
may be entered as '.'

There is currently a special colour reserved for commands with @s in them. This is of little relevance in LaTeX itself, but can help when viewing files in related formats.

There are a number of commands originally written by Elliot Hughes' for his LaTeX mode.

4.0 : Problems                * is not currently coloured correctly. * The ... bracket matching works poorly - it doesn't work back to the start of the line to see if there have been an even number of and constructs.*Itpaysnoattentionto'

' - likestructuresandgailycarriesoncolouringthecontentsoftheseasthoughtheywerestillLaTeX.

5.0 : History - - - - - - - - - - - - -

v0.05 - (01 - Sep - 2002)*(Belatedly)BugfixtoScriptsloadingcode.v0.04 - (11 - Nov - 1997)*RevampedforthelatestversionofZap.v0.03 - (04 - Aug - 1997)*ElliotHughes'LaTeXcommandsaddedtoZapTeX.ManythanksareduetoElliotforsupplyinghismodule'ssourcecode.*Anoldproblemwiththingslike
$\tt resolved.
* Old 'Beautify' code stripped out.
v0.02 - (23-Jun-1997)
* Added support for ZapSpell. Words prefixed by ''\uml , ''$", "@" or "" which are not being escaped by a "äre not queried as spelling mistakes. v0.01 - (15-Jun-1997) * First version private release only.

6.0 : Contact ————-

Bug reports should be sent to


Feature requests should be directed towards


There are a also a number of mailing lists you can subscribe to - see Zap's web pages for details:
