RiscCAD Reference Manual
The Display Control dialogue
The Display Control window box controls the drawing screen display. It is opened by clicking on the Display icon on the Help window or the keyboard short-cut CTRL-SHIFT-H.
All settings in this dialogue box are saved with each drawing. They also apply to the printed output, with the exception of the Page rulers and Print border settings.
On the left is a switch for each object type. If this is off that object type is not drawn.
Line styles determines if objects are drawn in their correct style. If this is off all objects are drawn using a solid line.
Line weights determines if objects are drawn in their correct line width. If this is off all objects are drawn using a thin line.
Redraw by layer determines the order of redraw. If this is off objects are redrawn in the order they appear on the drawing, regardless of the object layer. If it is on redraw is one layer at a time, starting with the first layer in the Layer dialogue box. There is a small speed penalty for this, and it is recommended that unused layers have their Visible switch off.
Fast text determines how text is displayed. If this is off text is displayed as normal. If it is on text is displayed using a single solid line. This increases redraw speed. If the text is too small to read it is replaced with a rectangle showing the extents of the text.
If Text origin is on it shows the origin of text by drawing a small diamond at the text node. This indicates whether the text is left, centre or right justified.
Page rulers controls the display of the page rulers. These are described later.
Print border controls the display of the print border. If no printer driver has been loaded the print border will cover the entire drawing. The print border is displayed as a grey border (this colour can be changed from the Preferences dialogue box), or, if tiling is selected in the Print dialogue box, it is displayed as lines on the paper to show the extent of each tile with a tile number at the bottom of each tile.
Crossed zero controls whether the zero character is drawn with a diagonal slash across it to distinguish it from the letter O.