Win copies of the latest books from Alligata media WIN COPIES OF ALLIGATA's NEW BOOKS
Alligata has copies of Basic V: A Dabhand Guide and The ARM Assembly guide up for grabs. To celebrate the launch of Basic V: A Dabhand Guide, we've got a copy of this and the previous guide to ARM Assembly up for grabs. Basic V was serialised in RISC World during volume 4, and we're currently updating it again to be relevant to BBC BASIC for Windows as well as Basic VI; while the ARM Assembly guide is being serialised at present. To be in with a chance of winning, simply name the author of Basic V: A Dabhand Guide, who was formerly the editor of Acorn Publisher magazine. Send your answer to The first correct entry out of the bag will win the prize. The editors decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into. Final closing date for entries is the 15th of April 2005. Employees of APDL and contributors to RISCWorld are excluded from entry. Copies of the books will be mailed directly by Alligata Media to the luck winner. RISCWorld |