixels set (solid)

R0 = 29+512

Put sprite to current graphics cursor

R0 = 28+512
R5 = plot action

Plot actions are as below

0       overwrite on screen
1       OR with colour on screen
2       AND with colour on screen
3       EOR with colour on screen
4       invert colour on screen
5       leave colour on screen unchanged
6       AND with colour on screen with NOT of sprite pixel colour
7       OR with colour on screen with NOT of sprite pixel colour
&08    if set, use mask, otherwise don't
&10    ECF pattern 1
&20    ECF pattern 2
&30    ECF pattern 3
&40    ECF pattern 4
&50    giant ECF pattern

Put sprite at user coordinates

R0 = 34+512
R3 = X coordinate
R4 = Y coordinate
R5 = plot action

Read pixel from sprite

R0 = 42+512
R3 = X coordinate
R4 = Y coordinate

Returns - R5 = colour
   R6 = tint

Write pixel to sprite

R0 = 42+512
R3 = X coordinate
R4 = Y coordinate
R5 = colour
R6 = tint

Read mask pixels

R0 = 43+512
R3 = X coordinate
R4 = Y coordinate
R5 = status, 0 for transparent, 1 for solid

Write mask pixels

R0 = 44+512
R3 = X coordinate
R4 = Y coordinate
R5 = status

Put scaled sprite

R0 = 52+512
R3 = X coordinate to plot
R4 = Y coordinate to plot
R5 = plot action
R6 = pointer to scale control block
R7 = pointer to pixel translation table, 0 to use sprite colours

The scale control block byte offsets are as below

0    X multiplier
4    Y multiplier
8    X divisor
12    Y divisor

For pixel translation, a sprite pixel colour of N will be plotted as the colour represented by the Nth byte in the table

Switch output to sprite

R0 = 60+512
R2 = sprite address as usual, but if zero will restore screen output
R3 = save area (generally not needed, set to 0)

Switch output to mask

R0 = 61+512
R2 = sprite mask address, 0 for screen output
R3 = save area, normally 0

Appendix B - Screen Modes for standard monitors

  Mode    Text        Graphics     Colours    Memory

0 80x32 640x256 2 20k 1 40x32 320x256 4 20k 2 20x32 160x256 16 40k 3 80x25 Text only 2 40k 4 40x32 320x256 2 20k 5 20x32 160x256 4 20k 6 40x25 Text only 2 20k 7 40x25 TELETEXT 16 80k 8 80x32 640x256 4 40k 9 40x32 320x256 16 40k 10 20x32 160x256 256 80k 11 80x25 640x250 4 40k 12 80x32 640x256 16 80k 13 40x32 320x256 256 80k 14 80x25 640x250 16 80k 15 80x32 640x256 256 160k 16 132x32 1056x256 16 132k 17 132x25 1056x250 16 132k

Appendix C    - VDU variables (sub-set)

Number    Meaning

1       Maximum column number for printing
2       Maximum row number for printing
4       Barrel shift right to convert X coordinate to screen pixels
5       Barrel shift right to convert Y coordinate to screen pixels
6       Screen line length in bytes
7       Size in bytes of the visible screen
148    Address of screen start use by VDU drivers
149    Address of displayed screen start
150    Total number of bytes currently available to screen

Appendix D - VDU commands

 Code Ctrl  Bytes       Meaning

  0     @     0     Does nothing
  1     A     1     Sends next character to printer only
  2     B     0     Enables printer
  3     C     0     Disables printer
  4     D     0     Writes characters at text cursor
  5     E     0     Writes characters at graphics cursor
  6     F     0     Enables VDO driver
  7     G     0     Generates bell sound
  8     H     0     Moves cursor back one character or deletes previous character
  9     I     0     Moves cursor on one space
 10     J     0     Moves cursor down one line
 11     K     0     Moves cursor up one line
 12     L     0     Clears text area
 13     M     0     Moves cursor to start of current line
 14     N     0     Enables page mode
 15     O     0     Disables page mode
 16     P     0     Clears graphics area
 17     Q     1     Defines text colour
 18     R     2     Defines graphics colour
 19     S     0     Defines logical colour
 20     T     0     Restores default colours
 21     U     0     Disables VDU driver or deletes current line
 22     V     1     Selects screen mode
 23     W     9     General purpose command
 24     X     8     Defines graphics window
 25     Y     5     PLOT
 26     Z     0     Restores default windows
 27     [     0     Does nothing
 28     \     4     Defines text window
 29     ]     4     Defines graphics origin
 30     ^     0     Homes text cursor
 31     _     2     Moves text cursor
 32-255    Display characters

Appendix E - Plot Codes

Plot codes are in groups of eight. Below are the base number of each group.

  Dec   Hex           Meaning

   0    00    Solid line including both end points
   8    08    Solid line excluding final point
  16    10    Dotted line including both end points
  24    18    Dotted line excluding final point
  32    20    Solid line excluding first point
  40    28    Solid line excluding both end points
  48    30    Dotted line excluding first point
  56    38    Dotted line excluding both end points
  64    40    Point plot
  72    48    Horizontal line fill to non-background (left and right)
  80    50    Triangle fill
  88    58    Horizontal line fill to background (right only)
  96    60    Rectangle fill
 104    68    Horizontal line fill to foreground (left and right)
 112    70    Parallelogram fill
 120    78    Horizontal line fill to non-foreground (right only)
 128    80    Flood fill to background
 136    88    Flood fill to foreground
 144    90    Circle outline
 152    98    Circle fill
 160    A0    Circular arc
 168    A8    Segment
 176    B0    Sector
 184    B8    Block copy/move
 192    C0    Ellipse outline
 200    C8    Ellipse fill

Within eack block the offset from the base number has the following meaning.

0    Move cursor relative to last point visited
1    Draw relative, using current foreground colour
2    Draw relative, using logical inverse colour
3    Draw relative, using current background colour
4    Move cursor to absolute coordinates
5    Draw absolute, using current foreground colour
6    Draw absolute, using logical inverse colour
7    Draw absulute, using current background colour

Block copy and move are exceptions whose codes are

0    Move only, relative
1    Move rectangle relative
2    Copy rectangle relative
3    Copy rectangle relative
4    Move only, absolute
5    Move rectangle absolute
6    Copy rectangle absolute
7    Copy rectangle absolute

Appendix F - Negative inkey vaues

   Key             Number             Key              Number 
 Cursor up          -58            Mouse select         -10 
 Cursor down        -42            Mouse menu           -11 
 Cursor left        -26            Mouse adjust         -12 
 Cursor right      -122            =                    -94 
 Print              -33            '                   -103             
 F1                -114            -                    -24 
 F2                -115            .                   -104 
 F3                -116            /                   -105 
 F4                 -21            [                    -57 
 F5                -117            \                   -121 
 F6                -118            ]                    -89 
 F7                 -23            ;                    -88 
 F8                -119            Esc                 -113 
 F9                -120            Tab                  -97 
 F10                -31            Caps Lock            -65 
 F11                -29            Scroll Lock          -32 
 F12                -30            Num Lock             -78 
 A                  -66            Break                -47 
 B                 -101            ~\`                  -46 
 C                  -83            Currency             -47 
 D                  -51            Back Space           -48 
 E                  -35            Insert               -62 
 F                  -68            Home                 -63 
 G                  -84            Page Up              -64 
 H                  -85            Page Down            -79 
 I                  -38            '\"                  -80 
 J                  -70            Shift (either/both)   -1 
 K                  -71            Alt (either/both)     -3 
 L                  -87            Shift (left/right)  -4/-7 
 M                 -102            Ctrl (left/right)   -5/-8 
 N                  -86            Alt (left/right     -6/-9 
 O                  -55            Space bar            -99 
 P                  -56            Delete               -90 
 Q                  -17            Return               -74 
 R                  -52            Copy                -106 
 S                  -82            Keypad 0            -107 
 T                  -36            Keypad 1            -108 
 U                  -54            Keypad 2            -125 
 V                 -100            Keypad 3            -109 
 W                  -34            Keypad 4            -123 
 X                  -67            Keypad 5            -124 
 Y                  -69            Keypad 6             -27 
 Z                  -98            Keypad 7             -28 
 0                  -40            Keypad 8             -48 
 1                  -49            Keypad 9             -44 
 2                  -50            Keypad +             -59 
 3                  -18            Keypad -             -60 
 4                  -19            Keypad .             -77 
 5                  -20            Keypad /             -75 
 6                  -53            Keypad #             -91 
 7                  -37            Keypad *             -92 
 8                  -22            Keypad Enter         -61 
 9                  -39

Terry Blunt
