
RISC World


Who won copies of the latest Retro computer magazines?

Those with a long memory might remember that in the issue before last, i.e. three issues ago (Or 3/5ths of a Qercus - HJ) we ran a competition to win copies of Retro Survival, Retro Player and Retro Fusion.

Well due to unexplained circumstances we then forgot about it, until some entries came in. So having sifted carefully through them we have a winner. As I am sure you remember the competition was to come up with a good joke that got me laughing. Our lucky winner is Andy Brown from Lockerbie with:

A polar bear goes into a bar and says "Can I have a pint of . . . . . .Beer please?"
The barmaid says "Why the big pause ?"

So well done to Andy! The magazines should be sent out to you shortly. We hope to have some more competitions shortly, once we find some other goodies (I think you mean old tat - DH) to give away.

