It's subscription time!Most of our reader's subscriptions expire with this issue, so its renewal time! If you want to see the next action packed copy of RISC World you may need to renew your subscription. If yours has expired you should find a rebewal form with your CD, but to be sure look on the label on the package and it will tell you how many issues you have left before your subscription expires. We have kept the subscription prices the same as last year at £19.90 for UK subscribers and £21.90 outside the UK. Remember if you want to get a copy of Volume 4 Issue 1, you need to re-subscribe as soon as possible. Subscriptions are available from APDL, the contact details are reproduced below. What's coming next then?We are keeping very tight lipped about the next few issues of RISC World, but I somehow doubt you are going to want to miss them. We will continue our current series including the Education Column, Gamesworld, the PD Column and all our other regulars. We will also be starting some new series and have some interesting new articles coming up in the next issue including a full examination of the PayPal online payment system and the start of a new series explaining file types and how to transfer and read files between a RISC OS computer and other computers. We also hope to start serialising another book, we are just not sure which one we will start publishing first! On the software front we have a fine collection of commercial applications and will continue to make sure that every issue of RISC World comes with at least one (and sometimes more) full application(s) that has not appeared on a magazine before. Subscription contact detailsRISC World Subscriptions How to get RISC World for freeIf you want to get your RISC World for free, then there are two ways you can do it! Firstly if you sign up a friend as a RISC World subscriber we will extend your subscription by one issue. Secondly you can write for RISC World, every time we publish an article that you have written we will extend your subscription by one issue. So if you wrote six articles you would get a whole year of RISC World free. Alternatively if you signed up six of your friends as RISC World subscribers you would get a whole year of RISC World free. If you did both then you would get two whole years free! See you all next volume, provided you remember to re-subscribe. Aaron |