Expo 2004
The mainland Europe Expo 2005 previewed by RISCWorld Once again the Big Ben club in the Netherlands is organising it's regular RISC OS show on Saturday the 18th of June 2005. As RISC OS enthusiasts in mainland Europe will know this is the only RISC OS show that takes place outside the UK. The Big Ben Club is the nationwide Dutch Acorn User Group and is very active in RISC OS circles. The show will be held at the Expohall, Hotel Mercure, Buizerdlaan 10, Nieuwegein (near the city of Utrecht) and is open from 10 in the morning until 5 in the evening. Map of the show venue The Show offers exhibitions and promotions by various companies, including Dutch, German and British RISC OS dealers. A number of club members will also be on hand to offer demonstrations. This is an excellent opportunity for European customers to meet with companies based in the UK, as well as an ideal time for UK companies to be able to demonstrate their products face to face. It's hoped that there will be a show theatre, although at the time of writing a list of speakers was not available. However the latest information can always be found on the club website at www.bigbenclub.nl. The Expo 2005 offers a great chance for UK dealers to see their European customers, and for RISC OS users living in mainland Europe to try a wide range of RISC OS product before parting with any hard earned money. RISC World |