Powerful RISC OS databasePowerbase is a powerful Shareware database for almost all RISC OS computers. APDL can supply it fully pre-registered on CD complete with an A5 printed manual and tutorial. Alternatively you can download the Shareware version from the Powerbase web site. and then register with the authors in the usual way. You can purchase Powerbase from APDL for just £15Please add £1.50 UK carriage, £2.50 outside UK.Powerbase can be used to create databases of information of almost any kind and provides powerful facilities for maintaining such databases and for selectively retrieving and printing information from them. Using Powerbase at an elementary level is particularly easy - you can, for example, set up a simple address-book database in a matter of minutes - yet the needs of more advanced users have not been neglected. Descriptions of Powerbase from various sources have sometimes implied that it is a relational database. It isn't, but it can provide you with some of the facilities which fall outside the sphere of a simple flat-file (card index) type of database and for which a relational database program might otherwise be necessary. It is best described as a flat-file database with table-validation. This means that text fields within the database can be linked to a list of items in such a way that the field will not accept items unless they are on the list. That list (called a validation table) can have many additional columns providing extra information which may be included in printed reports from the database if required. Other important features of Powerbase.