Rhapsody 4Rhapsody 4 is the latest of the Rhapsody series of music notation applications for playing, recording and printing music. Music can be input manually by dragging notes onto staves or with the addition of a MIDI card and MIDI keyboard you can play a tune and Rhapsody will capture it and place the notes on the staves automatically. Just take a look at the features:
Since Rhapsody 4 uses Fonts and Draw object to display and print, you no longer need to buy the ScoreDraw application which used to be necessary with earlier versions of Rhapsody, if you wanted high quality output or Draw file export. The Midi facilities are more sophisticated than the earlier versions. You are no longer limited to 128 Midi voices and you can add controller or other Midi information anywhere in the score. All this for just £29 including UK postPlease add £1 carriage outside UK.An upgrade from the Clares' version is available for just £19. Note that the upgrade price does not include a printed manual and that there is no extra carriage charge for overseas orders. When upgrading you must return your original discs with your order. Demo versionA demo version of Rhapsody4 is available for download. Rhapsody4 Demo ver. 4.05 - (890K ArcFS archive) UpdatesThere was a bug in version 4.09 of Rhapsody4 which meant that pressing RETURN when entering text into a score didn't work. This has now been fixed, and users who purhased Rhapsody4 from APDL, that is, the CD version, can download a free upgrade to version 4.20. |