Ancestor+ Version 2. Fixes and Additions history ------------------------------------------------ This lists additions and modifications made to Ancestor+ from version 2.00 up to version 2.30. Depending upon when you obtained your printed manual some items in this list might not be included in it. Note that Version 2 has now been superceded by Version 3. IMPORTANT - The best way to install an updated version of Ancestor+ is to copy it to your hard disc and then copy the contents of the User sub-directory of the old version to the new version. This ensures that your Register file and any Report Template files you have created are transferred. However, if you do this it is best if you delete the files 'Choices' and 'Windows' from the User sub-directory if they are present. The layout of these files may change and old files could cause errors or some rather strange options or 'clipping' of windows. Ancestor+ is © David Holden £59 inclusive from - A.P.D.L. 39 Knigton Park Road Sydenham London SE26 5RN Phone: 020 8778 2659 Web: Email: Please report any problems of bugs to me at the above address. Note that telephone is the preferred method of communication if possible. I often need to ask questions or some points may require clarification and trying to do this by email can be incredibly time consuming. 2.00 Major upgrade introducing Grpahic charts. Too many changes to list. Now supplied on CD, floppy versions only by special order. 2.04 Graphic chart box horizontal positions now adjusted when box width or spacing changed Ancestor draw charts introduced Line gap now configurable in Chart Prefs Added menu for Graphic Chart button in Main and Chart windows from which to select Ancestor or Descendant chart and number of generations. 2.05 Slight mods so can be made available as demo/download. 2.06 Fixed problem with RETURN in main Save As window not saving file and menu tree not closing after Save. Fixed bug which stopped marriage link lines from being set in Chart Preferences window Save Layout option introduced to allow saving of the 'layout' of a graphic chart so it can be reloaded later to redraw the chart with the same preferences and with people in the same positions. 2.10 Full CSV files now put 'A' in front of adopted child number Separate Toobar and Button bar in Detail window so window can scroll. 'Proofs' and 'Links' files implemented with buttons on toolbar Auto-creation of Notes, Proofs and Links textfiles from menu on 'cabinet' icon in Details window Positions of Softlink and ChartPrefs windows saved with other windows. Baptism and Burial fields with dates now included in Detail window. Configuration for Baptised and Burial field names in DB choices window and Baptism and Burial field names saved with file Check on Baptism and Burial dates introduced 'Soft Links' added, only implimented if new Reg file Links menu and 'Add' and 'Delete' menu buttons in Detail window New 'Link' window to show details of person selected from menu 2.11 CSV files now include Baptism and Burial fields (but not yet HTML) Baptism and Burial fields included in CSV export format window Birth, Death, Baptism, Burial and User field names now correctly shown in exported CSV file header CSV format window removed from Export sub-menu and moved, with DBchoices window, to sub-menu of main menu Current settings in CSVformat window saved with main Choices GEDCOM files now use tags configured in DB Choices for Title, Byname, Baptism and Burial fields. User Field names and GEDCOM tags now configured properly. Report tags for year, date and place of Baptism and Burial (\YBA, \YBU, \DBA, \DBU, \PBA, \PBU) Simple cut/paste buffer created to enable copying/moving text between the main fields in the Detail and Family windows. Text can be copied from the Softlink window but not cut or pasted to it CTRL-X = Cut to buffer, CTRL=C = Copy to buffer, CTRL-V = Paste. Note that when pasting any text in the icon is replaced. Fixed bug which could corrupt data when reducing the size of a record. Ged-Anc 1.10 Major upgrade. Much internal re-writing Now uses new Baptism and Burial fields in Anc 2.10 New Setup window Byname, Title, Baptism and Burial fields can have user defined GEDCOM tags and have their names set. Baptism and Burial fields recognise NOTE, PLAC, DATE sub-fields If Burial field is linked to BURI tag then CEME tag data is put in Place field Tags in Setup menus now defined in file 'Tagmenu' on application directory. Fields names and associated tags set can now be saved. Field names and tags saved in file header ADJUST click on iconbar opens Setup window Recognises SOUR tag and will place anything after it or following CONT and CONC tags in a textfile 'Proofs' in the Resources directory if one is used. Each SOUR tage is prefixed with the configured name of the tag with which it is associated Recognises DIV and ANUL tags and will put DV or AN in Ended By field in Family window if found and any associated date in EoM date field 2.12 Fixed bug in CSV import introduced when new fields added 2.13 Fixed anomoly in main display with adopted children not always being indicated 2.14 Fixed bug where DoD in Reports was sometimes wrongly shown as DoB 2.16 Modified to work on Iyonix and minor changes made for Select 4.39 Pedigree charts can now be left or right handed, controlled by >- and -< buttons in the Save Pedigree windows. 2.17 CTRL-P now pastes from clipboard as well as CTRL-V Location of Choices file can now be set in the !Run file. Saved in !Boot:Choices by default Fixed bug which stopped Names being reloaded with file 2.18 Tiling of Drawfile charts introduced. This enables a large chart to be split up into a series of smaller Drawfiles to facilitate printing. 2.19 Max record length increased to accomodate new fields. This had been overlooked and could cause an 'invalid record' error when loading a file Error report fixed which gave number of person, not family when trying to add an already linked child to a family. Ged-Anc 1.12 Fixed bug which caused error when selecting 'Clear' in Setup window Re-arranged memory allocation to make much more space for Notes 2.20 Fixed invisible error window problem on Select/Adjust Added 'Default' button to Chart Prefs window. Ged-Anc 1.13 9-12-04 Fixed problem which let date in CHAN (entry changed) tag overwrite dates of births, deaths, etc. 2.21 9.12.04 Fixed bug which would give error if mouse clicked while exporting GEDCOM No date field is included in GEDCOM if the date is null, previously is would insert DATE 0000 2.22 31.1.05 Fixed bug which stopped \DBA, \PBA, \DBU, \PBU tags from working 2.24 3.12.05 Fixed bug which could cause error when using Custom CSV export. 2.25 12.5.06 Fixed bug where there would be no date of birth in GEDCOM file if a Place of birth wasn't entered 2.26 12.6.2006 Modified CLI parsing to allow for bug on A9 which would cause an error when starting the program without a file. 2.27 9.7.2006 Start ident number for GEDCOM files can now be configured in Choices window 2.28 30.7.2006 Added \AAD tag for reports = Age At Death shown in years/months, y m Added \YAD tag for reports = Years old At Death shown as y 2.29 4.8.2006 Fixed bugs in \PAR, \NCH and \POM tags 2.30 8.12.2006 Fixed bug which could sometimes leave child linked to deleted family.