
RISC World

RiscCAD Reference Manual


Keyboard short-cuts

      Function keys
F1       Line angle lock
F2       Repeat last text
F3       Save drawing/clipboard
F4       Toggle cursor style
F5       Left aligned text
F6       Centre justified text
F7       Right aligned text
F8       Last XY
F9       Use layer
F10    Swap XY
F11    Scale view
      SHIFT+Function keys
F3       Save symbol
F4       Cycle dimension text
F5       Set local size/Scale
F6       Set local angle/Rotate
F7       Rotate by 90° ACW
F8       Rotate by nudge angle ACW
F9       Open Layer dialogue box
F10    Open Drawing setup dialogue box
      CTRL+Function keys
F1       File information
F3       Save template
F4       Cycle dimension accuracy
F5       Move symbol to current layer
F6       Scale symbol by drawing scale
F8       Swap between CW arcs and ACW arcs
F9       Mirror selected objects around X axis
F10    Mirror selected objects around Y axis
F11    Mirror selected objects around XY axis
      CTRL+Normal keys
A       Select All*
B       Toggle Boxed text
C       Copy selection to clipboard*
D       Open Dimension set up dialogue
E       Edit mode
F       Open area Fill dialogue box
G       Group selection*
I       Toggle Italic text
K       Delete selection*
O       Set origin
P       Previous zoom
Q       Enquire mode
R       Redraw screen
S       Toggle select mode
T       Open text dialogue
U       Un-group selection*
V       Paste clipboard at cursor
W       Select window*
X       Cut selection to clipboard*
Z       Clear selection*
            * only when in select mode
      CTRL+SHIFT+Normal keys
G       Open Grid dialogue box
H       Open display control dialogue box
L       Open Line style dialogue box
O       Show print borders
P       Show Page rulers
U       Toggle Underlined text
      Other keys
PRINT    Open Print dialogue box
SHIFT-PRINT    Open Plot dialogue box
INSERT-A    Instant distance on circle/Arc snap
INSERT-C    Instant Centre snap
INSERT-D    Instant Distance on line snap
INSERT-E    Instant End snap
INSERT-G    Instant Grid snap
INSERT-M    Instant Mid-line snap
INSERT-P    Instant Point snap
INSERT-Q    Instant Quad snap
INSERT-X    Instant global snap   
TAB    Advance snap mode by one
SHIFT-TAB    Reset snap to off
RETURN    The same as the mouse SELECT button
ESCAPE    The same as the mouse ADJUST button
      Mouse operations
   At any time
SHIFT-DRAG-SELECT    Drag box to zoom window
   When creating objects
SELECT       Place next point
ADJUST       Delete all points and re-start
   When in Edit mode
SELECT       Pick object for editing
   When editing
SELECT    Replace object on drawing
ADJUST    Delete object and re-enter edit mode
   When in Select mode
SELECT    Select object under cursor and de-select other objects
ADJUST    Add object under cursor to selection
SHIFT-ADJUST    Remove object under cursor from selection
CTRL-SELECT    Set select reference point

