
RISC World

RiscCAD Reference Manual


The Help window

The Help window displays the context sensitive on-line help provided by RiscCAD. It also shows the current working layer and has icons for short-cuts to many of the dialogue boxes. It is opened by choosing the Help item in the Windows submenu

The grey bar at the left edge of the window is a drag bar. Dragging this with SELECT allows the window to be moved. The current object snap in use is displayed to the right of the help message. The icons available are as detailed below.


   Open save dialogue box.


   SELECT opens print dialogue box. ADJUST opens plot dialogue box.


   Open scale view dialogue box.


   Open layer dialogue box.


   Open display control dialogue box.


   Open line style dialogue box.


   SELECT to toggle grid on/off. MENU to open grid dialogue box.


   Cut selected objects to clipboard.


   Copy selected objects to clipboard.


   Paste clipboard.


   Open library dialogue box.

